I've no proof or links or substantiation for this question... If Trump wins closely will Biden protest the election?

What is the OP saying?

That DEMS will do what TRUMPERS did?

No, he is saying you all will do what you have done every Presidential election you lost this century, try to overturn the results, riot, loot, an attempt insurrection. It's what your group of brownshirts does....

One of your leaders, Mad Max is already promising violence in the streets when the people strip you of power.
Hopefully Trump turnout will be significant enough that the gap is too great for Dems to cheat and win like they did last time.

BROKEN WATER MAIN….ERRRRRRRRR….CLOGGED TOILET. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Lying bags of shit.
No matter how small or great the loss, Dems will claim some foreign entity INTERFERRED and they really won it, thus Trump is illegitimate 2.0.
A little history lesson for evidently still some uninformed commentators on this board.

The first Presidential election I voted in was 1964 LBJ (Dem)/Goldwater (GOP).
LBJ won by a landslide. I voted for Goldwater.
Just couldn't comprehend how JFK would have selected a man like Johnson as VP who used this term frequently in describing blacks.

One time, Johnson asked Parker if he would prefer to be called by his name instead of “boy,” “******” or “chief.”.
When Parker (Johnson’s Black chauffeur) answered in the affirmative, however, Johnson raged, “as long as you are Black, and you’re gonna be Black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, ******, you just let it roll of your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddam piece of furniture

Oh and that was also the time Robert Carlyle Byrd (born Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr.; November 20, 1917 – June 28, 2010 was an American politician and musician who served as a United States senator from West Virginia for over 51 years, from 1959 until his death in 2010.
Byrd's political career spanned more than sixty years. He first entered the political arena by organizing and leading a local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s,
Depends on the circumstances and how you define "protest."

If it's close electorally, like for instance in 2000 where it came down to a few hundred votes in a single state. He will "protest" by exhausting his legal options. After that he'll concede.

If it's close but Trump wins but by a larger margin he will concede.

If he wins but Trump by virtue of States refusing to certify that win and picking Trump instead, we will have a constitutional crisis on our hands not seen since the Civil War. ( Something I actually think is the most likely outcome. Since I don't believe Swing States that have a GOP led statehouse would certify a Biden win.) Sure it will get ugly.

Now go through each of these scenarios reverse them and tell me in how many you believe Trump will simply concede?
Trump can't even spell concede. We'll be discussing the '24 rigged election until '28.
Trump can't even spell concede. We'll be discussing the '24 rigged election until '28.
If Progs are so intellectual why so many problems still exist in their own areas even with massive taxation to subsidize their grand designs? its not what Progs vote for. Its dragging everything else down with it. And people have a right to not be part of it.
No, he is saying you all will do what you have done every Presidential election you lost this century, try to overturn the results, riot, loot, an attempt insurrection. It's what your group of brownshirts does....

One of your leaders, Mad Max is already promising violence in the streets when the people strip you of power.
Of course none of that happened
Without Covid as an excuse for mail in ballots which facilitated phony voting if the election of Trump is close, will Biden protest? More importantly will the DOJ, CIA, etc. support Biden as they did in 2020?
Will the House not call for extra law enforcement? Where will the biased MSM be? Just a boring election.
Orr will the also protest? Truly folks and very honestly as much as I dislike Biden if he wins like he did in 2020 by a slim margin.. truly disturbing. I will just have to wait for the USA to collapse financially and politically with Biden elected.
I suspect Biden, and the Democrats won't protest. Because it seems like they've already conceded. The partisan drones supporting them, however, will completely flip out. Should make for some funny videos though, as long as you don't know any of the victims.
If you think there was an insurrection on Jan 6th 2021, you're mistaken.
Democrats will use everything and every violent tactic.
Of course the Quisling Media will call it "Peaceful but Firey Protesting" as they've previously did.
I believe that American citizens in every state, city, town, village and subdivision, will have to be prepared to protect themselves.
This is the Fundamental Transformation of America,

“Violence is the voice of the unheard!”
I suspect Biden, and the Democrats won't protest. Because it seems like they've already conceded. The partisan drones supporting them, however, will completely flip out. Should make for some funny videos though, as long as you don't know any of the victims.
#1 & 2 Washington was unopposed
#3 Monroe Electoral college results:
489-49. Electoral college vote percentage: 90.89.
#4 Roosevelt: Electoral college results: 523-8.Electoral college vote percentage: 98.49.
#5 Reagan: Electoral college results: 525-13. Electoral college vote percentage: 97.58.
#6 Nixon Electoral college results: 520-17. Electoral college vote percentage: 96.65.
#10 LBJ Electoral college results: 231-1. Electoral college vote percentage: 99.57.
So out of 45 men have serviced in 46 presidencies.
The rest of elections were very close.
#1 & 2 Washington was unopposed
#3 Monroe Electoral college results:
489-49. Electoral college vote percentage: 90.89.
#4 Roosevelt: Electoral college results: 523-8.Electoral college vote percentage: 98.49.
#5 Reagan: Electoral college results: 525-13. Electoral college vote percentage: 97.58.
#6 Nixon Electoral college results: 520-17. Electoral college vote percentage: 96.65.
#10 LBJ Electoral college results: 231-1. Electoral college vote percentage: 99.57.
So out of 45 men have serviced in 46 presidencies.
The rest are very close.
Cool story bro!

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