They were not “Christian” in the way that the Biblicists of today who make up the Republican Party base believe. Republican Trump Christians in the Saving Baby Fetus and anti-democracy movement base everything on the White Christian Nationalist Big LIE.
The ironic and sad part of all of this is that all of these so called believers don't seem to realize that Trump is the epitome of the mythological talking serpent in their own A&E fairy tale. WTF!

And they want him elected president, WTF even at the cost of their own soul, the exact opposite of what God did in Genesis 3:14, condemning the talking serpent as the lowest of all lowlifes.

Jesus must think they are idiots. They should start praying in a hurry that there really is no God...

Or just snap out of it, spit out the poison of a direct descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent of old. Now that would qualify as a miracle equivalent to the resurrection of the dead.
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Some founders may have thought organized Christianity as derived through the Catholic Church was a corrupt institution and a threat to the concept of a people-ruled government they were dreaming up.

Tell every potential voter you know about the Republican Project 2025. In that plan for the destruction of Western liberal democracy The WHITE Christian Nationalist Wing of the MAGA movement under Donald J Trump will try to put a stop to women having recreational sex and worse.

The Project 2025 plan is not a game," Henson told viewers. "Look it up!"

Ruffalo shared Henson's speech on X and added, "Project 2025 is not a game, it’s white Christian nationalism. It is the Sharia Law of the “Christian” crazy people who aren’t Christian at all but want to control every aspect of your life."

The fact-checking team Snopes reports it has received a "flood" on inquiries about Project 2025 — which has begun to surge on Google Trends.
the New England Primer. Five million copies existed in America in 1776. Many of its selections were drawn from the King James Bible.

ding said: America's Christian Heritage is indisputable. The second best-selling book in the American colonies was the New England Primer. Five million copies existed in America in 1776. At that time, there were only four million people in America. Many of its selections were drawn from the King James Bible. The New England Prime was the foundation of schooling that all children studied from at the time of our Founding

NotfooledbyW said: They {our founders} could not tear the church down as part of the revolutionary undertaking they dreamed up because the Church State Monarchy they tore down was the only means of educating young minds {and} advanced minds at the time. The enlightenment class were those who {overcame} a childhood education system that included Christian dogma and Biblical superstition as truth
Is Christmas a national holiday :dunno:
* Mithra was born on December 25th. Called "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun", it was incorporated into the church in the 4th century AD as the birthday of Christ. Although Jesus was born in October, Christians today celebrate Mithras birthday, believing it was Jesus' birthday.

NotfooledbyW said: "The enlightenment class were those who {overcame} a childhood education system that included Christian dogma and Biblical superstition as truth".

"Even though Christmas is for many Americans a religious occasion, the federal courts have upheld its status as a legal holiday. As one court reasoned, “by giving federal employees a paid vacation day on Christmas, the government is doing no more than recognizing the cultural significance of the holiday.”. to make money off of all of you in your shopping frenzy.
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* Mithra was born on December 25th. Called "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun", it was incorporated into the church in the 4th century AD as the birthday of Christ. Although Jesus was born in October, Christians today celebrate Mithras birthday, believing it was Jesus' birthday.

NotfooledbyW said: "The enlightenment class were those who {overcame} a childhood education system that included Christian dogma and Biblical superstition as truth".
You can't even figure out Leviticus 18:22.
You can't even figure out Leviticus 18:22.

Of course I did. Listen up! This Law has absolutely nothing whatever to do with sex. Pervert.

Its about not submitting to another man as if he was a woman just like every priest does when forsaking natural relations with women vowing obedience to the pope, a man, for life! WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SEX. A clear and brazen violation of this law. And then they have the audacity to stand between God and all Catholics, demanding to be called "father" * (God) telling them they can worship a matzo made by human hands and not die but receive eternal life (after they die) derp! while condemning others for their sexual preferences even though many of them are gay. Ask the Pope. As queer as you. What blindness! What hypocrisy! Obviously a brood of talking serpents. And you died "the Death" a curse, when you swallowed their bullshit and descended into hell the realm of the dead in the very day that you were bitten decades ago.

Didn't you ever read the story about the talking serpent "beguiling" Adam and Eve? They died


Now you don't have even an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white bolder in the middle of a plowed field. I am very impressed by the many wonderful things eating matzos has done for you.


*And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Mat 23:9
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Of course I did.

Its about not submitting to another man as if he was a woman just like every priest does when forsaking natural relations with women to marry the pope, a man, for life! A clear and brazen violation of this law. And they have the audacity to stand between God and all catholics telling them they can worship a matzo made by human hands and not die but receive eternal life (after they die) derp while condemning others for their sexual preferences when many of them are gay.

As queer as you are.

No. It's about not sticking your cock in the ass of another man. It's right after the command to not fuck your mother.
Jefferson’s Creator was not the Author of the Book of Isaiah or any other irrational
So called divinely inspired pages of the Judeo Christian Bible.


Assyria defeated; Jerusalem blessed (33:1-24)

In speaking again about the current situation, Isaiah announces God’s judgment on the Assyrians. They have plundered greedily and acted treacherously (33:1). Isaiah cries to God to save Jerusalem, so that the enemy armies will flee and the Jerusalemites can seize the goods left behind (2-4). Assured that God will act, the prophet praises him before the actual victory. God gives his people security and wisdom, and they respond with reverence and trust (5-6).

Isaiah then hears of the treachery of Assyria towards the Judean representatives who came to negotiate a peace settlement. Assyria accepted from Judah the heavy fine it demanded as the price of peace, then betrayed Judah by saying it would attack Jerusalem just the same. Judah’s administration in the country areas had broken down as a result of the Assyrian invasion, so the Assyrians decided to finish the job properly by capturing the capital, Jerusalem (7-9; see 2 Kings 18:13-37).

