To jail, or not to jail. The quandry Democrats find themselves in

If Dems pressure the DA's office to demand jail time, and demand the judge carry it out, they risk turning Trump into a cult hero to younger voters, who will view Trump as a 'Dexter Morgan', a 'Jack Sparrow', a 'Walter White' or some other antihero. Someone, younger voters might relate to more easily, and become attracted to.
Face it, existing Trump supporters, will stay in place, but if Trump's new found celebrity gets him another few points from other sources, he will win.

On the other hand, if the strategy turns to not asking for jail time, then the DA, the judge, and the Dems expose to the world, that the entire trial was simply an escapade to tie the hands of Trump, preventing him from focusing on his presidential run.

What to do?! :popcorn:
He should put on an ankle bracelet and go campaigning in every dem city

Your side will put him in jail. You didnt do all this rigging not to.
No rigging. It was a jury trial who’s verdict you don’t like, who’s jurors you are trying dox and will soon be receiving your death threats for doing their civic duty.

It is just another example of the fact that Trump could shoot a person in broad daylight and not lose a sloping le supporter.

You guys prove that every day.

Your next step is to start removing him from ballots all over the country.

Oh put-lease. The Supreme Court put a stop to that silliness, meanwhile you are trying to remove Biden from Ohio.

Planned political persucution. 1st appeal in Dem controlled judges, eventually to SCOTUS.
One of the identifying marks of a cult: the leader is always persecuted and the leader always right.

The BS law used to back door this rigged garbage had a 2 year Statue of limitations. Was only a misdomeaner charge. Max 5000 per charge fine.

No BS law involved or the judge would have thrown it out. A jury found him guilty. He has a right to appeal and he will.
No rigging. It was a jury trial who’s verdict you don’t like, who’s jurors you are trying dox and will soon be receiving your death threats for doing their civic duty.

It is just another example of the fact that Trump could shoot a person in broad daylight and not lose a sloping le supporter.

You guys prove that every day.

Oh put-lease. The Supreme Court put a stop to that silliness, meanwhile you are trying to remove Biden from Ohio.

One of the identifying marks of a cult: the leader is always persecuted and the leader always right.

No BS law involved or the judge would have thrown it out. A jury found him guilty. He has a right to appeal and he will.
Name the exact coded charge allowing a felony. Still hasnt been speced out.

Statue of limitations in 750 had expired. Never even found guilty of that.

No rigging. It was a jury trial who’s verdict you don’t like, who’s jurors you are trying dox and will soon be receiving your death threats for doing their civic duty.

It is just another example of the fact that Trump could shoot a person in broad daylight and not lose a sloping le supporter.

You guys prove that every day.

Oh put-lease. The Supreme Court put a stop to that silliness, meanwhile you are trying to remove Biden from Ohio.
When one of the prog children gets mutilated from your insane agendas, you have guilted the other side for it. Damn near all people know nothing of laws and how deep they go. Many Progs today are shooting people in broad daylight and getting away with it. Trump has not done that.
If Dems pressure the DA's office to demand jail time, and demand the judge carry it out, they risk turning Trump into a cult hero to younger voters, who will view Trump as a 'Dexter Morgan', a 'Jack Sparrow', a 'Walter White' or some other antihero. Someone, younger voters might relate to more easily, and become attracted to.
Face it, existing Trump supporters, will stay in place, but if Trump's new found celebrity gets him another few points from other sources, he will win.

On the other hand, if the strategy turns to not asking for jail time, then the DA, the judge, and the Dems expose to the world, that the entire trial was simply an escapade to tie the hands of Trump, preventing him from focusing on his presidential run.

What to do?! :popcorn:
I don’t relieve younger voters are as stupid as your run-of-the-mill MAGAmoron.
When one of the prog children gets mutilated from your insane agendas, you have guilted the other side for it. Damn near all people know nothing of laws and how deep they go. Many Progs today are shooting people in broad daylight and getting away with it. Trump has not done that.
And yet another retarded claim from a Trump supporter. Wait he didn’t murder anyone…it is ok!

