Mark Halprin Calls Obama A Dick On Air

Any criticism of the Dick Milhous Obama must be racism...lolololol

Obama might be a bit of a dick but his followers, wow... total dicks!
You racist fuckers crack me up sometimes....:lol:

How do you feel about Bush considering how much of a failure he was/is?

Keep in mind that it's because of HIM the country's in this mess now.

I'm curious to know.

I'll tell you when ytou tell me why you give Richard 0bama a pass for all his fuckups....
You mean these....?

Signed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, giving the FDA the authority to regulate the manufacturing, marketing, and sale of tobacco for the first time

Signed New START Treaty - nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia
Russia and U.S. Sign Nuclear Arms Reduction Pact -

Increased average fuel economy standards from 27.5mpg to 35.5mpg, starting in 2016
Emissions limits, greater fuel efficiency for cars, light trucks made official

Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, restoring basic protections against pay discrimination for women and other workers
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB
Pentagon Will Help Families Travel to Dover -

Reversed the policy of barring media coverage during the return of fallen soldiers to Dover Air Force Base
BBC NEWS | Americas | US war dead media blackout lifted

Launched to track spending from the Recovery Act, providing transparency and allowing the public to report fraud, waste, or abuse - Tracking the Money

Provided the Department of Veterans Affairs with more than $1.4 billion to improve services to America's Veterans
Our Products - VA Office of Budget

Signed the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which provides health care to 11 million kids -- 4 million of whom were previously uninsured
Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 |

Issued executive order to repeal Bush era restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research
Obama overturns Bush policy on stem cell research | World news |

Signed the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act, the first piece of comprehensive legislation aimed at improving the lives of Americans living with paralysis
Content Search - Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation

Developed stimulus package, which includes approx. $18 billion for nondefense scientific research and development
The Science of Spending Stimulus Money Wisely -

Signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the defense procurement and contracting system
Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Issued executive order to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay
Obama signs order to close Guantanamo Bay facility -

Ended Bush administration's CIA program of 'enhanced interrogation methods' by requiring that the Army field manual be used as the guide for terrorism interrogations
Obama signs order to close Guantanamo Bay facility -

Increased minority access to capital

Established Credit Card Bill of Rights, preventing credit card companies from imposing arbitrary rate increases on customers
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Establish a credit card bill of rights

Health Care Reform Bill, preventing insurance companies from denying insurance because of a pre-existing condition
Obama Signs Bill on Student Loans and Health Care -

Health Care Reform Bill, allowing children to remain covered by their parents' insurance until the age of 26
Obama Signs Bill on Student Loans and Health Care -

Tax cuts for up to 3.5 million small businesses to help pay for employee health care coverage
Obama Signs Bill on Student Loans and Health Care -

Tax credits for up to 29 million individuals to help pay for health insurance
Obama Signs Bill on Student Loans and Health Care -

Expansion of Medicaid to all individuals under age 65 with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level
For Consumers, Some Clarity on Health Care Changes -

Require health insurance plans to disclose how much of the premium actually goes to patient care
Obama Signs Bill on Student Loans and Health Care -

Added 4.6 billion USD to the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals
Our Products - VA Office of Budget


I'm sorry but those aren't EF UPS...they are VICTORIES and GREAT for the country.

Snap out of it you radical RW nutjob!!!


I say do YOU feel about Bush?
Wow, you guys hate the black guy. He doesn't eat babies. He didn't lie us into a war. He didn't let Bin Laden go. He's tried to get health care for millions of Americans.

But man, the hate is thick. It's dark. It's black.

When ya gots nutting slap da race card down. That'll show em.



The race card is now only valid when Herman Cain is involved.

You askin permission to use your race card against Cain? errrrr nebbermind you already did.
Halperin is the dick and he is definately a conservative Repub.

Halperin is just one more of tedious nothing-to-contribute regulars that Scarborough insists on putting on his show time after time. It's inexplicable.

He's also been consistently wrong in his analyses, but it takes something like THIS to get him suspended.

Morning Joe is a hack job show. It panders to the RW from start to finish. I don't know why I feel like I have to watch it in the morning, but that's my problem.

Anyway, whatever it takes to get another liar off the fine by me.
How do you feel about Bush considering how much of a failure he was/is?

Keep in mind that it's because of HIM the country's in this mess now.

I'm curious to know.

I'll tell you when ytou tell me why you give Richard 0bama a pass for all his fuckups....
You mean these....?


No, but if you think launching is some sort of praiseworthy accomplishment, then you're really not interested in intellectually honest debate...

But then we all knew that, DickATL....
Interesting how you want to ignore who controlled the HoR prior to January of this year... I guess jobs bills were unimportant way back then...

That's the kind of bullshit thing that Richard 0bama want's you to keep peddling... Thankfully, he has you loyalists to fluff him up...

you know, that might actually be a compelling argument if, in fact, the repubs didn't filibuster pretty much every bill the dems brought to the floor. but that's the kind of thing that the right likes to forget.

and the president's name is barak. :)

just helping.

and, for the record, i'm far from a "loyalist", it's just you guys have zip, zero, nada to offer and i'm bored of obama derangement syndrome

Thanks, I too am tired of House and about a dozen others, essentially I ignore them. They rarely have anything of substance to offer and most seem reality challenged.
Mark's bosses got every right to sit him down. Imus got sat down. Sarah and Michelle have been taking serious hammering for saying something very stupid things the last few months. Dr. House gets spun on his pointy head all the time for talking stupid. Tis what it is.
Interesting how you want to ignore who controlled the HoR prior to January of this year... I guess jobs bills were unimportant way back then...

That's the kind of bullshit thing that Richard 0bama want's you to keep peddling... Thankfully, he has you loyalists to fluff him up...

you know, that might actually be a compelling argument if, in fact, the repubs didn't filibuster pretty much every bill the dems brought to the floor. but that's the kind of thing that the right likes to forget.

and the president's name is barak. :)

just helping.

and, for the record, i'm far from a "loyalist", it's just you guys have zip, zero, nada to offer and i'm bored of obama derangement syndrome

Thanks, I too am tired of House and about a dozen others, essentially I ignore them. They rarely have anything of substance to offer and most seem reality challenged.

Jillian and I get along wonderfully...

Your post is dripping with irony, though....:lol:
Not only are House and gang mentally challenged, many, like House, are morally challenged. They lie to lie. Their types will lead to an Obama re-election.
Another case of someone getting in trouble with liberals because he was honest.

I would have thought he would have learned the lesson during the Juan Williams fiasco.
"Richard Obama??" No way! That shit is hilarious. Man,the Obama Butt-Sniffers over at NBC can't do anything right. What a bunch of Nutters. :)
What a bunch of Nazis over there at NBC. The guy was just being honest. Helperin is well known for getting high on Obama's butt-fumes,so his insult is especially hilarious. No sense of humor over at NBC i guess. Looks like it's Richard Obama from now on. lol! :)
Another case of someone getting in trouble with liberals because he was honest.

I would have thought he would have learned the lesson during the Juan Williams fiasco.

Obama was being a dick. The guy correctly stated that he was concerned about voters outside of his base, and how they would react to his attitude and rhetoric in the press conference.
Suspended for telling the truth?

Where's the faux outrage! Isn't he entitled to his opinion???

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