Media Coverage Of Republican Debate Pitiful!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Most of the producers of Cable News Programs that covered the recent Republican Debate and the following Morning News Programs acted like a bunch of prostitutes selling their journalistic integrity for ratings and advertising dollars by having the candidates appear on their shows. These appearances violate journalistic integrity by providing opportunities for the candidates to repeat/defend their debate responses, add their campaign talking points and stump speeches where these programs should be evaluating the candidates debate performance helping the public determine who are the strong and who are the weak candidates. I think if iconic great journalists like Tim Russert and David Brinkley were still alive they would vigorously fight this lowering of journalistic standards!

One can garnish a lot about the Presidential Republican Primary field from this debate. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are twits their policy proposals are devoid of being sensible and this is completely obvious. Paul's condemnation of the Fed for lowering interest rates claiming it dramatically lowered the American peoples income from their savings interest and dramatically lowered their buying power by causing the dollar to drop in value is completely overdone these negative impacts were dwarfed by the positive impacts of this Fed move in stopping the country from falling back into recession and growing the economy. Paul's opposition to Democrats for being Democrats is what we need to stop in Washington not send to Washington he showed this in his statements if you want to overcome the problem of income inequality move to a state with a Republican Governor and a no fly zone policy in Syria is wrong because Hillary Clinton a Democrat is for it. Paul is a backer of the "Penny" plan for the budget and he says it will bring about a balanced budget in five years a baloney claim it is a silly plan it says cut the budget by one percent every year; currently the federal budget is around four trillion dollars a year and the budget deficit is over four hundred billion dollars a year I'm no math whiz but my math concludes one percent/year would only bring about around halving of the deficit and this plan presents a myriad of problems like what happens if the country experiences natural disasters where large groups of Americans need financial help what do we say sorry helping you doesn't fit into the "Penny Plan".

Ted Cruz is calling for personal Social Security accounts, the American people soundly rejected this policy during the George W Bush presidency they don't want the financial soundness of the Social Security safety net program messed with. Ted Cruz's argument against comprehensive immigration reform is that illegal immigrants are lowering wages there is no segment of Republican supporters that disagree with that point that is why the whole party wants to stop the flow of illegal immigrants the point is what to do about the current eleven million illegals that are overloading the deportation system. Ted Cruz wants to abolish the IRS that is an idiotic idea America would see rampant cheating on people paying their Federal taxes. Cruz wants no employee social security and medicare taxes this is silly these vital programs would collapse without this revenue. Cruz wants to do away with business taxes on businesses from profits made from exporting he is a lamebrain first it is unfair businesses that export benefit from Federal government expenditures so they should help pay for this Federal government work plus such a tax arrangement would drive up prices on the American consumer one example would be farmers would be incentivizes to sell their products internationally and not within America so domestic commodity prices would rise because supply would be lowered. Ted Cruz talks like a fool he is not suited to be President he wants to eliminate numerous important government organizations like the Department of Energy and the Agency of Housing and Urban Development these organization do crucially important work it's crazy to talk about eliminating them. Cruz wants America to go back to the gold standard to control the value of the U.S. dollar that is a completely idiotic idea America has a finite amount of gold that means America would have to limit the money supply the amount of dollars released into the U.S. economy resulting in dramatic reductions in bank lending resulting in dramatic reduction in growth for the American economy why would the American people want such an outcome!

Carly Fiorina does not have the gravitas, the depth as a human being, to be President of the United States. Fiorina is a scripted politician if you get her off script she is like a deer in the road frozen in the headlights of an oncoming car. She was getting me sick to my stomach with her call for zero based budgeting and a three page personal income tax code. This is clueless talk. You can do zero based budgeting where you have to justify every dollar spent every year "in a corporation" where the decision making power on such issues rest with one or like a handful of people but that is not practical for a national legislative body in part because many of the decisions are very political or subjective public policy dependent the government's budget would never get resolved with such a system. As for a three page tax code that is ridiculous for anyone that is truly realistic they know America is not getting rid of the home loan interest deduction, charitable donation deduction and the earned income credit for low income families to name a few definite provisions which would take the code over three pages.

Marco Rubio is to young to be President of the United States he lacks that reliability and strength that experience brings. I wish deceased former Presidents could come back to life for one evening every election cycle and the President coming back would be President Ronald Reagan and he would debate Marco Rubio for the Presidency the viewers would see Marco isn't even the league of a great President his youth and inexperience would be glaringly obvious. Marco lacks the clear vision that experience brings. Marco said during the debate that America has these big banks because of excessive bank regulation and his plan is to repeal Dodd-Frank and the problem will be vastly reduced. Marco is extremely misinformed and misguided on this topic. America has her big banks because the American economy and the world wide economy need America's big banks and the services they provide. For a bank to be able to do things like provide loans big corporations need to buy other businesses and successfully compete and things like insure against bond defaults for holders of large holdings of bonds and things like hedge currencies for businesses that export they need to be around the size they are. Dodd-Frank has a lot of good and a lot of bad provisions Republicans calling for repeal of Dodd-Frank in the general election is a loser major changes to Dodd Frank is a winner platform. One essentially good provision in Dodd-Frank is the Volcker rule which gets the big banks out of speculation activities resulting in big banks selling their commodity holding businesses and their private equity businesses and if you're against this Marco you're on the side against the vast majority of the American people!

