Maybe the MSM needs to pay attention: This is what "fake news" is!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 10.14.00 PM.png

The MSM has only three things they use as a tool to lure stupid people in:

1. Opress

2. Opinions (never back by facts)

3. Omit (only say/write what they want you to read/see. But distort it by taking out the credible evidence usually back by facts. Then "sell" it to you as news.)
Two things here... 1, when you refer to MSM, there is NOTHING, "main stream" abou it. It's as RADICAL LEFT as RADICAL LEFT can get. 2, a far more accurate term for it is the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and I think the vast majority of Americans are aware of it by now, and it turns them off big time.
Liberals intentionally try to blur the lines when the conversation is about illegal immigration. They say stupid things like we are a nation of immigrants. Um yeah no shit, but what’s that got to do with people crossing the boarder illegally?
Liberals intentionally try to blur the lines when the conversation is about illegal immigration. They say stupid things like we are a nation of immigrants. Um yeah no shit, but what’s that got to do with people crossing the boarder illegally?
Yup, blur the lines and fuzzy math, like when Obama changed the definition of deporting illegals. Using the same criteria of
past administrations, he had the poorest numbers by far. Using HIS criteria, he had far more than past administrations.
Then has the media run with HIS numbers.
Liberals intentionally try to blur the lines when the conversation is about illegal immigration. They say stupid things like we are a nation of immigrants. Um yeah no shit, but what’s that got to do with people crossing the boarder illegally?
They need them votes... not a mystery to the vast majority of people at this point.

Just ask the good treasonous shit stains on the San Franqueerco city board, who voted to allow illegal aliens to vote in elections. Now WHY do you think they'd do that? Ya... not hard to figure out. Probably going to be a winner for red America come 2020 though, we'll just NOT count votes from California, because you know sure as SHIT they'll be voting in the next presidential election too.
Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658

Your defense of Trump has a couple logic failures.

by Point:

A) Trump married a white toy trophy wife and comically imported her parents also. There is a difference between that and letting a brown man in.

B) Plenty of racist pigs in my neighborhood have grandparents who were called "Shanty Irish" or "Dagos' or other things that sound antiquated now and I'm probably mis-spelling. Being a 3rd generation American does not make you pro immigrant.

C) I would figure every white (and black) American is from immigrant stock of some sort. Once again they can be racist anti-immigrant pigs. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

You and me might figure your A,B, and C would make folks pro immigrants. It doesn't. It makes us less hypocritical than them though.
Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658

You are the FAKE NEWS! Trump is anti-immigrant. With him, it is always do as I say not as I do. He thinks there is 1 set of rules for him and one for everybody.
Two things here... 1, when you refer to MSM, there is NOTHING, "main stream" abou it. It's as RADICAL LEFT as RADICAL LEFT can get. 2, a far more accurate term for it is the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and I think the vast majority of Americans are aware of it by now, and it turns them off big time.

Trump is the biggest liar and Americans can see it.
I see a lot of truth what's posted in the OP. However as I see it Trump's anti-immigration issue isn't just a matter of legal versus illegal. It also involves the immigration litmus test Trump has spouted which certainly would have prevented the various migrations of our ancestors' getting past Ellis Island.
Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658

Your defense of Trump has a couple logic failures.

by Point:

A) Trump married a white toy trophy wife and comically imported her parents also. There is a difference between that and letting a brown man in.

B) Plenty of racist pigs in my neighborhood have grandparents who were called "Shanty Irish" or "Dagos' or other things that sound antiquated now and I'm probably mis-spelling. Being a 3rd generation American does not make you pro immigrant.

C) I would figure every white (and black) American is from immigrant stock of some sort. Once again they can be racist anti-immigrant pigs. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

You and me might figure your A,B, and C would make folks pro immigrants. It doesn't. It makes us less hypocritical than them though.

A) A Trophy wife doesn't exclude the FACT she is a LEGAL immigrant.
B) Again just because YOU say being a 3rd generation doesn't make you pro immigrant logically fails because that still doesn't mean Trump is "ANTI"!
The FACT Trump and you are 3rd generation proves that Trump would not be against immigrants as it would be like you saying you are anti-immigrant.
C) You "figure" right about immigrant stock and right they could be but YOU have no proof they are "anti-immigrant" nor do I. But I can guarantee that
given the statement to them "were you against your ancestors immigrating to America"... almost ALL would say "that's stupid... I wouldn't be here"!
Further proof... the MSM has NOT reported this with the same fervor as they have with "blackface" etc...