But God will now act. He will fight against the Assyrians, turning their expected victory into a shattering defeat. His action will be so devastating that people everywhere will be amazed (10-13). God will act against the Jerusalemites also, sparing only those who live uprightly and who refuse to join in the misdeeds of the ungodly (14-16).
With the besieging armies gone, the people will look out on the open fields again. They will cheer their king as he appears before them in his royal robes (17). No longer will they hear the foreign language of the Assyrian generals who took the Judeans’ money and then betrayed them (18-19). People will flock to Jerusalem for the feasts and festivals as in former days (20). Jerusalem will be safe, like a city on the edge of a broad river where no enemy warships approach and therefore no one needs to prepare any ships for battle. The city, by God’s forgiving mercy, will be a place of good health and ample provision (21-24).

Assyria defeated; Jerusalem blessed (33:1-24)

In speaking again about the current situation, Isaiah announces God’s judgment on the Assyrians. They have plundered greedily and acted treacherously (33:1). Isaiah cries to God to save Jerusalem, so that the enemy armies will flee and the Jerusalemites can seize the goods left behind (2-4). Assured that God will act, the prophet praises him before the actual victory. God gives his people security and wisdom, and they respond with reverence and trust (5-6).

Isaiah then hears of the treachery of Assyria towards the Judean representatives who came to negotiate a peace settlement. Assyria accepted from Judah the heavy fine it demanded as the price of peace, then betrayed Judah by saying it would attack Jerusalem just the same. Judah’s administration in the country areas had broken down as a result of the Assyrian invasion, so the Assyrians decided to finish the job properly by capturing the capital, Jerusalem (7-9; see 2 Kings 18:13-37).

But God will now act. He will fight against the Assyrians, turning their expected victory into a shattering defeat. His action will be so devastating that people everywhere will be amazed (10-13). God will act against the Jerusalemites also, sparing only those who live uprightly and who refuse to join in the misdeeds of the ungodly (14-16).
With the besieging armies gone, the people will look out on the open fields again. They will cheer their king as he appears before them in his royal robes (17). No longer will they hear the foreign language of the Assyrian generals who took the Judeans’ money and then betrayed them (18-19). People will flock to Jerusalem for the feasts and festivals as in former days (20). Jerusalem will be safe, like a city on the edge of a broad river where no enemy warships approach and therefore no one needs to prepare any ships for battle. The city, by God’s forgiving mercy, will be a place of good health and ample provision (21-24).
How is this applicable to America's Christian heritage?
When Jesus walked the earth, he challenged his disciples to love the marginalized, oppressed, and disenfranchised. Christian Nationalism establishes religious superiority over others, which in turn hinders the missional mandate of the Gospel. Jesus said to humble oneself, not rise above others.”
Christian Nationalism leans heavily on the Cyrus Scofield Bible which was published about 1909.
No. It's about not sticking your cock in the ass of another man. It's right after the command to not fuck your mother.

Don't look now but there goes your pretentious facade, whoosh, right out the window. Good job!

You sure do have some nasty anal obsessions going on there.:cul2:day after day after day. damn

BTW what does his eminence say about oral sex between a man a woman, giving or getting?

Is that bad too? fucking hypocrite! I never met a Catholic that gave a shit, like saintly you.

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Don't look now but there goes your pretentious facade, whoosh, right out the window. Good job!

You sure do have some nasty anal obsessions going on there. :cul2:

BTW what does his eminence say about oral sex with a woman, whether giving or getting?

Is that bad too? fucking hypocrite! I never met a Catholic that gave a shit, like saintly you.

Leviticus 18 lists a whole host of things that their neighbors did that they were warned against doing. One of which was butt fucking other men. Your failure to acknowledge such an obvious translation of Leviticus 18 reveals you have a horse in the race and is the root cause of all you anger towards Christianity.
Leviticus 18 lists a whole host of things that their neighbors did that they were warned against doing. One of which was butt fucking other men. Your failure to acknowledge such an obvious translation of Leviticus 18 reveals you have a horse in the race and is the root cause of all you anger towards Christianity.
Like I said; You sure do have some nasty anal obsessions going on there.:cul2:day after day after day after day. damn. And answer my question... unless all you want to talk about is cock and ass.

(Think about that the next time a priest puts his abomination into that gaping hole in your face.)

What does his eminence say about oral sex between a man a woman, giving or getting? :popcorn:

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You can't even figure out Leviticus 18:22.

Most traditional English translations interpret Leviticus 18:22 as a divine condemnation of erotic, same-sex relationships.

However, careful philological, literary analysis of the original Hebrew shows another interpretation: a divine condemnation of same-sex rape. The original Hebrew is more ambiguous than the traditional English translation. Instead of practicing the principle of lectio difficilior probabilitor, “the more difficult reading and more likely reading,” modern translators dispel ambiguity by making the translation as simple as possible.

However, the translators’ attempts to clarify the Hebrew text presents a reading that is not only harmful, but incongruent to the context of Leviticus.

This essay focuses on three main points in K. Renato Ling’s literary analysis of Lev. 18:22 that provides a holistic interpretation. First, the addition of propositions within Lev. 18:22 by English translators alters the verse’s meaning.

Second, the reoccurrence of the rare Hebrew word miškevēwithin Gen. 49:4 presents a philological nuance that is crucial to discerning the word’s incestuous connotation in Lev. 18:22.

Third, when this alternative connotation of the miškevēis applied to Lev. 18:22 and compared to the textual context within the book, Lev. 18:22 becomes more cohesive.

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