a question for democrats about the upcoming election .

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dems seem convinced that there is no way Trump will win in nov ... the question I have is what if he does win ? it appears the lawfare the Dems are implementing against him is having the opposite effect as Trump steadily climbs in the polls .. i'm not saying Trump is a 100% sure win in Nov but Dems seem to believe that Biden is .. the question is how will it effect the mental state of Dems if they lose ? you see even after Biden became POTUS the Dems have been constantly fixated on Trump ! even though he was no longer the POTUS Trump has occupied the largest space in the minds of Dems ! so instead of if Trump won in 2020 and would be soon leaving the political scene permanently Dems may have to deal with the Don for an additional 4 yrs ! that would be 12 long yrs in total ! so tell us Dems ... how will yalls mental state fare if Trump wins ?
Biden is now leading in polls. I don't know where you have been living, but in this country all we have heard for the last 3 years is how Trump is winning in the polls.
Now that Biden is up by 8, you just don't hear about polls anymore, which is good, because they are completely worthless.

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