Marjorie Taylor Greene Turns on Lauren Boebert After 'Space Lasers' Taunt

No response whatsoever, except to fling your monkey shit at the humans passing your cage. Your concession and abject humiliation is appreciated.
Says the perpetual liar.
Nobody has weapons in space. Especially Israel, and all you sheep better believe it.
Indeed (catching your intentional irony TGS). This gives more info about space lasers and why they are being developed by global players with means:
“The U.S. is a signatory to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which prohibits placing nuclear weapons in space. Another Defense official made clear that the treaty does not provide an obstacle to the deployment of either lasers or neutral particle beams in orbit. “The 1967 Outer Space Treaty says that weapons of mass destruction can not be placed into outer space and then it limits even further specifically military activities on celestial bodies, I think the moon or otherwise. But the treaty does not expressly prohibit activities that are not weapons of mass destruction on outer space”. Seems this wasn’t missed by the pro-space war crowd.

Please note the article’s print date: 2019. I have not found anything to determine if the restrictions have been expanded, but it doesn’t appear to be the case.
Do democrats ever have disagreements with each other? We don't know (or care) because republicans don't have the tax exempt global entity called "Media Matters" that monitors (only) conservative speech 24/7 365. Isn't there enough for lefties to worry about besides MJG "turning" on Boebert?

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