Massacre in Jerusalem

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What a whitewashing of history! Have you ever heard of Manifest Destiny? Reservations? Duplicitous treaties?

Yes, I have. Those things were all bad. What the Zionists are doing is also bad.

We can't undo thousands of years of history and no, no one is going to "send the Zionists back to Europe", that's pollyannish to the nth degree no matter how much you wish it would happen.
Didn't realize you were one of those conspiracy types who believe the Jews control our politics, I thought that kind of thinking lie in the realm of white supremacy and neo-Nazism........

Bud, even a broken clock is right twice a day...

And did you miss the point where politicians of both parties - even Obama- feel the need to kiss the ring of AIPAC and other Jewish lobbies?
Joe, I'm not saying don't stand and fight for what you believe even if I or anyone else disagrees with it, simply pointing out what reality is, understand what you're up against and pick your battles. This is one you can't win and realize history has proven over and over that sometimes the best of intentions lead to the worst of outcomes about as much as the worst of intentions can lead to the best of outcomes. Human nature is what it is, both good and bad, we can't change it and all we can hope for is to occasionally influence it.
With your Israel stance you might as well just be tilting at windmills, trying to remove the Jews from the Middle East and "send them back to Europe" would either result in genocide or WWIII, I can't see any other outcome.
ADDRESS the OP boys & girls!
Lieu. Ya'el Yekuthiel, 20 year old from Giv'ata'yim.

Re. Shir Hajaj, 22 year old from Ma'ale Edumim.

Re. Shira Zur, 20 year old from Haifa.

Re. Erez Orbach, 20 year old from Alon Shvut.

When activities like HAMAS fire rockets and mortars into Israel, that is an example of an organized crime activity.
Pffft! Chickenfeed compared to Israel's crimes.

What crimes, you often spout these islamonazi propaganda talking points but never provide any links to prove any crimes ?
They are in the news all the time.

How could you miss them?

Because I have seen no proven Israeli crimes in the News other than the seperation barrier, and that is old news. If you were certain of your ground you would be posting links to the crimes showing Israel is being charged and tried for them.

Now the requirement to enforce these act comes from the law that date back to a time even before The Great War and Balfour Declaration: Give the Occupying Authority the power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.
Of course Israel has never done this but it wants the protection of the law it constantly violates.

Because morons like you claim that doing so is a crime.........................
Lieu. Ya'el Yekuthiel, 20 year old from Giv'ata'yim.

Re. Shir Hajaj, 22 year old from Ma'ale Edumim.

Re. Shira Zur, 20 year old from Haifa.

Re. Erez Orbach, 20 year old from Alon Shvut.


May their memory be a blessing.
For those of you who don't know Hebrew, HY"D is an acronym which means "May G-d avenge their blood"! Amen.
Look, believe what you want to believe, I could care less because nothing anyone says is going to influence you, obviously. Considering most of what you espouse (across the board) you do live in a self made bubble and it appears hate drives at least some of it, unrealistic expectations the rest. But don't feel alone, most construct their own bubbles to live in and are frequently driven by the same motivational factors, why do you think history keeps repeating itself? Not in specific ways and outcomes but in general, people move around the globe, cultures come and go, empires rise and fall, war, famine, pestilence, etc, etc, etc.

Guy, your attempts at distraction are meaningless here.

Stupid is stealing someone's land and then wondering why they are doing their level best to kill you for it.
Mod Note:

This is CURRENT event. Does not require 1000 yrs of historical battling to fix CURRENT problems. No Crusades, no Byzantine era, no Biblical evidence.

If it does not contribute to understanding THIS event -- it's off topic. Assume the current state of politics and affairs and contribute ideas and concepts and solutions.

And LAY OFF each other... Or warnings will be issued. It's despicable to be spending energy flaming each other in threads like these.

From Right to Left: Shira Zur, Yael Yekuthiel, Shir Hajaj and Erez Orbach.
So, where are your 2000 or so pictures of the Palestinians killed in Gaza?

Why would I have their pictures?

I mourn for my people before I mourn for the people of my enemies.
It makes you wonder why Israel planted itself in the middle of its enemies. They should have looked for a place where they would have friends.

From Right to Left: Shira Zur, Yael Yekuthiel, Shir Hajaj and Erez Orbach.
So, where are your 2000 or so pictures of the Palestinians killed in Gaza?

Why would I have their pictures?

I mourn for my people before I mourn for the people of my enemies.
It makes you wonder why Israel planted itself in the middle of its enemies. They should have looked for a place where they would have friends.

Why its enemies chose the land of the Jews instead of half island of Arabia to settle in? That is also a legitimate question.

Friends? I bet the Jews of Haibar and Banu Qureiza thoughts about being "friends" with their neighbors, too.
Why its enemies chose the land of the Jews instead of half island of Arabia to settle in? That is also a legitimate question.
Because they have been living there peacefully for hundreds of years. They were not the enemies of anybody.
It makes you wonder why Israel planted itself in the middle of its enemies. They should have looked for a place where they would have friends.

Enemies? Now why would the Jewish people and the Arab Muslims be enemies? In particular, how were they enemies before the re-creation of Israel, as you suggest here? Aren't you one of the ones who is always saying that the Jews and the Arabs got along fine before? So, in fact, Israel planted herself in the middle of her friends.

The true question here, then, is why the Jewish people's friends turned on her?

From Right to Left: Shira Zur, Yael Yekuthiel, Shir Hajaj and Erez Orbach.
So, where are your 2000 or so pictures of the Palestinians killed in Gaza?

Why would I have their pictures?

I mourn for my people before I mourn for the people of my enemies.
It makes you wonder why Israel planted itself in the middle of its enemies. They should have looked for a place where they would have friends.

Israel didn't do anything, people did.
In which places did the Jews enjoy 'friendship'?
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