Clinton teases interviewer who confused Holder and Booker: 'They all look alike'

Recode's Kara Swisher during a Q&A asked Clinton, "What do you think of Cory Booker … saying,Kick them in the shins’?"

That was Eric Holder," Clinton replied, correcting Swisher.

"I know they all look alike,"
she joked, to a burst of laughter from the audience.

"No, they don’t," Swisher quickly replied, then added: "Oh, well done."

Holder and Booker are both black men

But where was the MSM reporting this "GASP" gigantic GAFFE by Hillary? 329 results..


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Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658
Hey genius, have you listened to any of his speeches? He rants and raves about immigrants being rapists and criminals. He foams at the mouth about the welfare they don't get. He accuses them of either being or hiding terrorists.

He is anti immigrant. He is also a massive hypocrite because not only is he married to one he brought her parents in with that "chain immigration" he has spittle-flecked tirades about.

The fake news here is the RWNJ media telling you he's not.

The hilarity here is you fools believing them.
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Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658
Hey genius, have you listened to any of his speeches? He rants and raves about immigrants being rapists and criminals. He foams at the mouth about the welfare they don't get. He accuses them of either being or hiding terrorists.

He is anti immigrant. He is also a massive hypocrite because not only is he married to one he brought her parents in with that "chain immigration" he has spittle-flecked tirades about.

The fake news here is the RWNJ media telling you he's not.

The hilarity here is you fools believing them.

Once again you types "rant and rave" with no facts.
Trump says ALL immigrants are rapists and criminals?

You are making NO SENSE.
A) He has never said "All immigrants are rapists and criminals". Prove to me where he has said those exact words!

B) He has NEVER been anti-immigrant! He is anti-illegal-immigrant. I know I know... the distinction is very hard for racists like you that are basically
ignorant of reality. NONE of ANY Trump supporters are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! NONE.
Another example of "FAKE News"!

"Trump's Anti-Free trade".... REALLY???
Does this sound like anti-free trade???
On September 30, 2018, the United States, Mexico, and Canada renegotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement.
The new deal is called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
It must be ratified by each country's legislature. As a result, it wouldn't go into effect before 2020.
The Trump administration wanted to lower the trade deficit between the United States and Mexico.
In 2017, Americans bought $71 billion more imports from Mexico than vice versa.

The trade deficit with Canada is smaller. NAFTA's purpose is to make North America more competitive in the global marketplace.
It's the world's largest free trade agreement.
How Trump Is Changing NAFTA

So if Trump is "anti-free trade" how did the above occur?
Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658
Hey genius, have you listened to any of his speeches? He rants and raves about immigrants being rapists and criminals. He foams at the mouth about the welfare they don't get. He accuses them of either being or hiding terrorists.

He is anti immigrant. He is also a massive hypocrite because not only is he married to one he brought her parents in with that "chain immigration" he has spittle-flecked tirades about.

The fake news here is the RWNJ media telling you he's not.

The hilarity here is you fools believing them.

Once again you types "rant and rave" with no facts.
Trump says ALL immigrants are rapists and criminals?

You are making NO SENSE.
A) He has never said "All immigrants are rapists and criminals". Prove to me where he has said those exact words!

B) He has NEVER been anti-immigrant! He is anti-illegal-immigrant. I know I know... the distinction is very hard for racists like you that are basically
ignorant of reality. NONE of ANY Trump supporters are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! NONE.
My bad, he thinks white immigrants are fine.

So he's racist as well.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658

Just as many folk are also making a similar distinction concerning Trump: FAKE POTUS
Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658

You are the FAKE NEWS! Trump is anti-immigrant. With him, it is always do as I say not as I do. He thinks there is 1 set of rules for him and one for everybody.

Specifically, what do you mean?

Give examples.
Anger toward media spreads into local communities
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

The poor defenseless MSM bewildered as to why Trump and the rest of us are pointing out just why we don't believe them and their "FAKE News".

Fake news is where a reporter and the editor take a story and slant it in such a way so as to make Trump and we Trump supporters out to be the bad people.

One of the classics is this simple test.
Trump is anti-immigrant. RIGHT???

So when you do a search on Google "Trump anti-immigrant" 66,200 results.
Headlines like:
"connection between President Trump's anti-immigrant speeches"
How the Media Normalizes Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

Get the picture? Trump is anti-immigrant. That's the theme.
But wait....
Do these reporters and the
general public know these facts about Trump and us supporters?
A) Trump (now I'm shouting...) IS MARRIED TO AN IMMIGRANT!
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant.
C) Nearly a third of all Americans are either immigrants or like me have relatives that are immigrants.

