Least we forget, March 1933: The Enabling Act becomes law in Germany

Just as I thought, you have no source to backup your claims. You just makeup whatever you want to believe. Makeup whatever version of events you want. Makeup whatever morality you want. Just like Eve did.

The money changers were Jewish.

Roman coins could not be accepted at the Temple because they had the Emperor's picture on them. In order to buy an animal to sacrifice, you had to exchange Roman coins for coins acceptable at the Temple, specifically Tyrian shekels.

The money changers were basically unpaid volunteers. The Mishnah Shekelim (1:3) says that they were compensated only for the coinage they lost to breakage (people would literally break coins into pieces back then to make change, etc).

The Mishnah also says they were watched like hawks by Temple authorities on the alert for any skimming.

This raises some question as to why Jesus would have attacked the money changers. They weren't doing anything wrong, they weren't making any profit or ripping anybody off and they were actually serving a necessary function under Jewish law. A lot of scholars (JD Crossan is a prominent example) think for this reason that the assault on the money changers was not an attempt to "cleanse" the Temple, but was an attempt to stop the Temple from functioning altogether - that it was an assault (symbolically at last) on the institution of the Temple itself. There were groups of Jews who regarded Herod's Temple as illegitimate.

The Qumran sect, for example, rejected temple sacrifice, substituted repentance and baptism and said that the Temple had been replaced by their "body," which was what they called their own community or ecclesia so to speak.
Again, you provide no sources.

Do you believe the Bible is telling the truth, yes or no?

Do you believe Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God? Yes or no?

Are you a “Jew”? Yes or no.
try this one PASSOVER PLOT by Hugh I Schonfield
I believe that the NT was commissioned by Constantine--
Emperor of Rome and was compiled based on putative
writings which are non-extant and possible beliefs of
members of the council that wrote it. I know that Constantine despised the JUDEANS who rebelled against
Roman rule IN GENERAL and particularly in Judea. The leaders of the Rebellion were mostly Pharisees or followers
of Pharisees. IMO Jesus was a typical Pharisee. The Romans crucified Pharisees wholesale for virtually the only reason that Judeans were crucified----to wit, sedition against Rome. You probably did not learn in Sunday school that
crucifixion is completely proscribed in Jewish law, ESPECIALLY
by Pharisees
You moron if it wasnt for the courts in Germany, Hitler would have never existed. End of story.
As far as Jackson goes, she has the right to her professional opinion, which I happen to disagree with. Unlike you morons, we dont call people fake dems or DINO's if they do something we disagree with. You're a moron and a hypocrite.
/----/ "Unlike you morons, we dont call people fake dems or DINO's if they do something we disagree with."
Try and keep up, moron.
Maine Representative Jared Golden has once again opposed a new bill approved by President Joe Biden. His recent opposition toward these bills has resulted in some party members calling him a "Democrat in Name Only" or a "DINO."

The Democrat was the only vote in his party against the Build Back Better plan, saying that he made his decision due to what he described as "a $280 billion tax break for millionaires." He previously voted against the $1.9 billion COVID-19 relief package in March.

"I believe we've made progress so far, but there is still time left, and it's not too late to do better," he said in a statement. "I will be voting 'no' tonight, but that doesn't mean I will oppose a final version of this bill if some meaningful changes are made to this legislation."

In an interview with the Associated Press, he said that people deserve better than the policies proposed by the Biden administration. Golden also stood by his vote against the COVID package.

"I don't think people should accept things like this as the price of doing business," he said.

The money changers were Jewish.

Roman coins could not be accepted at the Temple because they had the Emperor's picture on them. In order to buy an animal to sacrifice, you had to exchange Roman coins for coins acceptable at the Temple, specifically Tyrian shekels.

The money changers were basically unpaid volunteers. The Mishnah Shekelim (1:3) says that they were compensated only for the coinage they lost to breakage (people would literally break coins into pieces back then to make change, etc).

The Mishnah also says they were watched like hawks by Temple authorities on the alert for any skimming.

This raises some question as to why Jesus would have attacked the money changers. They weren't doing anything wrong, they weren't making any profit or ripping anybody off and they were actually serving a necessary function under Jewish law. A lot of scholars (JD Crossan is a prominent example) think for this reason that the assault on the money changers was not an attempt to "cleanse" the Temple, but was an attempt to stop the Temple from functioning altogether - that it was an assault (symbolically at last) on the institution of the Temple itself. There were groups of Jews who regarded Herod's Temple as illegitimate.

