McConnell's wife sits on board that opposes coal


Gold Member
Aug 12, 2011
WASHINGTON – While Sen. Mitch McConnell is traveling Kentucky portraying himself as a friend of coal, his wife, former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, sits on the board of Bloomberg Philanthrophies, an organization that is supporting an anti-coal campaign.
Chao's links to Bloomberg Philanthrophies was first reported by Yahoo News, even as McConnell was campaigning in Kentucky coal country, trying to tie his opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes, to President Barack Obama and his so-called "war on coal."
The United Mine Workers of America, however, jumped on the revelation and questioned why Chao would be allied with a group whose goals are antithetical to coal country. The union has endorsed Grimes.
The UMWA's Roberts said McConnell's wife "is of course free to take a position on whatever board of directors she chooses."

"But one would think that, as the spouse of a Kentucky politician, she would choose more carefully when it comes to taking a leadership role in an organization that had recently invested in the destruction of the American coal industry and the jobs of American coal miners," Roberts said."

Kentucky needs to look deeply into the rhyme and reason to re-elect someone that says they support Kentucky coal.

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