THE DISTINCTION folks is simple: Trump's wife is Legal. His grandmother was legal. My relatives
are "legal" and nearly a third of all Americans are either legal immigrants or have relatives!

The point is Trump is nor our we "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!

So why does the MSM continue this rant. This grossly inaccurate headlines.

A perfect example of Trump's FAKE NEWS!

So with over a 1/3 of Americans really pissed the MSM and ignorant people claiming Trump and us are "anti-immigrant" there is good cause to disbelieve the MSM and label them "FAKE NEWS"!
View attachment 225658

Your defense of Trump has a couple logic failures.

by Point:

A) Trump married a white toy trophy wife and comically imported her parents also. There is a difference between that and letting a brown man in.

B) Plenty of racist pigs in my neighborhood have grandparents who were called "Shanty Irish" or "Dagos' or other things that sound antiquated now and I'm probably mis-spelling. Being a 3rd generation American does not make you pro immigrant.

C) I would figure every white (and black) American is from immigrant stock of some sort. Once again they can be racist anti-immigrant pigs. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

You and me might figure your A,B, and C would make folks pro immigrants. It doesn't. It makes us less hypocritical than them though.

A) A Trophy wife doesn't exclude the FACT she is a LEGAL immigrant.
B) Again just because YOU say being a 3rd generation doesn't make you pro immigrant logically fails because that still doesn't mean Trump is "ANTI"!
The FACT Trump and you are 3rd generation proves that Trump would not be against immigrants as it would be like you saying you are anti-immigrant.
C) You "figure" right about immigrant stock and right they could be but YOU have no proof they are "anti-immigrant" nor do I. But I can guarantee that
given the statement to them "were you against your ancestors immigrating to America"... almost ALL would say "that's stupid... I wouldn't be here"!

Sobare you saying all folks whobare 3rd generation immigrants or less are "pro immigrant"? Or pro raising our caps or whatever that means?

I think for Trump and his Trophy import you'll need to print a couple pictures of Melanie up and a couple pictures of an average hispanic man. Go show the pic to a number of dirty middle aged men and ask which one they want to move in next door. Alalyze the cmments from tnes who don't need to hire hard workers. They'll help you figure out my train of thought.
A) A Trophy wife doesn't exclude the FACT she is a LEGAL immigrant.
When the lying scum Right say something is "FACT" in all caps, you know it isn't!

Analysis | The huge questions about Melania Trump's immigration history nobody will answer
2. Conflicting statements

The same immigration attorney, Michael J. Wildes, explained in the letter that Melania Trump self-sponsored herself for a green card in 2000 “as a model of extraordinary ability” and obtained the green card in 2001.

That was different from what he reportedly told Univision just a month before, when he said she had earned her green card in 2001 “based on marriage.” The problem was that Melania Trump appears to never have been married before marrying Trump in 2005.

When Univision pointed this out, Wildes clammed up and said: “There are certain parts of the process that remain private. The immigration authorities don’t discuss this, nor should we.”

3. 'Extraordinary ability'

The claim to “extraordinary ability” itself, though, has raised questions. Melania Trump generally did advertisements and catalogues — not exactly the stuff of internationally renowned supermodels.

Immigration attorneys have repeatedly suggested to The Post and other publications that it seems unlikely she would have qualified for such a rare visa.

4. Working before she was authorized to work

The Associated Press reported just days before the 2016 election that Melania Trump had been paid more than $20,000 for 10 modeling jobs in 1996 before obtaining legal permission to work in the United States. The work came in the brief period she was on a visitor visa but before she obtained a work visa on Oct. 18, 1996.

As The Post reported at the time, it is considered fraud to say you intend only to visit the United States but instead intend to work, and this can retroactively harm your immigration status.

5. Her website falsely claimed a degree

Speaking of things that could imperil one's immigration status, Melania Trump's Republican National Convention bio and a bio on her modeling website claimed she had “a degree in design and architecture at University in Slovenia.”

As The Post's Fact Checker noted in 2016, journalists who have written about her life have determined she dropped out after her first year to pursue modeling. If she claimed that degree while applying to immigrate — which, again, we do not know, because these questions have not been answered — that would be problematic.

In sum, there is a whole bunch of smoke here, and the Trump campaign and the White House have not done much to fan it away. Given what just happened with Melania Trump's parents, it might be good to clear some things up.

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