
Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I just don't know about this guy, I get bad vibes...

This is what the swamp looks like.
August 11, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The media dubbed her the Republican Huma Abedin. She’s been one of the most powerful women in two Republican administrations. She’s friends with Valerie Jarrett. And you’ve never heard her name.

Flash back to the spring of this year.

Cameras flashed as Aya Hijazi sat next to President Trump. Media reports described her as an imprisoned rescue worker who had been released from Egypt after administration intervention.

Aya Hijazi was also the photogenic face of a campaign against the post-Brotherhood Egyptian government. If you believed the stories, Hijazi had learned French and Spanish while in prison. Photos showed her reading Maya Angelou's ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ behind bars. Snaps from that calculated photoshoot would be used to illustrate countless media sob stories about her plight in prison.

Mohamed Hassanein, her husband, received far less attention. As did the other arrested members of the Belady Foundation which had been accused of using street children in Muslim Brotherhood riots.

Aya’s cause was quickly taken up by all the usual suspects.

Hillary Clinton had met with President Sisi and called for Hijazi’s release. Rep. Gerry Connolly, the go-to guy for Muslim Brotherhood front groups, had blustered, "The Egyptian government mistakes American resolve.” Avril Haines, the former indie bookstore owner who had been appointed by Obama as Deputy Director of the CIA and Deputy National Security Advisor, despite having no relevant experience, met with Hijazi’s family and issued a statement demanding her release.


At an NSC meeting, H.R. McMaster insisted that Islamic terror had nothing to do with Islam. The use of “radical Islamic terrorism” was a mistake. McFarland was in attendance.

Before long, McMaster had pushed out McFarland and replaced her with Dina Habib Powell.


Dina Habib Powell: McMaster’s Huma Abedin
August 11, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Rich Higgins was one of the NSC people purged by McMaster. The background for this has been discussed before in various Point posts and a more extensive writeup in an article about the NSC coup.

The Point has also noted the firing of Higgins and the NSC memo about the Islamist-leftist alliance that led to the firing. The memo was apparently located in an email account as part of a paranoid search by McMaster cronies for his enemies. It resulted in the firing of Higgins, an expert who had a history of being able to ably articulate the threat we face from the Muslim Brotherhood and the left.

McMaster was afraid that the memo had gotten to President Trump. Or that it would.

Here's the full text of the Higgins memo. If you want to know why it's worth reading, jump to this sentence, "Hence, the end state is not just a delegitimized, destabilized, immobilized and possibly destroyed presidency; but also a demoralized movement composed of a large enough bloc to elect a president that subsequently become self-aware of its own disenfranchisement."

This is what we are up against.


CONCLUSION. The recent turn of events give rise to the observation that the defense of President Trump is the defense of America. In the same way President Lincoln was surrounded by political opposition both inside and outside of his wire, in both overt and covert forms, so too is President Trump. Had Lincoln failed, so too would have the Republic. The administration has been maneuvered into a constant backpedal by relentless political warfare attacks structured to force him to assume a reactive posture that assures inadequate responses. The president can either drive or be driven by events; it's time for him to drive them.

Here is the Memo Warning of the Islamist-Leftist Threat McMaster Feared Trump Would See
August 11, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Controversy arose with the release of the McMaster letter granting Susan Rice access to classified information in the "national interest".

McMaster sent a letter to Obama’s former National Security Adviser assuring her that the NSC would work with her to “allow you access to classified information.” He claimed that her access to classified information is "consistent with the national security interests of the United States."

And, McMaster supposedly believes that Susan Rice did nothing wrong in the unmasking gate.

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster has concluded that Rice did nothing wrong, according to two U.S. intelligence officials who spoke to me on condition of anonymity.

And Rice had urged McMaster to conduct an NSC purge. That is what McMaster appears to be doing.


McMaster appears to have far more in common with Rice than he does with Trump. If President Trump believes that Susan Rice and other Obama people were eavesdropping on him, then he should ask which side of this is McMaster on? And can he afford to have top people in the administration siding with those who are trying to force him out of office?

According to reports, McMaster fired some NSC people for having private meetings with Bannon. Shouldn't he be held to the same standard when he's meeting with a member of the enemy camp?

Susan Rice Admits Contacts with McMaster
I just don't know about this guy, I get bad vibes...

This is what the swamp looks like.
August 11, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The media dubbed her the Republican Huma Abedin. She’s been one of the most powerful women in two Republican administrations. She’s friends with Valerie Jarrett. And you’ve never heard her name.

