Massacre in Jerusalem

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Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Twenty minutes ago, Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, Jerusalem.

A truck collides with passarsby in Jerusalem, 15 critically wounded, at least 4 dead, some bodies are still trapped under truck's wheels.

More updates soon.
Twenty minutes ago, Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, Jerusalem.

A truck collides with passarsby in Jerusalem, 15 critically wounded, at least 4 dead, some bodies are still trapped under truck's wheels.

More updates soon.

Remember, it's only a "massacre" when an Arab kills Jews. When Jews kill Arabs, it's "military action".

Sod off.

Its true isn't it, an illegal settler just ran down a Palestinian on the West Bank, happens all the time never hits the news, only when a Palestinian does it we hear about it.

Because pallywood did not set it up, so it could not be fixed to show the " islamonazi truth "
Twenty minutes ago, Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, Jerusalem.

A truck collides with passarsby in Jerusalem, 15 critically wounded, at least 4 dead, some bodies are still trapped under truck's wheels.

More updates soon.

Remember, it's only a "massacre" when an Arab kills Jews. When Jews kill Arabs, it's "military action".

Sod off.

Its true isn't it, an illegal settler just ran down a Palestinian on the West Bank, happens all the time never hits the news, only when a Palestinian does it we hear about it.

Twenty minutes ago, Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, Jerusalem.

A truck collides with passarsby in Jerusalem, 15 critically wounded, at least 4 dead, some bodies are still trapped under truck's wheels.

More updates soon.

Remember, it's only a "massacre" when an Arab kills Jews. When Jews kill Arabs, it's "military action".

Sod off.

Its true isn't it, an illegal settler just ran down a Palestinian on the West Bank, happens all the time never hits the news, only when a Palestinian does it we hear about it.

That's rich, you asking for a link when you have gone against the site rules and opened a new thread without a Link in the OP
People, realize that being a pedestrian is hazardous around vehicles.

Don't walk close to the road.

And if you hear an engine look towards the sound of it.

If you see it coming at you, hopefully you have high enough I/Q (100 or more) to GET OUT OF THE WAY !!!

Jeeze !!!
While Azaria was not convicted of murder, the new law seeks to shield IDF members and prevent such a ruling from ever being handed down again.

The new law sends a clear message to our soldiers: When you protect us, we protect you,” the Deputy Defence Minister said.

The proposed new law seeks to extend the immunity to security forces before and after an operation. Current immunity is only granted while the operation is in progress.

The bill, according to Israeli press, says that “a member of the security forces will not bear criminal responsibility, nor be interrogated with a warning, and will be immune to every judicial action in connection with an operation he carried out or did not carry out, or an act he committed or did not commit, before, during and after an operation, depending on whether the operation was or was not carried out as part of his assignment, or in preparation to carry out his assignment, as member of the security forces.”

“This is a very balanced law which on the one hand will allow IDF soldiers to do their jobs and protect the State of Israel and its citizens without fearing a lawsuit, and on the other allows the government to remove a soldier's immunity if he breaks the rules,” Ben Dahan said, as cited by the Times of Israel.

‘You protect us, we protect you’: Israel mulls legal immunity extension for IDF soldiers

That has always been the case though, kill Palestinians all you want, we will not ask questions or will there be reprimand.
So you would have no problems if the IDF drove into crowds of arab muslims, fired illegal weapons at arab muslim children and ate Jews they had beaten to death. What justification can your provide for this inhuman act other than they are fighting for their freedom

Or they could just go back to Europe where they came from, that works, too.

I'll tell you what. Let's give the Palestinians the bombers and the tanks and let the Zionists have the trucks and the knives for a few years... that'll work.
Are you Native American? No, then you should go back to Europe where you came from, that works, too........ :eusa_whistle:

First things first.

Is it human? It would have to provide some proof of basic humanity before enquiring as to which variety.

So far, it hasn't.
Could care less about the UN and who manipulates them. I'm about 1/3 Ojibwa (isn't that funny how genetics actually works) but you're missing the historical point, on purpose maybe? I'll give ya a break this time;
The movement of peoples sometimes resulting in assimilation, sometimes conquest has never stopped, it slowed for a while but never stopped.

Oh and your ancestors were invited? By the Cherokee immigration bureau?

No, by the guy who gave Grandpa Ludwig a job when he came here in 1925...
Sigh, some people (like yourself) will avoid the reality if it show what hypocrites they are, the more it shows the more they will deny. The reality, however harsh it is, was the Americas were conquered, Israel took the lands under dispute when they were attacked and have kept the lands because of those lands strategic value to their enemies.

Of course the Americas were conquered. The British and French took the North, and the Spanish and Portugese took the South. The Apaches, Navajos, and Cherokees were put in reservations.

