McCabe Probably Not Going To Jail For Perjury - License / 'Luxury' To Lie


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Inspector General is on the cusp of releasing a report proving FBI Deputy Director McCabe LIED about his approval of an illegally leaked memo to the press.

Lying under oath is a Felony Count of 'Perjury' punishable by time in prison. The I.G. has the authority to refer a matter to criminal investigators investigators in cases of false statements or other crimes. He can also refer matters to state bars in cases of professional misconduct by lawyers.

In regards to any one of us, there would be no question - we would be indicted, charged, tied, and sent to prison. That is in 'OUR' America. There are, unfortunately, TWO 'Americas' - one intended for us, where we are held accountable to every rule, every law, our self-appointed rulers pass and impose. The second is our self-appointed rulers' own world they have made, one where they are not held accountable to the same standards and laws. McCabe lives in that 2nd America...because he is a Democrat, because he is an Obama / Hillary Loyalist, and because he broke laws, betrayed his oath, leaked information, and helped protect Hillary Clinton from indictment for her crimes.

"It is a perceived luxury enjoyed by federal prosecutors that routinely charge others with even borderline false statements but rarely face such charges themselves. While most prosecutors adhere to the highest ethical standards, a minority of Justice Department lawyers have been accused of false or misleading statements in federal cases. However, they are virtually never charged with false statements by their colleagues. There is no such reluctance in using this easily charged crime against targets outside of the department."

We have seen this demonstrated time and time again, especially during the Obama administration. Obama's US AG Eric Holder, for example, was caught 'red-handed' committing 'Perjury' under oath while testifying and attempting to keep Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal covered up. Obama refused to allow Holder to be indicted. A bi-partisan Congress did the only thing left for them to do - they voted to CENSURE Eric Holder, making him the 1st Cabinet member in US history to be Censured. US AG Eric Holder, US AG Loretta Lynch, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, IRS Chief John Koskinen, NSA Director James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and even President Barak Obama himself have been caught - with evidence - breaking laws...and all have been protected from indictment...a result of the accepted 'Luxury' of getting away with crimes due to their status / position.

Both Rosenstein and Mueller have a documented history of Investigative and Prosecutorial Mis-conduct - of COMMITTING CRIMES, crimes they have been allowed to get away with despite those crimes ruining innocent people's lives. Both have engaged in bullying, intimidation, lying...they have even withheld evidence that would have proven innocent people committed no crime and allowed them to go to jail...until the truth came out later. Rosenstein even created charges of fake crimes, created fake evidence, and sent innocent people to jail until, again, the truth came out. 'Prosecutorial Luxury'. Instead of being charged with their crimes and sent to jail a Judge vigorously rebuked him for destroying the lives of innocent people.

So, again, the IG is about to publish a report pointing out that FBI Deputy Director McCabe broke the law, committed Perjury, and information was illegally leaked as a result. McCabe should, in the wake of this report, be indicted, perp-walked, charged, tried, and go to jail. If he was not a Democrat, if he was not one of Obama's, if he was not one of the 'Secret Society', if he was not one the co-conspirators involved in sedition / treason working to protect Hillary from going to jail and working to overthrow the newly elected President, Andrew McCabe would be getting indicted... Thank goodness for him he shares a rare 'luxury' with his fellow co-conspirator liberals - like Strzok, Mueller, Holder, Comey, Hillary - one that will keep him out of jail.

If Andrew McCabe lied, could he be charged like Michael Flynn?
If here in Idaho the FBI can shoot a 14 year old in the back, his dog, and his mother in the head and get away with it;nothing would surprise me
Bonners Ferry Co took horiuchi to court and still lost.
You need a Special Counsel to go after these guys. 24 of them are already being protected by THE FBI, and you can't subpoena them, or even question them really using THE IG.

Our FUCKING NO GOOD FOR NOTHING DEEP STATE AG is supposed to be doing that. Him and his Cock Sucking Clinton holdover Rosenstein.

They are covering for these guys. Can't believe Jeff Sessions is also slow walking everything being asked for.

I actually don't understand that.

