Like I said; You sure do have some nasty anal obsessions going on there.:cul2:day after day after day after day. damn. And answer my question... unless all you want to talk about is cock and ass.

Think about that the next time a priest puts his abomination into that gaping hole in your face.

What does his eminence say about oral sex between a man a woman, giving or getting? :popcorn:

I love it that you can't be honest about what Leviticus 18 says.
Which would conform to the reason given for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, violence.

Sodom and Gomorrah is a fictional story. There were no cities of the Plain in the time of Abraham.

The story is about sexual violence.
Most traditional English translations interpret Leviticus 18:22 as a divine condemnation of erotic, same-sex relationships.
And listed among other abominations. It's straightforward. The context was don't do as the Egyptians did.
Has nothing to do with Egyptians.
Leviticus 18:3

You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you once lived, nor shall you do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you; do not conform to their customs.

Then he reeled off a number of things not to do.

You shall not have intercourse with your father’s wife, for that would be a disgrace to your father.
You shall not have intercourse with your sister,* d your father’s daughter or your mother’s daughter, whether she was born in your own household or born elsewhere.
You shall not have intercourse with your son’s daughter or with your daughter’s daughter,* for that would be a disgrace to you.
You shall not have intercourse with the daughter whom your father’s wife bore to him in his household,e since she, too, is your sister.
You shall not have intercourse with your father’s sister,f since she is your father’s relative.
You shall not have intercourse with your mother’s sister, since she is your mother’s relative.
You shall not disgrace your father’s brother by having sexual relations with his wife,g since she, too, is your aunt.
You shall not have intercourse with your daughter-in-law;* h she is your son’s wife; you shall not have intercourse with her.
You shall not have intercourse with your brother’s wife;* i that would be a disgrace to your brother.
You shall not have intercourse with a woman and also with her daughter, nor shall you marry and have intercourse with her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter;j they are related to her. This would be shameful.
While your wife is still living you shall not marry her sister as her rival and have intercourse with her.k

You shall not approach a woman to have intercourse with her while she is in her menstrual uncleanness.l
You shall not have sexual relations with your neighbor’s wife,* m defiling yourself with her.
n You shall not offer any of your offspring for immolation to Molech,* thus profaning the name of your God. I am the LORD.
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman;o such a thing is an abomination.
You shall not have sexual relations with an animal, defiling yourself with it; nor shall a woman set herself in front of an animal to mate with it; that is perverse.p

Do not defile yourselves by any of these things, because by them the nations whom I am driving out of your way have defiled themselves.

And so the land has become defiled, and I have punished it for its wickedness, and the land has vomited out its inhabitants.q
You, however, must keep my statutes and decrees, avoiding all these abominations, both the natives and the aliens resident among you—
because the previous inhabitants did all these abominations and the land became defiled;

otherwise the land will vomit you out also for having defiled it, just as it vomited out the nations before you.
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The point is that Christmas is literally proof of America's Christian heritage.

Not that everyone must participate celebrating it. Although many still do.
America recognizes its heritage of many religions and spiritual traditions.

For instance, Muslims and Jews get to officially celebrate their religions.
America recognizes its heritage of many religions and spiritual traditions.

For instance, Muslims and Jews get to officially celebrate their religions.
Are you familiar with the New England Primer? It's what ALL colonial American children were taught with.
America recognizes its heritage of many religions and spiritual traditions.
Sure, not really the same thing though. What's America's Jewish heritage or America's Muslim heritage? How does that compare to America's Christian heritage in terms of timing and magnitude?

Were there any Muslim colonies in early America?
Sure, not really the same thing though. What's America's Jewish heritage or America's Muslim heritage? How does that compare to America's Christian heritage in terms of timing and magnitude?

Were there any Muslim colonies in early America?
Nope. But there were Muslim slaves.
They didn't have any books. The average American might have a family Bible.
The New England Primer was the first reading primer designed for the American colonies. It became the most successful educational textbook published in 17th-century colonial United States and it became the foundation of most schooling before the 1790s.

In the 17th century, the schoolbooks in use had been Bibles brought over from England. By 1690, Boston publishers were reprinting the English Protestant Tutor under the title of The New England Primer. The Primer included additional material that made it widely popular with colonial schools until it was supplanted by Noah Webster's Blue Back Speller after 1790.

The New England Primer was first published between 1687 and 1690 by printer Benjamin Harris, who had come to Boston in 1686 to escape the brief Catholic ascendancy under James II. It was based largely upon The Protestant Tutor, which he had published in England,[1] and was the first reading primer designed for the American Colonies.

The selections in the New England Primer varied somewhat over time, although there was standard content for beginning reading instruction. Included were the alphabet, vowels, consonants, double letters, and syllabaries of two letters to six letter syllables. The 90-page work contained religious maxims, woodcuts, alphabetical assistants, acronyms, catechism answers, and moral lessons. The primer remained in print well into the 19th century and was even used until the 20th century. A reported 2 million copies were sold in the 18th century. No copies of editions before 1727 are known to survive; earlier editions are known only from publishers' and booksellers' advertisements.

ding said: America's Christian Heritage is indisputable. The second best-selling book in the American colonies was the New England Primer. Five million copies existed in America in 1776. At that time, there were only four million people in America. Many of its selections were drawn from the King James Bible. The New England Prime was the foundation of schooling that all children studied from at the time of our Founding

Christian Nationalism establishes religious superiority over others,

Do not defile yourselves by any of these things, because by them the nations whom I am driving out of your way have defiled themselves.

The point is that Christmas is literally proof of America's Christian heritage.

I do not dispute that America has a Christian heritage. Every rock above Sea Level on Earth that was invaded by European explorers has a Christian heritage. That’s mostly because they didn’t have the weaponry that European “civilization“ evolved over the years mostly fighting over religion.

What Saint_Ding cannot explain is what does a school book carrying passages from the Holy Bible have to do with the founding of the United States of America.

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