Flash back to the spring of this year.

Cameras flashed as Aya Hijazi sat next to President Trump. Media reports described her as an imprisoned rescue worker who had been released from Egypt after administration intervention.

Aya Hijazi was also the photogenic face of a campaign against the post-Brotherhood Egyptian government. If you believed the stories, Hijazi had learned French and Spanish while in prison. Photos showed her reading Maya Angelou's ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ behind bars. Snaps from that calculated photoshoot would be used to illustrate countless media sob stories about her plight in prison.

Mohamed Hassanein, her husband, received far less attention. As did the other arrested members of the Belady Foundation which had been accused of using street children in Muslim Brotherhood riots.

Aya’s cause was quickly taken up by all the usual suspects.

Hillary Clinton had met with President Sisi and called for Hijazi’s release. Rep. Gerry Connolly, the go-to guy for Muslim Brotherhood front groups, had blustered, "The Egyptian government mistakes American resolve.” Avril Haines, the former indie bookstore owner who had been appointed by Obama as Deputy Director of the CIA and Deputy National Security Advisor, despite having no relevant experience, met with Hijazi’s family and issued a statement demanding her release.


At an NSC meeting, H.R. McMaster insisted that Islamic terror had nothing to do with Islam. The use of “radical Islamic terrorism” was a mistake. McFarland was in attendance.

Before long, McMaster had pushed out McFarland and replaced her with Dina Habib Powell.


Dina Habib Powell: McMaster’s Huma Abedin
The Bannonites are pissed that the McMasterites are winning. Nobody is firing McMaster. Kelly won't let it happen.
A grave warning about the forces collaborating to take down Trump.
August 14, 2017




The Trump administration is suffering under withering information campaigns designed to first undermine, then de legitimize and ultimately remove the President. Possibly confusing these attacks with an elevated interplay of otherwise normal D.C. partisan infighting and adversarial media relations, the White House response to these campaigns reflects a political advocacy mindset that it is intensely reactive, severely under-inclusive and dangerously inadequate to the threat. If action is not taken to re-scope and respond to these hostile campaigns very soon, the administration risks implosion and subsequent early departure from the White House.

This is not politics as usual but rather political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. It must be recognized on its own terms so that immediate action can be taken. At its core, these campaigns run on multiple lines of effort, serve as the non-violent line of effort of a wider movement, and execute political warfare agendas that reflect cultural Marxist outcomes. The campaigns operate through narratives. Because the hard left is aligned with lslamist organizations at local (ANTIFA working with Muslim Brotherhood doing business as MSA and CAIR), national (ACLU and BLM working with CAIR and MPAC) and international levels (OIC working with OSCE and the UN), recognition must given to the fact that they seamlessly interoperate at the narrative level as well. In candidate Trump, the opposition saw a threat to the "politically correct" enforcement narratives they've meticulously laid in over the past few decades. In President Trump, they see a latent threat to continue that effort to ruinous effect and their retaliatory response reflects this fear.



CONCLUSION. The recent turn of events give rise to the observation that the defense of President Trump is the defense of America. In the same way President Lincoln was surrounded by political opposition both inside and outside of his wire, in both overt and covert forms, so too is President Trump. Had Lincoln failed, so too would have the Republic. The administration has been maneuvered into a constant backpedal by relentless political warfare attacks structured to force him to assume a reactive posture that assures inadequate responses. The president can either drive or be driven by events; it's time for him to drive them.

The Memo That Set Off The McMaster NSC Purge
August 15, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

You can't drain the swamp, if the swamp is in charge.

The various defenses of McMaster justify his purge of good people like Derek Harvey, Rich Higgins, K.T. McFarland, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, and others. Meanwhile McMaster is keeping the NSC a swamp by maintaining Obama holdovers in place. Not only are many of them leaking and undermining President Trump. But they also represent Obama's way of doiing things. They represent the things that Obama ran against.

At the Daily Caller, Richard Pollock and Ethan Barton take a deep dive into the swamp creatures still floating in the turgid waters of McMaster's National Security Council.


Sources say that Andrea Hall is a source of at least some of the NSC leaks.

There have been plenty of blank check defenses of McMaster. Most of those insist that he's a good man without actually trying to defend his actions. Maybe it's time that some hard questions were asked.

McMaster Kept Obama's North Korean Policy Architect at NSC

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