But but….
And yet another retarded claim from a Trump supporter. Wait he didn’t murder anyone…it is ok!

But but….
Did they exceed and not prove the 750 misdomeaner charge.

Up yours and you Nazi wanna bees
And yet another retarded claim from a Trump supporter. Wait he didn’t murder anyone…it is ok!

But but….
It is Progs who are constantly on the stage. Joe has murdered many in his 50 years and imprisoned many more with his legislations and stupid responses to any domestic and world issues. Domestic Violence and a Prison Code he was involved with before he had hair plugs installed into his cranium we live with now. Many males are suffering from that. Coyote, Joe does not believe in any of this. All of us can change views. Joe changes when the wind changes.
If Dems pressure the DA's office to demand jail time, and demand the judge carry it out,
And, in the same vein......if Republicans pressure the DA's office to demand jail time so they can be rid of the anchor around their necks of Trump's candidacy, well...............


All this for some class E felonies over bookkeeping BS
Actually, it was an attempt to insert very (very) personal expenses as a business income-reducing tactic to lower the taxes owed to America and Americans. In short, it was a tax cheat also.
Not to mention, a rigging of the 2016 election.....which turned out to be the hook they hung him up on.

ps.....and there is, nor was, no need to bring up the adultery ickiness with Stormy Daniels, unless.................well, unless it was denied that he ever had sexual relations with her. Which, come to think of exactly what Trump & lawyers did. They denied the adultery. Which, no surprise, opened the door for the Prosecutor to demonstrate to the jury they were, ummmm, fibbers. Hence...Stormy to the witness stand. Which brought into doubt then the whole veracity of the Trump defense. If they would lie about that.....what else are they lying about?

(I wonder if it was the lead attorney's idea to deny the adultery, knowing it could open the door for Stormy herself as a witness, or was it his client's----the defendant---idea to deny the hotsheets?)

Turned out to be a shot-to-the-foot, or .....maybe that same foot-in-the-mouth?


...but this is all about the heightened intensity and wickedness ....... stewing in a broth of demonic revelry........This judge is possessed by witches,
I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got _________.
But damn, it is still entertaining.
The Mos Eisley Cantina in real life.


I'm actually a Trump supporter.
All who are surprised.....raise your hand.

Even Captain Obvious would describe that assertion as kinda sort of a ..."Duh! Who knew?"-moment.

It is Progs who are constantly on the stage. Joe has murdered many in his 50 years and imprisoned many more with his legislations and stupid responses to any domestic and world issues. Domestic Violence and a Prison Code he was involved with before he had hair plugs installed into his cranium we live with now. Many males are suffering from that. Coyote, Joe does not believe in any of this. All of us can change views. Joe changes when the wind changes.
Oh for God’s sake. Joe has “murdered“ no one…or at least no more than any other president. You don’t like his policies, fine…that’s legitimate. Hair plugs….interesting.
Oh for God’s sake. Joe has “murdered“ no one…or at least no more than any other president. You don’t like his policies, fine…that’s legitimate. Hair plugs….interesting.
10 dead Marines. Botched exit Afghanistan

Nice Watch as their coffins came by.

Reminds me of Bill and Somalia

Another Pres getting Americans killed.

Hillairy/ Obama Libya.

Murdering our troops
Oh for God’s sake. Joe has “murdered“ no one…or at least no more than any other president. You don’t like his policies, fine…that’s legitimate. Hair plugs….interesting.
Come on, man. His policies of laws passed have cause and effect. Equality on domestic violence with women in control.
What to do?! :popcorn:
Sentence him to do six months on . . .

