that was quick, their first day ...

toot your horn much, what else might they have included in their preamble - like free the slaves.
The earliest date for the abolition of the importation of slaves was included in the Constitution. Then it was abolished at the earliest date.
Why? America is not Christian. Never was. Never should be.

Americans should celebrate American Civil Religion.

America did not exist in 1636 Saint_Ding.
When do you think America was first settled? And by whom? What were you taught in school?
When do you think America was first settled? And by whom? What were you taught in school?
America’s birthday is July 4, 1776. Every settler before that was not a citizen of the United States of America. In 1776 less than 20% of the settlers were Christians.

Were you taught that is OK to lie about history just because you are a Jesus loving Catholic Republican.
America’s birthday is July 4, 1776. Every settler before that was not a citizen of the United States of America. In 1776 less than 20% of the settlers were Christians.

Were you taught that is OK to lie about history just because you are a Jesus loving Catholic Republican.
I can't believe you are going to re-write history because you hate Christianity so much.
I can't believe you are going to re-write history because you hate Christianity so much.
I do not hate Christianity at all. I am a rational theist like Washington Adams, Jefferson, and Madison; none of them hated Christianity. They just felt that Christianity if given too much power in the state is a threat to any government based upon self rule.

That’s the problem we are having today with Trump REPUBLICAN Christians. WTF are you wanting to shame women if they decide to end a pregnancy before it gets too far along.

I hate your moralizing in the name of Jesus Christ who you think died on the cross for everybody? Yes I hate people like you who call yourself a Christian just so you can shame people who cause no harm to you ever.

You bring great disgrace to the genuine teachings of Jesus Christ. Read what Thomas Jefferson said about it.
I’m telling the true story. What do you think is not true?
Your "story" is a figment of your hatred towards Christianity and Christians. You want to deny America's Christian heritage? Be my guest with your mental masturbations.

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