maxine waters says decleration on independence is racist

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They want to destroy our history, and our culture. Dumb white liberals seem to think this is fine, and seem to believe they would stop there. As if these Bolsheviks won’t end up trying to kill off all white people.
Maxine Waters is a waste of oxygen.

And a law requiring her to wear a double-mask forever should be passed, like yesterday.
Everything is racist. Blacks should not remain in a racist country. They should deprive this racist country of their greatness
If they don't like it here, they can take a plane to Africa and join their distant ancestors. I promise I will not try to keep them here.

talk about racist. she needs to loose her job.
Of course it's racist.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

To witter on about equality and liberty whilst enslaving almost a whole population/ethnic group means that population is not considered to be human. How much more racist can one be?
And how blind does one have to be not to see that? Well, I think that question is answered every day on this message bored.
Maxine Watters is a troll looking for attention
If the supposed principles of equality and liberty had been applied their enslavement would have ceased a lot earlier. Unfortunately for them the actual principles of Black inferiority were applied.
If the supposed principles had been applied their enslavement would have ceased a lot earlier. Unfortunately for them the actual principles of Black inferiority were applied.
Those principles were lived up to, aka applied

Whites freed the slaves

talk about racist. she needs to loose her job.
Of course it's racist.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

To witter on about equality and liberty whilst enslaving almost a whole population/ethnic group means that population is not considered to be human. How much more racist can one be?
Even in the 18th century, some Blacks were free.
Mad Max is one of the leading voices in the DNC. Their goal is to fundamentally change america. The concepts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are concepts that the left, like leftist regimes before them, will fight to undo

talk about racist. she needs to loose her job.
She has a point

With a bunch of racist race baiting democrats like her in power burning down our cities, do we really have any freedom and how does the Declaration protect us from these loons?

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