Media: Bias and Business Decisions. The Citizenry is the Casualty.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Media: Bias and Business Decisions. The Citizenry is the Casualty.

New York Times, Washington Post Defend Against Politico's Media Bias Claims (UPDATE)

We are the 'people' are the casualty of the media mess, but they are only playing to our collective and personal prejudices and ignorance.

I don't know how many times I was called a neocon or a left wing loon, because I did not buy into certain media echo chambers and parrot their false messages.

On the right we have people that will say the NYT or WaPo do not report what they see or hear on FOX News. That comes form FOX News telling them that. But there is always a nugget of truth in a lie -- NYT and WaPo do not offer the spin that FOX would.

Same with MSNBC followers. Kieth was notorious for being out in left field. Poor Ed Schultz followed the money and went with the Progressive left following the Pied Piper Doktor Dean...and we have left progressives and populists aping the right wing in order to 'equal' the playing field. Problem is people forget it's all a game of bullshit.

people justify anything for the good of a false ideological cause. People are being manipulated by sophisticated players and have no clue. :eusa_hand:

While Obama had previously admitted to smoking pot as a teenager in his 1995 memoir and several media outlets -- including the Times -- reported on past drug use during the 2008 election, VandeHei and Allen found bias in the fact that the Times and Post didn't play up some new details of pot-smoking in David Maraniss' forthcoming biography.

Politico noted that this past Sunday, the Times ran a front-page story on Ann Romney's horseback riding, which Politico apparently saw as more evidence of bias. (Disclosure: This reporter used to work at Politico.) "It's certainly hard to argue that the Romneys' horse-riding habits today are worse than the Maraniss revelations, which have gotten little mainstream coverage," Vandehei and Allen wrote.

It's ironic to suggest media bias when it comes to covering Obama's pot-smoking, considering that Maraniss, a Post editor, is the one who dug up the new revelations for his long-awaited book on Obama's early years. And the Post didn't ignore them, running a story on Page 6 of the print edition and online -- where the paper also linked to numerous other reports of Obama's pot-smoking days, including BuzzFeed's "User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama."

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