IMO, then there needs to be more oversight and control of THE FBI and AND DOJ by Congress or something.
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I have torches for sale. Natural pinion pine torch, sanded handle to prevent splinters, the remainder of the torch is unbarked. 14" - 25" long, diameter varies. The business end has been drilled out and filled with wildcrafted natural pinion sap. All torches are created from naturally aged and sun disinfected twin leaf pinion trees that have been dead and seasoned a minimum of two years in the Arizona sun. No two alike! This torch matches any pitchfork or other implement of mayhem. Custom sizes up to 15 feet available by special order.
The Inspector General is on the cusp of releasing a report proving FBI Deputy Director McCabe LIED about his approval of an illegally leaked memo to the press.

Lying under oath is a Felony Count of 'Perjury' punishable by time in prison. The I.G. has the authority to refer a matter to criminal investigators investigators in cases of false statements or other crimes. He can also refer matters to state bars in cases of professional misconduct by lawyers.

In regards to any one of us, there would be no question - we would be indicted, charged, tied, and sent to prison. That is in 'OUR' America. There are, unfortunately, TWO 'Americas' - one intended for us, where we are held accountable to every rule, every law, our self-appointed rulers pass and impose. The second is our self-appointed rulers' own world they have made, one where they are not held accountable to the same standards and laws. McCabe lives in that 2nd America...because he is a Democrat, because he is an Obama / Hillary Loyalist, and because he broke laws, betrayed his oath, leaked information, and helped protect Hillary Clinton from indictment for her crimes.

"It is a perceived luxury enjoyed by federal prosecutors that routinely charge others with even borderline false statements but rarely face such charges themselves. While most prosecutors adhere to the highest ethical standards, a minority of Justice Department lawyers have been accused of false or misleading statements in federal cases. However, they are virtually never charged with false statements by their colleagues. There is no such reluctance in using this easily charged crime against targets outside of the department."

We have seen this demonstrated time and time again, especially during the Obama administration. Obama's US AG Eric Holder, for example, was caught 'red-handed' committing 'Perjury' under oath while testifying and attempting to keep Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal covered up. Obama refused to allow Holder to be indicted. A bi-partisan Congress did the only thing left for them to do - they voted to CENSURE Eric Holder, making him the 1st Cabinet member in US history to be Censured. US AG Eric Holder, US AG Loretta Lynch, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, IRS Chief John Koskinen, NSA Director James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and even President Barak Obama himself have been caught - with evidence - breaking laws...and all have been protected from indictment...a result of the accepted 'Luxury' of getting away with crimes due to their status / position.

Both Rosenstein and Mueller have a documented history of Investigative and Prosecutorial Mis-conduct - of COMMITTING CRIMES, crimes they have been allowed to get away with despite those crimes ruining innocent people's lives. Both have engaged in bullying, intimidation, lying...they have even withheld evidence that would have proven innocent people committed no crime and allowed them to go to jail...until the truth came out later. Rosenstein even created charges of fake crimes, created fake evidence, and sent innocent people to jail until, again, the truth came out. 'Prosecutorial Luxury'. Instead of being charged with their crimes and sent to jail a Judge vigorously rebuked him for destroying the lives of innocent people.

So, again, the IG is about to publish a report pointing out that FBI Deputy Director McCabe broke the law, committed Perjury, and information was illegally leaked as a result. McCabe should, in the wake of this report, be indicted, perp-walked, charged, tried, and go to jail. If he was not a Democrat, if he was not one of Obama's, if he was not one of the 'Secret Society', if he was not one the co-conspirators involved in sedition / treason working to protect Hillary from going to jail and working to overthrow the newly elected President, Andrew McCabe would be getting indicted... Thank goodness for him he shares a rare 'luxury' with his fellow co-conspirator liberals - like Strzok, Mueller, Holder, Comey, Hillary - one that will keep him out of jail.

If Andrew McCabe lied, could he be charged like Michael Flynn?
One aspect of the reported findings, however, stands out. According to these reports, investigators believed that McCabe misled them about his approval of a leak to the media on the Clinton investigation.

DOJ Report To Knock Trump's Favorite FBI Foil Over Leak That Helped Trump's Own Campaign | HuffPost
I'm starting to think Jeff Sessions was the insurance policy Strzok and Page were talking about.
I'm starting to think Jeff Sessions was the insurance policy Strzok and Page were talking about.


good one!
So McCabe "maybe" leaks a story that there was pressure to shut down Hillary's email investigation, and then days before the election Comey torpedoes Hillary with his November surprise about new emails that then turned out to be copies of emails the FBI reviewed months earlier ... and this somehow is something McCabe is getting a pass and not prosecuted for?

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