Mass State Government Takes Child From Parents and is Letting the Child Suffer Alone


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The #FreeJustina Case: A Daughter Seized by the State & Her Parents Legally Silenced - Until Now | Independent Journal Review

Lou and Linda Pelletier, the caring and responsible parents of Justina Pelletier, wanted nothing more than to see her their sick child get better. After following a course of treatment for mitochondrial disease, as diagnosed by Tufts Medical Center, Justina came down with the flu in February 2013.

Upon a recommendation by a Connecticut hospital, she was transferred to Boston Children’s Hospital. That is where the Pelletier’s nightmare began. Although she was meant to see a gastroenterologist, she instead wound up seeing a neurologist – who promptly diagnosted her with “somatoform” disorder, a psychosomatic illness implying Justina’s symptoms were ‘all in her head.’

What happened next is unimaginable and unacceptable. Boston Children’s Hospital alleged that Justina Pelletier’s parents had abused her with the medical treatment prescribed by her previous care providers, and reported the parents to the State of Massachusetts.

Not only was the judge’s verdict egregious – Justina was forcibly removed from her parents and awarded to the state – but the judge placed a gag order on the Pelletiers, which legally forbids them informing their fellow citizens about the state’s draconian actions.

1. The state sides with one hospital against another then takes the girl from her parents despite a lot of contrary evidence.

2. The contrary hospital has taken her off all her medications and now she is paralyzed from the waist down.

3) The judge gave a gag order to protect the last hospital that is letting this young girl die.

The fascist make-over of this country is going forward full speed..
I can't understand how this is allowed to happen.
The manner in which the state is going so hard core against this family is frightening.
The parents were doing what the doctors at the other hospital said needed to be done.
If there is a complaint from the state they should go after the first hospital.

I really hope someone in the legal system can step forward and help these parents.
That's fucked up. The daughter of a friend of ours went through similar experiences when not one, but three different specialists declared her symptoms psychosomatic. They knew that that was bullshit and thankfully were able to find a specialist that correctly diagnosed Chiari Malformation.

Chiari malformation Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic

She's had 2 surgeries since, but isn't out of the woods quite yet.
That's fucked up. The daughter of a friend of ours went through similar experiences when not one, but three different specialists declared her symptoms psychosomatic. They knew that that was bullshit and thankfully were able to find a specialist that correctly diagnosed Chiari Malformation.

Chiari malformation Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic

She's had 2 surgeries since, but isn't out of the woods quite yet.

Anyone get the idea that maybe the states are sensitive about how much money is spent for health care since the state is paying for it all for a great number of people?

Seems tough to be a specialist.
Justina Pelletier, the sick teenager who for the last year has been the center of a custody tug of war between her parents and the state of Massachusetts, will get treatment with her original doctors at Tufts Medical Center, a family court judge has ruled.

Her parents, Linda and Lou Pelletier of West Hartford, Conn., have argued that their 15-year-old daughter suffers from the physical effects of mitochondrial disease and has not been medically treated since Boston Children's Hospital diagnosed her with somatoform disorder in February 2013.

Parents Hail Small Victory for Sick Justina Pelletier - ABC News


Good and I hope they sue the shit out the hospital. I am not a proponent of suing, but if there was any case that deserves a law suit this is one IMO.

The girl was diagnosed at another facility, the second hospital said the diagnoses was wrong years later, took her off treatment , sued for custody and she became worse.
The #FreeJustina Case: A Daughter Seized by the State & Her Parents Legally Silenced - Until Now | Independent Journal Review

Lou and Linda Pelletier, the caring and responsible parents of Justina Pelletier, wanted nothing more than to see her their sick child get better. After following a course of treatment for mitochondrial disease, as diagnosed by Tufts Medical Center, Justina came down with the flu in February 2013.

Upon a recommendation by a Connecticut hospital, she was transferred to Boston Children’s Hospital. That is where the Pelletier’s nightmare began. Although she was meant to see a gastroenterologist, she instead wound up seeing a neurologist – who promptly diagnosted her with “somatoform” disorder, a psychosomatic illness implying Justina’s symptoms were ‘all in her head.’

What happened next is unimaginable and unacceptable. Boston Children’s Hospital alleged that Justina Pelletier’s parents had abused her with the medical treatment prescribed by her previous care providers, and reported the parents to the State of Massachusetts.

Not only was the judge’s verdict egregious – Justina was forcibly removed from her parents and awarded to the state – but the judge placed a gag order on the Pelletiers, which legally forbids them informing their fellow citizens about the state’s draconian actions.