Will Trump Serve Time In Prison? | The View​


A fate worse than both prison & death. :lol:
If Dems pressure the DA's office to demand jail time, and demand the judge carry it out, they risk turning Trump into a cult hero to younger voters, who will view Trump as a 'Dexter Morgan', a 'Jack Sparrow', a 'Walter White' or some other antihero. Someone, younger voters might relate to more easily, and become attracted to.
Face it, existing Trump supporters, will stay in place, but if Trump's new found celebrity gets him another few points from other sources, he will win.

On the other hand, if the strategy turns to not asking for jail time, then the DA, the judge, and the Dems expose to the world, that the entire trial was simply an escapade to tie the hands of Trump, preventing him from focusing on his presidential run.

What to do?! :popcorn:
And now for a dose of reality.

Donald Trump was convicted on felony charges. Will he go to prison?

A New York jury's historic conviction of Donald Trump on felony charges means his fate is now in the hands of the judge he has repeatedly ripped as "corrupt" and "incompetent."

Two experts told NBC News that it's unlikely Trump will be imprisoned based on his age, lack of a criminal record and other factors — and an analysis of thousands of cases found that very few people charged with the same crime receive jail time. But a third expert told NBC News he believes it is "substantially" likely Trump could end up behind bars.

Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records, a class E felony that is punishable by a fine, probation or up to four years in prison per count. During the trial, Judge Juan Merchan threatened to put Trump behind bars for violating his gag order, but it’s unclear whether the former president will face similar consequences now. It's expected that any sentence would be imposed concurrently, instead of consecutively.

Former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg, an NBC News analyst, said it's unlikely that Merchan would sentence Trump, 77, to any jail time, given his age and his status as a first-time, nonviolent offender. "I’d be very surprised if there's any sentence of incarceration at all," Rosenberg said. “Of course, he did spend a good bit of time insulting the judge who has the authority to incarcerate him.”

One thing is an absolute certainty. Merchan should give zero consideration to Don's candidacy in his sentencing. "His age and his status as a first-time, nonviolent offender" weigh against jail time. But the number of the offenses and the ancillary damage they caused, him being prez, calls for something more severe than probation. The perfect sentence would be home confinement and a fine.

BTW, the transparently false, political way the OP was written, suggesting his sentencing is up to Dems and not Merchan, is idiotic.
And now for a dose of reality.

Donald Trump was convicted on felony charges. Will he go to prison?

A New York jury's historic conviction of Donald Trump on felony charges means his fate is now in the hands of the judge he has repeatedly ripped as "corrupt" and "incompetent."

Two experts told NBC News that it's unlikely Trump will be imprisoned based on his age, lack of a criminal record and other factors — and an analysis of thousands of cases found that very few people charged with the same crime receive jail time. But a third expert told NBC News he believes it is "substantially" likely Trump could end up behind bars.

Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records, a class E felony that is punishable by a fine, probation or up to four years in prison per count. During the trial, Judge Juan Merchan threatened to put Trump behind bars for violating his gag order, but it’s unclear whether the former president will face similar consequences now. It's expected that any sentence would be imposed concurrently, instead of consecutively.

Former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg, an NBC News analyst, said it's unlikely that Merchan would sentence Trump, 77, to any jail time, given his age and his status as a first-time, nonviolent offender. "I’d be very surprised if there's any sentence of incarceration at all," Rosenberg said. “Of course, he did spend a good bit of time insulting the judge who has the authority to incarcerate him.”

One thing is an absolute certainty. Merchan should give zero consideration to Don's candidacy in his sentencing. "His age and his status as a first-time, nonviolent offender" weigh against jail time. But the number of the offenses and the ancillary damage they caused, him being prez, calls for something more severe than probation. The perfect sentence would be home confinement and a fine.

BTW, the transparently false, political way the OP was written, suggesting his sentencing is up to Dems and not Merchan, is idiotic.

I didn't say the sentence is "up to Dims". I'm asking, should they put 'pressure' on the prosecution, and the judge, to ask for, and give him jail time.

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