Mean Gays


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Mean Gays

By Robert Oscar Lopez


The crudeness of "anti-bullying" Dan Savage is traumatizing, yet he gets encouragement from gays and lesbians who pattern their personal attitudes after his politics. This is what passes, in Dan Savage's world, as civilized behavior: outing people, combing through the personal lives of people like Ted Haggard with righteous nosiness, fantasizing about sodomizing Rick Santorum, making fun of Marcus Bachmann's lisp, calling Christian students pansy-assed and the Bible "bullshit," and dismissing gay Republicans as "house faggots." Now, well into middle age, he has a reality show on MTV that allows him to troll around college campuses talking to nineteen-year-olds about kinky sex.

Dan Savage isn't alone. If anything, he brandishes tactics that countless gays and lesbians have learned: stay offensive, hurt others before they hurt you, gather allies around you through sarcastic mockery, and humiliate until you get your way. That's how women held each other back for thousands of years. That's how soldiers led each other into innumerable acts of fratricide and sabotage.


Rather than replace subterfuge with real civic power, gays have made subterfuge a permanent weapon. They've taught everyone -- especially Obama's left -- how to wield it. Bill Maher sounds like a bitter gay barfly wisecracking about some innocent woman's bad fashion the more he carries on about Sarah Palin's family. Others like Maher have been mis-educated by powerful gays to think mean people write history.

It is time for a Mean Gays moment: a film or something to wake gays up. They need to stop being mean. Unless they can, nothing political will lift the cloud from their lives and allow them the joys felt by those they envy.

Read more: Articles: Mean Gays
I respect everybody ...I don't have a problem


I do not respect catty gays ...:(

Thanks heaven not all of them are like that!

Again...I am no expert in this topic,
I applaud Dan Savage for pointing out the hypocrisy of the likes of Ted Haggard, Rick Santorum, Marcus Bachmann, Lindsey Graham and any closeted homosexual who condemns homosexuals.

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