Least we forget, March 1933: The Enabling Act becomes law in Germany

nope, nothing about the POTUS being above the law.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
That's because Democrats misunderstand the ruling and think it puts the President above the law. It doesn't. However, because of the Supremacy Clause states can't make it illegal for the President to do what the Constitution authorizes him to do.
SO? the Jews were STILL resisting Roman EMPIRE over Judea at the time of Constantine. BRUSH UP--your sunday
school marm destroyed your mind. The fight between jews
in JUDEA before Constantine was very similar to the faction
fight in the North American Colonies before 1776---the
Patriots vs Loyalists -----aka Americans vs SELL OUTS.
For the record---the Patriots were called "rebels"---and
'hangable' in British law. The Patriots in Judea were called
PHARISEES ---and crucifiable in Roman law. The Pharisees
remained subject to execution in the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE,
based on Justinian law, then Canon Law, then the law of
the Inquisition and Shariah and more recently the Nuremberg
How do you live with so much hate, rosie?
Then Trump is vermin.
First they say that using terms like vermin are a way to dehumanize the opposition and then when it’s pointed at that is is THEY who do this… it becomes “ only when they deserve it “
How do you live with so much hate, rosie?
where do you see 'hate'? you are looking in a
mirror? For what reason were people crucified
in Judea under Jewish law?.... and for what reason
under Roman law? You enjoy pretending to be
THAT CLUELESS? or you are just eager to swallow
the jellybeans?
That's because Democrats misunderstand the ruling and think it puts the President above the law. It doesn't. However, because of the Supremacy Clause states can't make it illegal for the President to do what the Constitution authorizes him to do.

True, it only puts things the president does as an official act above the law....that is sooooo much better.
where do you see 'hate'? you are looking in a
mirror? For what reason were people crucified
in Judea under Jewish law?.... and for what reason
under Roman law? You enjoy pretending to be
THAT CLUELESS? or you are just eager to swallow
the jellybeans?
Surada is unable to answer the very simple
question I posed regarding the HISTORIC use
of crucifixion SIMPLE QUESTION----beyond her
very educated little self.
Surada is unable to answer the very simple
question I posed regarding the HISTORIC use
of crucifixion SIMPLE QUESTION----beyond her
very educated little self.

Crucifixion was most frequently used to punish political or religious agitators, pirates, slaves, or those who had no civil rights.
In March of 1933, the Enabling act was passed in soon to be NAZI Germany, Give the Chief Executive the power to enforce his own laws without checks and balances.

6 Months later Germany was a one party nation.

And you know what happened after that.

The so-called supreme court has just started us down the same path.

Is the world ready for the next Reich?

Sounds exactly like the Democrat Party playbook.

Crucifixion was most frequently used to punish political or religious agitators, pirates, slaves, or those who had no civil rights.
fairly good information----IN JUDEA---where there was at the time of Jesus---a specific Jewish system of law which ENITRELY
precluded crucifixion----the ONLY purpose of crucifixion was
BY ROME for a crime against Rome----to wit, SEDITION against
Roman rule. Long ago----when I was a very naive kid---I came across a little christmas play (the local catholic school did them)----Jesus is being crucified next to TWO "robbers" They
"repent" and Jesus says "ok you come to heaven with me"
I grew into teen years. I understood that at the time of Jesus---there were Roman officials and ALSO a jewish system involving courts. In the Jewish system---"robbery was a minor crime---and ABSOLUTELY NEVER CAPITAL----In the ROMAN system---the only crime that concerned the Romans was SEDITION AGAINST ROME.. Suradie swallowed the baby christmas story

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