‘Meanest mom’ sells car after finding liquor

and I agree, if one can die for their country they should be able to enjoy the fruits that they fight for. I would lower the drinking age instead of limiting it to military though. But, I'd also legalize pot and make 18 the valid age too though so....

I'd only lower the drinking age to 18 for military personnel, preferably on base only, but I might favor valid military I.D. off base. You and I agree with the legalization off marijuana, though, like alcohol, I would keep the age at 21.
I'd only lower the drinking age to 18 for military personnel, preferably on base only, but I might favor valid military I.D. off base. You and I agree with the legalization off marijuana, though, like alcohol, I would keep the age at 21.

Oh, I don't think it should be limited to 18 just for military personnel. My feeling is if at 18, they're considered mature enough to make the decision to go into the army, they're old enough to go have a beer.
Oh, I don't think it should be limited to 18 just for military personnel. My feeling is if at 18, they're considered mature enough to make the decision to go into the army, they're old enough to go have a beer.

I understand your position, I guess I just think that the decision to enlist is in and of itself a very mature choice, one that not all 18 year olds make. This leads me to believe, perhaps wrongly, that those who make the decision to serve are in some ways more mature than most of their contemporaries. Not all of them, just most.
I understand your position, I guess I just think that the decision to enlist is in and of itself a very mature choice, one that not all 18 year olds make. This leads me to believe, perhaps wrongly, that those who make the decision to serve are in some ways more mature than most of their contemporaries. Not all of them, just most.

I don't think it says that. Maybe someone who's gotten an academic scholarship into a top college is more mature. I'm not going to get into issues of military recruitment, but I'd say that again, if they're old enough to make the decision, they're old enough to buy a drink. Just my opinion.
I'd only lower the drinking age to 18 for military personnel, preferably on base only, but I might favor valid military I.D. off base. You and I agree with the legalization off marijuana, though, like alcohol, I would keep the age at 21.

if pot were legalized for 21 then I would totally accept your proposition. I dont want to segregate military from the general population or use alcohol as a lure for kids to join the military but it's illogical to allow the deadlier substance the earlier age. I, too, agree that a person old enough to die for their nation deserves the liberty to experience what itis they are fighitng for.
You gotta be 21 to buy lottery tix in Ill? Holy shit! Granted, my Illinois adventures are limited to East. St. Louis but daaaaamn.

and I agree, if one can die for their country they should be able to enjoy the fruits that they fight for. I would lower the drinking age instead of limiting it to military though. But, I'd also legalize pot and make 18 the valid age too though so....

18 or 19, IMHO, should be the valid age. But we DO have to take specific measures against drunk driving. Interlock device on first offense? I'm all for it.

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