Where will the right wing wave come from now

Just a week ago these boards were full of neo nazi joy as they constantly predicted a right wing wave crashing over the world.

Afew meaningless EU election results presaged a rise of the 4rth Reich that would last a thousand years.

But that seems doomed to fail. The weirdo Wilders is not running Holland. A coalition is running Holland.

Farage did not sweep to power as a "real conservative". In fact he got less seats than pro Gaza.. Independents. ANd less than Sinn Fein.

And less than a week later we see neo nazis in France get stuffed to the great despair of maga because they didnt understand how democracy works..

So where is this great surge coming from.? There doesnt appear to be one. You were all lied to.

Maybe Andorra might pull off a shock LOL?

Debates don't decide elections.
Enjoy your tax increases, crap NHS, lack of dentists, overcrowded prisons and poo filled water. The Labour promise to fix these things by taxing non-resident millionaires is laughable. Workers very much are going to get taxed and still have crap NHS, lack of dentists, overcrowded prisons and poo filled water. The Land Rover Party isn't going to be your salvation. They are going to raise your taxes, spend it on immigrants and sending weapons to the Ukraine, and pat each other on the butt at their wine-soaked weekends in the country.
Deadstick is right you know. That sounds like a load of bollox. Who is the Land Rover party ?
Hey Tommy, notice which group got the most actual votes:
And by the way to those who do not know, 'National Rally' is the far right.

2024 results by group​

GroupPercent of votes
Pct. of votes
New Popular Front (NFP)26.9%178
Macron + Allies (Ens.)22.3150
National Rally + Allies (RN)37.3142
The Republicans (LR)5.139
Other Right3.527
Other Centrists2.015
Other Left1.715
Other Miscellaneous1.110
Other Far Right0.21
Other Far Left0.00
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Deadstick is right you know. That sounds like a load of bollox. Who is the Land Rover party ?
You can go with all the feel good you want but reality doesn't change. Your 9B "decarbonization" tax will be paid for by you having even higher energy costs. Labour's new funding for everything while allegedly lowering your national debt just isn't possible period without taxing the hell out of everybody. The UK can't meet its funding now. There is no way to lower the debt and increase funding for a single thing. Nobody believes that Labour can "grow the economy" by any significant amount because your economy is stagnating since Brexit and placing heavy taxes on those you need to grow the economy never works out ever. So their choices are break a promise about 1) no working class taxes 2) no increase in the national debt or 3) funding all the other crap they alleged they were going to expand investment in. My money is one #4--1, 2 and 3.

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