Least we forget, March 1933: The Enabling Act becomes law in Germany

Yet factual. First step a fascist regime does is dehumanize their enemy. Then they disarm them. Then they set loose their dogs.

You forgot step 2.

And it's going to cost you.
You mean like using terms like “vermin”?

Oh wait. That’s you creeps
I missed it? Trump stated that he has a particular love for
people uneducated as opposed to those educated?

Yes. Trump said he loves the uneducated.. demagogues usually appeal to the mob mentality. Hitler certainly did. He got rid of anyone with an education who might challenge his garbage ideas. ... Clergy, professors, lawyers etc... and then he shut down 90% of German newspapers.
Yes. Trump said he loves the uneducated.. demagogues usually appeal to the mob mentality. Hitler certainly did. He got rid of anyone with an education who might challenge his garbage ideas. ... Clergy, professors, lawyers etc... and then he shut down 90% of German newspapers.
I was looking for evidence of your statement that Trump
said----in sum and substance ' I prefer uneducated people to
educated people '
Yet factual. First step a fascist regime does is dehumanize their enemy. Then they disarm them. Then they set loose their dogs.

You forgot step 2.

And it's going to cost you.

You should read up on Fascists and Nationalists of the 20th century. Hitler didn't disarm the Germans. He disarmed Socialists, Communists, Jews and Democrats.
I was looking for evidence of your statement that Trump
said----in sum and substance ' I prefer uneducated people to
educated people '

After winning the vote of the state's Republicans by a wide margin on Tuesday, the real estate billionaire rattled off a list of those groups who swept him to victory: "We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."

You should read up on Fascists and Nationalists of the 20th century. Hitler didn't disarm the Germans. He disarmed Socialists, Communists, Jews and Democrats.
ok------Saint Constantine disarmed jews too----disarmament
of jews is a feature of Canon Law....and Shariah Law (a kinda
copy-cat thing) Al Nabi Adolf was a baptized catholic in
good standing and also expressed his admiration for islam.
You should read up on Canon Law, Shariah Law and the
Nuremburg code.
ok------Saint Constantine disarmed jews too----disarmament
of jews is a feature of Canon Law....and Shariah Law (a kinda
copy-cat thing) Al Nabi Adolf was a baptized catholic in
good standing and also expressed his admiration for islam.
You should read up on Canon Law, Shariah Law and the
Nuremburg code.

I have. Hitler wasn't much of a Catholic or a Christian. Hitler despised all the "mud people" which included the Arabs.
I have. Hitler wasn't much of a Catholic or a Christian. Hitler despised all the "mud people" which included the Arabs.
As the legend goes----Constantine was not much of a christian---he just MAGICALLY "SAW THE LIGHT" on his
deathbed-----but long before that he sponsored the classic
hate book from which genocidal canon law and the Inquisition
was spawned -----to wit, the 'new' testicle. Adolf did not
like christianity because it is JOOOOISH -----he liked islam a lot better-----muhummad is more consistent with----THOR.
Constantine, Muhummad, Adolf----genocidal maniacs---all three. (coincidentally they all wanted to get rid of jews)
As the legend goes----Constantine was not much of a christian---he just MAGICALLY "SAW THE LIGHT" on his
deathbed-----but long before that he sponsored the classic
hate book from which genocidal canon law and the Inquisition
was spawned -----to wit, the 'new' testicle. Adolf did not
like christianity because it is JOOOOISH -----he liked islam a lot better-----muhummad is more consistent with----THOR.
Constantine, Muhummad, Adolf----genocidal maniacs---all three. (coincidentally they all wanted to get rid of jews)

You consider the Bible to be a hate book?
You consider the Bible to be a hate book?
what are you calling "the bible"? The hate book is
commonly called 'the new testament'----it reflects
Constantine's Hatred of the people who rejected
Roman EMPIRE rule----to wit---the Judeans. Constantine
was, first and, foremost, AN IMPERIALIST EMPEROR----
examples of his doppelgangers would be Muhummad,
Adolf, Khameinei and even Erdogan
what are you calling "the bible"? The hate book is
commonly called 'the new testament'----it reflects
Constantine's Hatred of the people who rejected
Roman EMPIRE rule----to wit---the Judeans. Constantine
was, first and, foremost, AN IMPERIALIST EMPEROR----
examples of his doppelgangers would be Muhummad,
Adolf, Khameinei and even Erdogan

The Jewish factions in Palestine were fighting each other and the Romans 300 years before Constantine.
The Jewish factions in Palestine were fighting each other and the Romans 300 years before Constantine.
SO? the Jews were STILL resisting Roman EMPIRE over Judea at the time of Constantine. BRUSH UP--your sunday
school marm destroyed your mind. The fight between jews
in JUDEA before Constantine was very similar to the faction
fight in the North American Colonies before 1776---the
Patriots vs Loyalists -----aka Americans vs SELL OUTS.
For the record---the Patriots were called "rebels"---and
'hangable' in British law. The Patriots in Judea were called
PHARISEES ---and crucifiable in Roman law. The Pharisees
remained subject to execution in the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE,
based on Justinian law, then Canon Law, then the law of
the Inquisition and Shariah and more recently the Nuremberg
You mean like using terms like “vermin”?

Oh wait. That’s you creeps
Yeah, those who break the LAW are vermin. Not all democrats are vermin. Only those who break the law!

That's you creeps who call EVERYONE who doesn't think like you a enemy.
The first thing Hitler did was take over the media so there would be no criticism of the socialist nationalist party. Biden didn't have to do that. The media went along willingly. Germany ended up with a maniac and the U.S. has a demented old fool with his trembling thumb on the nuclear button. Which is worse?

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