Diamond Member
- Banned
- #61
13% of the Country is black.
In 2000, 23% of the military was black.
That dropped to 19% by 2006.
I don't know what it is now, but I bet it's even less.
I suspect you will never again see such high numbers in the military. Black soldiers are so proud of having a Black Man as Commander in Chief. Then you see the conservatives calling him Hitler, and Fascist and his wife a bitch and a ho (even a blog about it on this site).
Is it any wonder that the Republican Party is shrinking? And they expect a big come back? Well, I can think of one group of people that will never vote for them. Oh, wait, then there was the way they treated Soto-mayor, "You have a lot of 'splainin' to do". Oh, wait, then there's the gays AND the feminists who were apparently the real cause of 9/11. How many groups is that now? Oh, even though they are not that many, add the more than 94% of US Scientists that are Democrats.
GOING, Going, going.......
Demographic treads, they way they are now and the way the Republicans attract the growing groups....not!, is a pretty good indicator of how much trouble the RNC is in.