The Qumran sect, for example, rejected temple sacrifice, substituted repentance and baptism and said that the Temple had been replaced by their "body," which was what they called their own community or ecclesia so to speak.
wrong again. The money changers like the tax collectors AT THAT TIME were involved in Roman corruption. For those of us who actually read the NT----it is noted that the tax collectors were DESPISED PEOPLE----fact---because they were shills for Rome as were the money changers, the high priests and HEROD actually not a jew---he was an Edomite---his mother a Nabatean and he was educated in Rome and
and his family was tight with CAESAR---not eligible to be
King--as John, the Pharisee cousin of Jesus, so annoyingly
pointed out. Your sophistry and incessant repetition thereof is entertaining.
try this one PASSOVER PLOT by Hugh I Schonfield
I believe that the NT was commissioned by Constantine--
Emperor of Rome and was compiled based on putative
writings which are non-extant and possible beliefs of
members of the council that wrote it. I know that Constantine despised the JUDEANS who rebelled against
Roman rule IN GENERAL and particularly in Judea. The leaders of the Rebellion were mostly Pharisees or followers
of Pharisees. IMO Jesus was a typical Pharisee. The Romans crucified Pharisees wholesale for virtually the only reason that Judeans were crucified----to wit, sedition against Rome. You probably did not learn in Sunday school that
crucifixion is completely proscribed in Jewish law, ESPECIALLY
by Pharisees
LOL, just as I thought, your “source” is a 20th century Jew who rejected the divinity of Christ.

I don’t care what you “believe”.

You also did not answer my questions because you are a coward and a liar.
LOL, just as I thought, your “source” is a 20th century Jew who rejected the divinity of Christ.

I don’t care what you “believe”.

You also did not answer my questions because you are a coward and a liar.
wrong again------I did answer your silly questions
You are INCAPABLE of answering mine---
because you are shit----you have no beliefs---your head is stuffed with jelly beans.
from surada---The Qumran sect, for example, rejected temple sacrifice, substituted repentance and baptism and said that the Temple had been replaced by their "body," which was what they called their own community or ecclesia so to speak.

for those who do not know----there was a time that some
christian theologians were desperate to FIND allusions to
Jesus in the dead sea scrolls and theorized that he was a
member of the Qumran sect---AND invented all kinds of
unverified and unverifiable characteristics thereof. They all
seem to have given up except for Surada. I know of no evidence that the Qumran people decided reject the issue of
the Temple rite when the Temple existed. That animal sacrifice is not necessary for personal repentance is and
was not news. It is a rite confined to the Temple. There
was some discussion as to whether it could be transported
elsewhere-----the answer turned out to be NO. ALSO--note--- one did not have to BUY animals to be sacrificed in the
Temple----coins to buy sacrifices did not create the need for
money changers
Again, you provide no sources.

Josephus Flavius describes CAIAPHUS and---lots of his relatives as ROMAN APPOINTEES -----to the position of high priest and as Collaborators of PONTIUS PILATE. <<<< that is the equivalent in Jewish history as describing them as KAPOS in Auschwitz. I do not expect a jelly-bean school graduate to actually grasp the issue
wrong again. The money changers like the tax collectors AT THAT TIME were involved in Roman corruption. For those of us who actually read the NT----it is noted that the tax collectors were DESPISED PEOPLE----fact---because they were shills for Rome as were the money changers, the high priests and HEROD actually not a jew---he was an Edomite---his mother a Nabatean and he was educated in Rome and
and his family was tight with CAESAR---not eligible to be
King--as John, the Pharisee cousin of Jesus, so annoyingly
pointed out. Your sophistry and incessant repetition thereof is entertaining.


I know. I remember the forced conversion of the Edomites under John Hyrcanus. Did I spell that correctly?
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Qos is also considered the structural parallel to Yahweh in Idumea. Some say that the Edomites also worshiped Yahweh, especially the Kenites, a small tribe thought to be Canaanite smelters. The Israelite cult of Yahweh was associated with copper and a bronze serpent, which is a common symbol of metallurgy.

