Trump Heritage

The Trump Family’s Immigrant Story​

For decades, they denied their German roots, claiming to be of Scandinavian origin.

I'm sure some people want to believe it's a classic American story, but...

"Friedrich Trump came to the United States amid a flood of Germans...he married a woman from his German hometown, Kallstadt, where his parents had owned vineyards, and attempted to return home with his fortune. But when his draft dodging came to the fore, the couple lost their Bavarian citizenship and were obliged to return to America for good."

Sounds good on the face of it except they didn't want to stay in America. They went home and got thrown out.
Friedrich Trump left German to dodge the draft.

Bone Spur Donald did not fall far from that tree.
That family never wanted to live in America. They left. They only came back because they got thrown out of their homeland.
Bone Spur's grandfather left Bavaria the first time to evade the draft. He came to America, made his fortune running a whorehouse, then returned to Bavaria. But because he had evaded the draft, he was ejected and came back to America.

The Trump family money has been dirty from the get-go.
His family for generations have served. Not one Trump for 4 generations -- their whole time on the USA.

But not ole’ Joe. Five deferments.

That’s some commendable family history. Hunter Biden had a short time in the Navy Reserves before being thrown out after testing positive for cocaine.
A lot of alcoholism in the Biden family.

Trump's family? Good gawd, you're pathetically ignorant. Donald fears the bottle because his family is so cursed with it.

The Trump Family’s Immigrant Story​

For decades, they denied their German roots, claiming to be of Scandinavian origin.

I'm sure some people want to believe it's a classic American story, but...

"Friedrich Trump came to the United States amid a flood of Germans...he married a woman from his German hometown, Kallstadt, where his parents had owned vineyards, and attempted to return home with his fortune. But when his draft dodging came to the fore, the couple lost their Bavarian citizenship and were obliged to return to America for good."

Sounds good on the face of it except they didn't want to stay in America. They went home and got thrown out.
Why are you against immigrants?

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