This is not 1BC, who was living on the land before the Hebrews committed genocide to it, you know the whole OT. Today you are doing a coup, killing the people who lived there for centuries because of some stories in a book. I do not like you people in the OT, I find you utterly revolting and disgusting, and not much has changed.
Could care less about the UN and who manipulates them. I'm about 1/3 Ojibwa (isn't that funny how genetics actually works) but you're missing the historical point, on purpose maybe? I'll give ya a break this time;
The movement of peoples sometimes resulting in assimilation, sometimes conquest has never stopped, it slowed for a while but never stopped.

Oh and your ancestors were invited? By the Cherokee immigration bureau?

No, by the guy who gave Grandpa Ludwig a job when he came here in 1925...
Sigh, some people (like yourself) will avoid the reality if it show what hypocrites they are, the more it shows the more they will deny. The reality, however harsh it is, was the Americas were conquered, Israel took the lands under dispute when they were attacked and have kept the lands because of those lands strategic value to their enemies.

Of course the Americas were conquered. The British and French took the North, and the Spanish and Portugese took the South. The Apaches, Navajos, and Cherokees were put in reservations.
Yeah, that's what I said. :dunno:

This is not 1BC, who was living on the land before the Hebrews committed genocide to it, you know the whole OT. Today you are doing a coup, killing the people who lived there for centuries because of some stories in a book. I do not like you people in the OT, I find you utterly revolting and disgusting, and not much has changed.
It doesn't matter, the "movement of peoples" around the world continues. It's not a rationalization, not a justification simply an acknowledgement of reality. As for who you find revolting and disgusting, no one gives a shit.
Originally posted by JoeB131
No, by the guy who gave Grandpa Ludwig a job when he came here in 1925...

From one Joe to another, ForeverYoung and Ringel are right...

The fact that your ancestors didn't make part of the first waves of english - european immigration that founded the country and started the ethnic cleasing of the indian nations of the East Coast doesn't matter one bit.

The later waves of german, italian immigration that happened in the 19th and 20th centuries joined and strenghthened the same supremacist state the settlers of Jamestown created 3 centuries ago just like the mass russian immigration into Israel after the collapse of the Soviet Union strenghtened the jewish supremacist state that caused the total colapse of the arab society in Palestine in 48.

I'm not trying to use one immorality to justify another.

I'm just stating the historical reality... if your ancestors were white and arrived in America between 1600 and the first half of the last century they definitely made part and contributed to a society very similar to the one that exists now in Palestine.

This is a fact.

This is not 1BC, who was living on the land before the Hebrews committed genocide to it, you know the whole OT. Today you are doing a coup, killing the people who lived there for centuries because of some stories in a book. I do not like you people in the OT, I find you utterly revolting and disgusting, and not much has changed.

Do I look like I care about who you like?
Could care less about the UN and who manipulates them. I'm about 1/3 Ojibwa (isn't that funny how genetics actually works) but you're missing the historical point, on purpose maybe? I'll give ya a break this time;
The movement of peoples sometimes resulting in assimilation, sometimes conquest has never stopped, it slowed for a while but never stopped.

Oh and your ancestors were invited? By the Cherokee immigration bureau?

No, by the guy who gave Grandpa Ludwig a job when he came here in 1925...
Sigh, some people (like yourself) will avoid the reality if it show what hypocrites they are, the more it shows the more they will deny. The reality, however harsh it is, was the Americas were conquered, Israel took the lands under dispute when they were attacked and have kept the lands because of those lands strategic value to their enemies.

Of course the Americas were conquered. The British and French took the North, and the Spanish and Portugese took the South. The Apaches, Navajos, and Cherokees were put in reservations.
Yeah, that's what I said. :dunno:

Just giving you some support there!
Could care less about the UN and who manipulates them. I'm about 1/3 Ojibwa (isn't that funny how genetics actually works) but you're missing the historical point, on purpose maybe? I'll give ya a break this time;
The movement of peoples sometimes resulting in assimilation, sometimes conquest has never stopped, it slowed for a while but never stopped.

Oh and your ancestors were invited? By the Cherokee immigration bureau?

No, by the guy who gave Grandpa Ludwig a job when he came here in 1925...
Sigh, some people (like yourself) will avoid the reality if it show what hypocrites they are, the more it shows the more they will deny. The reality, however harsh it is, was the Americas were conquered, Israel took the lands under dispute when they were attacked and have kept the lands because of those lands strategic value to their enemies.

Of course the Americas were conquered. The British and French took the North, and the Spanish and Portugese took the South. The Apaches, Navajos, and Cherokees were put in reservations.
Yeah, that's what I said. :dunno:

Just giving you some support there!
Off topic but the one's who treated the Indians the best, saw them as allies and trading partners, assimilated the most were the French, the Spanish and English were the worst.

This is not 1BC, who was living on the land before the Hebrews committed genocide to it, you know the whole OT. Today you are doing a coup, killing the people who lived there for centuries because of some stories in a book. I do not like you people in the OT, I find you utterly revolting and disgusting, and not much has changed.

Do I look like I care about who you like?

I can't see you, but I'm sure your simmering.
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