McConnell Advises Republican Senators to Vote "No" on Amnesty Bill He Personally Negotiated

Not strange. Democrats love the slave labor wages.
I suspect hiring illegals in actually popular with both party's money people, and not just for wages, but to have a workforce that might not report labor practices or safety issues, as reporting my mean getting deported. People on here tell me, democrats don't do anything but work in retail, create nothing, risk nothing, but I wouldn't know or count on it. Neither party wants a crackdown on employers, and that is the only thing that will stop illegal hiring.
When republican party listen to the man who is not even president then it is a sad state of affairs for the party.

Must be an election year which is more important

$118 billion package of border enforcement policy and funding for Ukraine, Israel and other U.S. allies.

Instead it important to keep Trump happy and keep the pressure on BIden
Amnesty Bill? Bull. Republicans just cannot take yes to everything they have asked for, again, when it does not support the wishes and benefits or their orange god, lets he become angry. So, now they own the border mess, as having no intention to fix it. At the same time, they get to voice their support for the fall of Ukraine, and a Putin victory in Europe.
Pass HR 2

Senate Bill is Garbage. Given Biden caused this flood. He can kiss my ass on this.

HR 2 is a good bill. Time that Asylum loop hole is gone
The greedy corrupt Democrats want to spend $billions$ on Ukraine because they use Ukraine to launder their bribes.
They want to keep the border invasion going because they want to pack America with new Democrat voters.

Welcome to Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe

Feb 6, 2015 · Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index – the most widely used indicator of corruption worldwide – rates Ukraine 142nd in the world, alongside Uganda. In the latest ranking ...
That's really what this is all about....getting the monthly envelopes.....
Oh, fuck you and your sniveling about the border on the other side of the word, that you douchebag shitlibs care more about than your own.

Pack your bags and move the fuck to Kiev.
North Korea has wonderful winter recreation.

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