Martial Law Imminent USA 2009!


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

The USA is being prepared to enter Martial Law on several fronts and your time to be warned is running out. Wide-spectrum Jammers are already in place for taking the internet and all communications offline in preparation for enslaving We The People through panic transformed into pandemonium in the very near future.

Dailymotion - Martial Law Imminent USA 2009, a video from Auzarmes. Martial, Law, USA, NWO

The USA is shedding 700,000 JOBS every month amid 10,000 foreclosures EVERY DAY and Senor Obama is making ready to push his Open Borders/Fascist/New World Order “Comprehensive Amnesty” Agenda (link and link) down our throats, which will lead to certain ‘civil unrest’ for which our military ‘and’ foreign military troops are now preparing to control. This Illegal Amnesty Topic sees blood boiling for many U.S. citizens throughout the USA (story), because the Gov’t refuses to ‘enforce’ the provisions of the “Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986” (Wiki), which handed out “Amnesty” to potentially 3 million Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals in favor of NO MORE AMNESTY in the future!

[ame=""]YouTube - MARTIAL LAW ROUNDUP 2009 (Orginal)[/ame]

The US Economy is being driven into the ground right along with the value of the US Dollar in preparation for escalating the “Crisis” leading to Martial Law. Our military has been training in Urban Warfare Tactics in Iraq and Afghanistan in preparation for Martial Law here in the USA.

[ame=""]YouTube - MARTIAL LAW 2009 global economic crisis CRAZY Unemployment[/ame]

Congress had their secret meeting on March 13, 2008 where many of our representatives were ‘horrified’ to learn about the details pertaining to the USA being brought under Martial Law! Details about the ‘secret closed door meeting’ were first revealed in ‘a newspaper out of Brisbane, Australia’ (story) concerning the “American Collapse.” Listen to the details revealed in this short radio clip (here) that represents really scary stuff! Then prepare yourself for the warning of a former Congressman (here) concerning Martial Law camps in America.

[ame=""]YouTube - Update on Martial Law Preparations[/ame]

Then take a few minutes to look at the Martial Law Update where you can see many different Gov’t propaganda campaigns are ‘disturbing’ to say the very least. FEMA ordered 102,000 Prisoner Boxcars from China with shackles (story and story) for dealing with US citizens!

[ame=""]Straight Talk About Northcom[/ame]

[ame=""]26,000 Pastors For Martial Law[/ame]

Pandemonium will be transformed into mayhem, as lawless gangs are allowed to systematically murder, rape and pillage within specified perimeters of every metropolitan area in the USA; while international NATO troops ensure that nobody is allowed in or out of the controlled areas. The Military has already prepared mass graves for U.S. Citizens (my thread) where millions and millions of plastic coffins sit and wait for the killing of about 90 percent of the US Population. My best estimation is that you will have less than 72 hours to “get out of Dodge,” once ‘the crisis event’ (likely a nuke attack) takes place and Martial Law becomes the new reality.


You DO NOT want to be caught inside the large city metro areas, when pandemonium is transformed into mayhem; so you must do everything ‘right now’ to create your own survival plan to be executed at the proper time. The right preparations for you depend on your current situation:

1.Travel Trailer/Tent.
2. Food stocks like rice, dry beans/peas, etc..
3. Hunting/Fishing supplies.
4. Survival seed kits.
5. Guns and ammo and more guns.
6. Solar-powered/wind-up radios/flashlights.
7. Lighters/flint/magnifying glass devices for starting fires.
8. First Aid Kits/Poison Ivy countermeasures/Surgery kits.
9. Anything you can trade for needed supplies.

The US Dollar is headed for collapse, so right now is the perfect time to transform liquid assets into ‘things’ for survival. Talk to your family living out in the country about contingency plans ‘just in case’ Martial Law becomes the new reality, so everyone knows exactly what to do. Make plans to join together with other families in the area to protect yourselves and your survival supplies against the gangs of lawless marauders working to prepare themselves by robbing you; because the only thing they will respect is the gun pointed in their direction.


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These internment camps?

They'll offer free health care?

Count me in.

I love camping!
I hope they have swimming and fishing and water skiing.
The videos of the "internment camps have been around for a long time. Timothy McVeigh was supposedly a believer of these same theories, we see how that worked out for him. (and us)
One of those so-called "camps" is near me. It's an old airbase from the WWII era. I have been there several times to camp. (on my own, not forced) All that is left there is a big concrete slab in the desert.....In the winter it is home to snowbirds in RV's too cheap to pay for a space, in the summer it's a party spot.
We in the USA simply have enough REAL problems and don't need any more problems created by nut-jobs for their own nefarious purpose.
QUOTE=slackjawed;1149780]The videos of the "internment camps have been around for a long time. Timothy McVeigh was supposedly a believer of these same theories, we see how that worked out for him. (and us)

f-- off with your straw man...because I heard some people that dont belive there are fema camps molest children...just sayin

One of those so-called "camps" is near me. It's an old airbase from the WWII era. I have been there several times to camp. (on my own, not forced) All that is left there is a big concrete slab in the desert.....In the winter it is home to snowbirds in RV's too cheap to pay for a space, in the summer it's a party spot.
We in the USA simply have enough REAL problems and don't need any more problems created by nut-jobs for their own nefarious purpose

one of the biggest being denial and complacency...and lack of any real research..toward the preperations for martail law
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By the way, I am a jew and have both the names riothschild and blumenthal in my family history. I only post here to try to shut you up and advance my agenda of WORLD DOMINATION!
Oh I forgot to mention that I just had your IP traced and the Black helecopters have been dispatched to your location......

boy you arer just full of the psy-op lines and straw men...didint your mother warn you about too much televison...
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I know I should be ashamed taking advantage of the feeble minded like that, but it soi much fun! The thing is, you guys are so paranoid you don't know IF iam telling the truth or not, admit it, you have been listening for helecopter sounds since you read that......
I know I should be ashamed taking advantage of the feeble minded like that, but it soi much fun! The thing is, you guys are so paranoid you don't know IF iam telling the truth or not, admit it, you have been listening for helecopter sounds since you read that......

EOTS is fearless...and I have no how ever make a lot of assumptions about 9/11 truth and black helicopters and paranoia..... a trait not uncommon those suffering the effects of media programing
yup. i am guilty of getting my news from varied sources like nbc, msnbc, cnn, fox, huffington, drudge, ect.
I might add that the only place I see any creedence given to your ideas are the nut-job sites, which I also visit from time to time.
Did I mention I have already been issued my blue helmet?

ya using a tired old psy-op line spoon fed you from the media...responding as programmed with almost zero knowledge of which you sad...

[ame=]YouTube - Manu-fracturing Consent[/ame]

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