maybe 2A advocates should welcome a gun ban/confiscation?

Not a chance. My guns are staying right where they are. They are well behaved and have murdered no one. My guns are none of your business.
Not a chance. My guns are staying right where they are. They are well behaved and have murdered no one. My guns are none of your business.
did you read the article? I'm not givin mine up either. But the point of the tounge in cheek article was to get the point across that if such a thing was tried, it wouldn't turn out like the gun grabbers would want it to. I mean, c'mon dude, if afghan hillbillies in the Khyber pass can make production quality Webley revolvers, AK's and Lee enfields with hand tools and scrap metal, think about what us American good ole boys can do with our 12 ton presses, bench lathes, stick welders, and oxyfuel.
England confiscated in 1996. Let's see if it was effective in reducing crime:
Gun crime in London is up 42% and violent crime is going through the roof, up over 95% in some areas of England.
Get off the Lib gun grab train.
England confiscated in 1996. Let's see if it was effective in reducing crime:
Gun crime in London is up 42% and violent crime is going through the roof, up over 95% in some areas of England.
Get off the Lib gun grab train.
I'm not ON the lib gun grab train...the article is from an organization called Jews for the Preservation of firearms ownership and its a satirical piecew to show how dumb the idea of gun grabbing is in the first place
My guns which I've never had in my life are currently exploring the NGC 6210 nebula. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Welcome a gun-ban or confiscation?

Only in inner-city Black and Hispanic neighborhoods - the spawning ground of gang-bangers and drug-dealers.
Welcome a gun-ban or confiscation?

Only in inner-city Black and Hispanic neighborhoods - the spawning ground of gang-bangers and drug-dealers.
you didn't read it did you....its from a group called Jews for the preservation of firearms ownership.......the entire article is comedy/satire pointing out how stupid the idea of gun cobnfiscation is in the first place
Welcome a gun-ban or confiscation?

Only in inner-city Black and Hispanic neighborhoods - the spawning ground of gang-bangers and drug-dealers.
you didn't read it did you....its from a group called Jews for the preservation of firearms ownership.......the entire article is comedy/satire pointing out how stupid the idea of gun cobnfiscation is in the first place
Correct... I didn't read the bull$hit article... no need... I was playing to the thread title... next slide, please...
Welcome a gun-ban or confiscation?

Only in inner-city Black and Hispanic neighborhoods - the spawning ground of gang-bangers and drug-dealers.
you didn't read it did you....its from a group called Jews for the preservation of firearms ownership.......the entire article is comedy/satire pointing out how stupid the idea of gun cobnfiscation is in the first place
Correct... I didn't read the bull$hit article... no need... I was playing to the thread title... next slide, please...
read it, its actually pretty funny...and Jews for the preservation of firearms ownership are ANYTHING but bullshit. They have exposed the gun grabbers fallacies for decades. Check out their documentary "innocents betrayed" which uses hard facts to prove the connection between gun control and genocide, with references to gun grabbing laws that preceded the murderous regimes of Mao, Hitler and Stalin.

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