maxine waters says decleration on independence is racist

talk about racist. she needs to loose her job.
She has a point

With a bunch of racist race baiting democrats like her in power burning down our cities, do we really have any freedom and how does the Declaration protect us from these loons?
Mad Max, who was one of the leading voices of the insurrectionist brown shirts, the paramilitary of the DNC, clearly does not believe in life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. These, are not natural rights that the DNC believes all have

talk about racist. she needs to loose her job.
She has a point

With a bunch of racist race baiting democrats like her in power burning down our cities, do we really have any freedom and how does the Declaration protect us from these loons?
Mad Max, who was one of the leading voices of the insurrectionist brown shirts, the paramilitary of the DNC, clearly does not believe in life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. These, are not natural rights that the DNC believes all have
It is truly amazing how Maxine can associate with hatemongering racists like Louis Farrakhan, publicly call her supporters to act out in violence against her political opponents, be openly corrupt, and continue to get elected, let alone stay out of jail.

It is a sign that democracy has failed the US.
Maxine Watters is a troll looking for attention
The black slaves were granted freedom based on the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence
Don't expect this dolt to know that.

The black slaves were granted freedom based on the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence
Don't expect this dolt to know that.
Anyone would think both of you are ignorant of American history, where slaves were emancipated in the rebel states as a strategy a few years into the Civil War: the 'principles' of the Declaration of Independence had been applied to Blacks up till then.
Oh. I forgot...
It's amazing to see how 'Muricans have to look at their history through the filter of the propaganda they've consumed since birth. I mean, it's quite obvious Blacks weren't considered human yet dudes still witter on about freedom and equality as though that never happened and wasn't racist.

If it weren't for that piece of paper she wouldn't be free enough to bad mouth her country or have a position of power high enough to garner the attention she will get.

She should be thanking that piece of paper for her ability to be such a race baiting and ungrateful **** she is. Her freedom to do is because of the declaration of independence.

Any politician who publicly bashes the country they represent should be fired immediately and removed from their position with no exceptions.
If the supposed principles of equality and liberty had been applied their enslavement would have ceased a lot earlier. Unfortunately for them the actual principles of Black inferiority were applied.

talk about racist. she needs to loose her job.
She has a point

With a bunch of racist race baiting democrats like her in power burning down our cities, do we really have any freedom and how does the Declaration protect us from these loons?
The Declaration is not law. It does not protect us from anything.

talk about racist. she needs to loose her job.

She will not only NOT lose her position as Representative, but there is also talk about her possibly becoming a Senator from California.

If Senator Feinstein resigns, for example, the Governor of California has already promised to appoint a person of color to fill the vacancy. Some people are suggesting Representative Waters.

talk about racist. she needs to loose her job.
Of course it's racist.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

To witter on about equality and liberty whilst enslaving almost a whole population/ethnic group means that population is not considered to be human. How much more racist can one be?
If you can build something for a dollar, but to have total equity at three dollars, the patient dies.

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