1. The state sides with one hospital against another then takes the girl from her parents despite a lot of contrary evidence.

2. The contrary hospital has taken her off all her medications and now she is paralyzed from the waist down.

3) The judge gave a gag order to protect the last hospital that is letting this young girl die.

The fascist make-over of this country is going forward full speed..

it is a worthy cause to donate time and money

crap like this needs to come to an end
Boston Children’s Hospital alleged that Justina Pelletier’s parents had abused her with the medical treatment prescribed by her previous care providers, and reported the parents to the State of Massachusetts.

WTF ... i hope her parent get the best lawyer to get this to the court
The #FreeJustina Case: A Daughter Seized by the State & Her Parents Legally Silenced - Until Now | Independent Journal Review

Lou and Linda Pelletier, the caring and responsible parents of Justina Pelletier, wanted nothing more than to see her their sick child get better. After following a course of treatment for mitochondrial disease, as diagnosed by Tufts Medical Center, Justina came down with the flu in February 2013.

Upon a recommendation by a Connecticut hospital, she was transferred to Boston Children’s Hospital. That is where the Pelletier’s nightmare began. Although she was meant to see a gastroenterologist, she instead wound up seeing a neurologist – who promptly diagnosted her with “somatoform” disorder, a psychosomatic illness implying Justina’s symptoms were ‘all in her head.’

What happened next is unimaginable and unacceptable. Boston Children’s Hospital alleged that Justina Pelletier’s parents had abused her with the medical treatment prescribed by her previous care providers, and reported the parents to the State of Massachusetts.

Not only was the judge’s verdict egregious – Justina was forcibly removed from her parents and awarded to the state – but the judge placed a gag order on the Pelletiers, which legally forbids them informing their fellow citizens about the state’s draconian actions.

1. The state sides with one hospital against another then takes the girl from her parents despite a lot of contrary evidence.

2. The contrary hospital has taken her off all her medications and now she is paralyzed from the waist down.

3) The judge gave a gag order to protect the last hospital that is letting this young girl die.

The fascist make-over of this country is going forward full speed..

When I was working on my master's degree which brought me to the level of actually diagnosing and treating mental illness, one professor said, 'If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' She was SO right. Over my career I had 14 patients referred to me for psychiatric treatment. But their symptoms added up to nothing. So, I had CT scans done and all but one had some kind of brain lesion, tumor, or abscess. I think the other one actually was psychosomatic, but you can't pronounce that until you have ruled out EVERY physical cause. Or you end up with a travesty. And a malpractice suit.
The #FreeJustina Case: A Daughter Seized by the State & Her Parents Legally Silenced - Until Now | Independent Journal Review

Lou and Linda Pelletier, the caring and responsible parents of Justina Pelletier, wanted nothing more than to see her their sick child get better. After following a course of treatment for mitochondrial disease, as diagnosed by Tufts Medical Center, Justina came down with the flu in February 2013.

Upon a recommendation by a Connecticut hospital, she was transferred to Boston Children’s Hospital. That is where the Pelletier’s nightmare began. Although she was meant to see a gastroenterologist, she instead wound up seeing a neurologist – who promptly diagnosted her with “somatoform” disorder, a psychosomatic illness implying Justina’s symptoms were ‘all in her head.’

What happened next is unimaginable and unacceptable. Boston Children’s Hospital alleged that Justina Pelletier’s parents had abused her with the medical treatment prescribed by her previous care providers, and reported the parents to the State of Massachusetts.

Not only was the judge’s verdict egregious – Justina was forcibly removed from her parents and awarded to the state – but the judge placed a gag order on the Pelletiers, which legally forbids them informing their fellow citizens about the state’s draconian actions.

1. The state sides with one hospital against another then takes the girl from her parents despite a lot of contrary evidence.

2. The contrary hospital has taken her off all her medications and now she is paralyzed from the waist down.

3) The judge gave a gag order to protect the last hospital that is letting this young girl die.

The fascist make-over of this country is going forward full speed..

When I was working on my master's degree which brought me to the level of actually diagnosing and treating mental illness, one professor said, 'If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' She was SO right. Over my career I had 14 patients referred to me for psychiatric treatment. But their symptoms added up to nothing. So, I had CT scans done and all but one had some kind of brain lesion, tumor, or abscess. I think the other one actually was psychosomatic, but you can't pronounce that until you have ruled out EVERY physical cause. Or you end up with a travesty. And a malpractice suit.

You know, if you moved to Massachusetts you would be a millionaire by now, lol.

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