Maybe He Really Is God

As previously noted, I am an adult. I have no need of imaginary father figures.
You just voted for Obama because they told you he was God???

Could there be any other reason the least experienced candidate to ever run for President was a valid choice.

How'd you like his awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Could his having been born and raised Muslim have influenced his motivation???

Or how he destroyed race relations in the nation?

How about leaving a terrible economy for Trump to make into a miraculous one?

Did you vote for Biden and Kamala?

Not too good at picking candidates, huh?
When the simple minded,, Democrats realize they have been totally destroyed, out comes the vulgarity.

Every single time.
Naw, I'm basically a sailor with tourettes unless i filter my post.

You aren't worth the effort is all.

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