Mass internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II as "precedent" for a registry of Muslims

Yes but it's closeted, cleverly concealed as The Democrat Party.

Right there in plain sight.
Any proposal to force American Muslims to register with the federal government
Why do you want American Muslims to register with the government?

No one has proposed that, except you and a few unelected pundits. Trump has never made any such proposal.

Why do you hate Muslims so much?

Deanster bit on false MSM propaganda yesterday. A typical brainless tool.
It was FDR that imprisoned American citizens without due process with an executive order. FDR should have been impeached and arrested but the former KKK member he appointed to the supreme court wrote the decision justifying the worst affront to the Constitution in history. Do modern lefties dare to compare the registry of legal or illegal aliens to the incarceration of Japanese citizens without due process?
Another Alt-Rightie who doesn't understand what a Declared War does as far as giving powers to the Executive Branch.

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