I know. I remember the forced conversion of the Edomites under John Heracles. Did I spell that correctly?
The Edomites were, technically, descended from Isaac---
the heir of Abraham via JACOB's (ISRAEL'S) twin brother
Esau. The Edomites of Edom---were in continual tribal
warfare with "ISRAEL" ie the descendants of Jacob.
The religion that evolved in Edom was a conglomeration
the "israel" thing and some other influences---but very
extensively assimilated into the Israel ethos to the point
that there was extensive intermarriage and just standard
assimilation-----the descendants of the HASMONEAN
partyline managed to overcome them and decided to
INCORPORATE them back into the "family" whether they liked it or not. In most cases it was not really a problem
and the tribal delineation became obviated. It was a
family story that started out with a pot of lentil soup more
like the sunni/shiite divide than an actual separate nation
----something like the Followers of John Knox vs the
survivors of Oliver Cromwell.---and the loyal subjects of
bonny Prince what-his-name and the extensive left side
of Henry VIII 's bed, descendants. ALL IN THE FAMILY
Qos is also considered the structural parallel to Yahweh in Idumea. Some say that the Edomites also worshiped Yahweh, especially the Kenites, a small tribe thought to be Canaanite smelters. The Israelite cult of Yahweh was associated with copper and a bronze serpent, which is a common symbol of metallurgy.
the bronze Serpent was eventually destroyed in a symbolic
break with the vestiges of idolatry.
The Edomites were, technically, descended from Isaac---
the heir of Abraham via JACOB's (ISRAEL'S) twin brother
Esau. The Edomites of Edom---were in continual tribal
warfare with "ISRAEL" ie the descendants of Jacob.
The religion that evolved in Edom was a conglomeration
the "israel" thing and some other influences---but very
extensively assimilated into the Israel ethos to the point
that there was extensive intermarriage and just standard
assimilation-----the descendants of the HASMONEAN
partyline managed to overcome them and decided to
INCORPORATE them back into the "family" whether they liked it or not. In most cases it was not really a problem
and the tribal delineation became obviated. It was a
family story that started out with a pot of lentil soup more
like the sunni/shiite divide than an actual separate nation
----something like the Followers of John Knox vs the
survivors of Oliver Cromwell.---and the loyal subjects of
bonny Prince what-his-name and the extensive left side
of Henry VIII 's bed, descendants. ALL IN THE FAMILY

Yes, I know about Esau.
the bronze Serpent was eventually destroyed in a symbolic
break with the vestiges of idolatry.

Deuteronomy 2:2-6
(2) “And the LORD spoke to me, saying: (3) ‘You have skirted this mountain long enough; turn northward. (4) And command the people, saying, “You are about to pass through the territory of your brethren, the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir; and they will be afraid of you. Therefore watch yourselves carefully. (5) Do not meddle with them, for I will not give you any of their land, no, not so much as one footstep, because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession. (6) You shall buy food from them with money, that you may eat; and you shall also buy water from them with money, that you may drink.

God tells Israel, "Treat the Edomites with kid gloves as you go through their land." Later, in Deuteronomy 23:7, He warns them again, "You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother." By God's command, Israel was to approach the Edomites with fraternal care in all their dealings. Brothers have a bond by virtue of birth; they are of the same blood. They should get along, and cooperate with each other. Each should guard the other's back.
Deuteronomy 2:2-6
(2) “And the LORD spoke to me, saying: (3) ‘You have skirted this mountain long enough; turn northward. (4) And command the people, saying, “You are about to pass through the territory of your brethren, the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir; and they will be afraid of you. Therefore watch yourselves carefully. (5) Do not meddle with them, for I will not give you any of their land, no, not so much as one footstep, because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession. (6) You shall buy food from them with money, that you may eat; and you shall also buy water from them with money, that you may drink.

God tells Israel, "Treat the Edomites with kid gloves as you go through their land." Later, in Deuteronomy 23:7, He warns them again, "You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother." By God's command, Israel was to approach the Edomites with fraternal care in all their dealings. Brothers have a bond by virtue of birth; they are of the same blood. They should get along, and cooperate with each other. Each should guard the other's back.
yes----but over the years----it didn't work out. The sunnis of Pakistan are still shooting the shiites in the head. It worked out better between the children of jacob and the
children of Esau------they MELDED---eventually after years of strife----Even David came into conflict with EDOM.
In March of 1933, the Enabling act was passed in soon to be NAZI Germany, Give the Chief Executive the power to enforce his own laws without checks and balances.

6 Months later Germany was a one party nation.

And you know what happened after that.

The so-called supreme court has just started us down the same path.

Is the world ready for the next Reich?


Hitler had a private army. That was the difference.

Go home and brown your drawers where nobody has to listen to you cry.
That's nice----did you know that Esau was born minutes before Jacob. My youngest brothers are twins---born 12
minutes apart.

Yes. I know the story and I never liked it. In the Old Testament the younger brother always puts one over on the older brother.

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