a question for democrats about the upcoming election .

dems seem convinced that there is no way Trump will win in nov ... the question I have is what if he does win ? it appears the lawfare the Dems are implementing against him is having the opposite effect as Trump steadily climbs in the polls .. i'm not saying Trump is a 100% sure win in Nov but Dems seem to believe that Biden is .. the question is how will it effect the mental state of Dems if they lose ? you see even after Biden became POTUS the Dems have been constantly fixated on Trump ! even though he was no longer the POTUS Trump has occupied the largest space in the minds of Dems ! so instead of if Trump won in 2020 and would be soon leaving the political scene permanently Dems may have to deal with the Don for an additional 4 yrs ! that would be 12 long yrs in total ! so tell us Dems ... how will yalls mental state fare if Trump wins ?
If Trump wins, election denials will be the highest they have ever been.
dems seem convinced that there is no way Trump will win in nov ... the question I have is what if he does win ? it appears the lawfare the Dems are implementing against him is having the opposite effect as Trump steadily climbs in the polls ..

Trump is falling in the polls. He used to have a huge lead on Biden and now it is a dead heat

You do see how much legal trouble he is running into now don't you? You don't think this will interfere at all with his chance of winning? Doesn't having all this legal trouble show signs of someone being a crook?
Yes. It shows the dems and their minions are crooks.
dems seem convinced that there is no way Trump will win in nov ... the question I have is what if he does win ? it appears the lawfare the Dems are implementing against him is having the opposite effect as Trump steadily climbs in the polls .. i'm not saying Trump is a 100% sure win in Nov but Dems seem to believe that Biden is .. the question is how will it effect the mental state of Dems if they lose ? you see even after Biden became POTUS the Dems have been constantly fixated on Trump ! even though he was no longer the POTUS Trump has occupied the largest space in the minds of Dems ! so instead of if Trump won in 2020 and would be soon leaving the political scene permanently Dems may have to deal with the Don for an additional 4 yrs ! that would be 12 long yrs in total ! so tell us Dems ... how will yalls mental state fare if Trump wins ?
The term total meltdown comes to mind....
I've seen a lot of Dems who really seem to be assuming that Biden will win. I don't get it.
yeah ... even though I defend Trump and tout his rising poll numbers I know he isn't a sure win ...
You do see how much legal trouble he is running into now don't you? You don't think this will interfere at all with his chance of winning? Doesn't having all this legal trouble show signs of someone being a crook?
its a sign that Dems are totalitarian banana republic dictators using lawfare in another election interference scheme .
For Trump to win
He'll have to take 4M vote directly from Biden into his total.
Not failing to vote, but people who voted for Biden but are now voting en masse for Trump.

There will be 8 million additional voters under 25 added to the rolls by November in a demo that goes 75% Biden.
Roe has moved millions of women off the couch and out of the GOP column
MAGAT policies kill Trump voters at a much higher rate than Biden voters

Ignore the polls which are, at this time purposely skewed to lure eyeballs.

Look at the world around you and ask yourself where Trump gets an extra 12M votes.
Trump is leading with the young vote and there wont be automatic mail in ballots mailed to every household in America ...
For Trump to win
He'll have to take 4M vote directly from Biden into his total.
Not failing to vote, but people who voted for Biden but are now voting en masse for Trump.

There will be 8 million additional voters under 25 added to the rolls by November in a demo that goes 75% Biden.
Roe has moved millions of women off the couch and out of the GOP column
MAGAT policies kill Trump voters at a much higher rate than Biden voters

Ignore the polls which are, at this time purposely skewed to lure eyeballs.

Look at the world around you and ask yourself where Trump gets an extra 12M votes.
I doubt Bribens getting over 80 million votes this go around pal ..
Why should they?

Trump taught America the last 4 years, that was A-OK with you all! In fact, every day a former President Biden should be out there, claiming the election was stolen, as fact, claiming Trump as illigitimate, dictate to Democratic congressmen to do nothing Trump wants legislatively and impeach his Administration, one by one, for the full next 4 years....

doesn't that sound FAIR to you?
in other words Trump is going to do what the Dems did after he won the 2016 election .
Putting aside your dubious claim about the current poll numbers, do you understand that this "the lawfare the Dems are implementing against him" is an euphemism for the enforcement of the rule of law?
we all know what's going on ... if the shoe were on the other foot the left would be in the streets committing mass violence again !
That's what's funny about this OP and why your question is so on the nose.

I'm pretty sure the OP, or basically anyone on the right who's politically engaged enough to be on this board is completely unwilling to state they'll accept a Biden win. While at the same time both you and me already said we would accept a Trump win. I'm pretty sure Mac1958 is too. Both destroying the premise of the OP and showing how much of it is simply projection.
I accept that Briben won the 2020 election with the help of election interference from the msm and 3 letter gov agencies that covered up the Briben families business dealings ..and also with the help of social media banning and censorship ..
Trump is leading with the young vote and there wont be automatic mail in ballots mailed to every household in America ...
And where did you see that?
That's right, in polls rigged to get eyeballs.

8 million more votes under 25
Trump losing support among older voters
Women for Biden by 20 points...

You're wishing.

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