There is a reason that in modern times only candidates with prior elected experience or famous Generals become elected President of the United States which is the job requires seasoned experience. Donald Trump and Ben Carson fail as candidates for this reason. This was obvious for Donald Trump during the debate when he said wages are too high; what is he from Mars the principle objective that the American people want in the next President is to get wages increased so they can have a better standard of living. Donald Trump's claim that he can deport 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. because Dwight Eisenhower deported one and a half million illegal immigrants during his Presidency in Operation Wetback is a nonsense argument because for this 1954/1955 program many of those deported were temporary workers, they were all Mexicans the relevance being the Mexican government fully backed and cooperated with this program and deportation law has progressed significantly since then the President cannot have ICE agents just deport people they believe are in America illegally the law requires these people be taken before an immigration judge and the judge has to issue a deportation order for them to be deported a very timely process. Trump's neophyte status to profession of being an elected official on the national stage is evident in his unsureness about what he is doing resulting in his eratic behavior which should be very worrisome in one exchange with Jeb Bush about how American should respond to Vladimir Putin's involvement of the Russian military in Syria Trump goes off on a tangent saying we should have taken Iraqi oil sold it and given the money to U.S. service personnel wounded in the Iraq war, the American people should worry about trusting such a person in the Oval Office.

Ben Carson initially wanted a flat tax of ten percent to follow the example of tithing in the bible now we learned in the debate he wants a flat tax of fifteen percent obviously because ten would significantly increase the nation's budget deficit; the country cannot afford the learning experiences of a deeply religious man that wants to be President speak your mind on the issues that is great but for heaven's sake don't run for the office you're not ready for the job! Ben's against the mortgage interest and charitable deductions how many voters in the general election would these policy positions lose? The most urgent national security threat America faces today is the threat from the Islamic State they are a real threat to modern civilization which of course involves America and what does the media created star candidate Ben Carson offer as a plan for this threat well we'll take the big energy fields outside Anbar province from the Islamic state and we'll go from there. First off Anbar province is in the west of Iraq and the big energy fields are in the North and in the South of Iraq any knowledgeable person about Iraq knows this what is he talking about there is a big question mark about whether or not Ben can handle the national security part of the job of President.

Both Jeb Bush and John Kasich were the only candidates in the debate that appear to be ready for a general election race. They both have important mainstream appeal in their recognition that this Republican right wing policy that the Federal government needs to bring about the deportation of all illegals in the U.S. is a really bad idea. They both recognize that the immigration problem has been a serious wound for America for the last fifteen years the American people want this wound healed and this far right position is hurting the Republican Party big-time. They both recognize that banks need some additional regulation because of the great recession namely in part requiring the banks to reserve higher levels of strong (recession tolerant) capital and diversify their assets, basic common sense. This is important because Dodd-Frank and the international community are poised to implement an extremely dangerous regulatory framework on these big banks specifically its called the TLAC (Total Loss Absorption Capacity) regulations essentially what this regulation will do is force big banks to issue or hold large amounts of bonds the thinking is that if these big banks sustain heavy losses sovereign governments will not have to bail them out because these bond holders can be forced to accept lower principle and/or interest on their bonds and the banks capital problems can be solved by this mechanism. This is utter foolishness it is a very impractical legislative scheme because this increase of debt on banks will increase their debt expense so that in times of economic downturns when revenue and income drops and losses incur it will increase the likelihood of these banks defaulting on their debt it will increase financial rating downgrades during this time and increase the likelihood and magnify depositor, investor and customer shaking of confidence in banks during these times frankly these effects should be alarming for the American people and people throughout the world!
The media is pitiful. It goes with the territory.

However the OP is a pathetic joke as well.


Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
They support failure and Bush is a corporatist. I guess corporatism is the "thing" now? Well, at least with you lefties..
BTW, their experience exceeds hillarys. They didn't fuck the middle east up and lie to everyones faces about some bullshit.
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
They support failure and Bush is a corporatist. I guess corporatism is the "thing" now? Well, at least with you lefties..
BTW, their experience exceeds hillarys. They didn't fuck the middle east up and lie to everyones faces about some bullshit.
The experience of all the Republicans combined does not exceed Hillary's
Most of the producers of Cable News Programs that covered the recent Republican Debate and the following Morning News Programs acted like a bunch of prostitutes selling their journalistic integrity for ratings and advertising dollars by having the candidates appear on their shows. These appearances violate journalistic integrity by providing opportunities for the candidates to repeat/defend their debate responses, add their campaign talking points and stump speeches where these programs should be evaluating the candidates debate performance helping the public determine who are the strong and who are the weak candidates. I think if iconic great journalists like Tim Russert and David Brinkley were still alive they would vigorously fight this lowering of journalistic standards!

One can garnish a lot about the Presidential Republican Primary field from this debate. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are twits their policy proposals are devoid of being sensible and this is completely obvious. Paul's condemnation of the Fed for lowering interest rates claiming it dramatically lowered the American peoples income from their savings interest and dramatically lowered their buying power by causing the dollar to drop in value is completely overdone these negative impacts were dwarfed by the positive impacts of this Fed move in stopping the country from falling back into recession and growing the economy. Paul's opposition to Democrats for being Democrats is what we need to stop in Washington not send to Washington he showed this in his statements if you want to overcome the problem of income inequality move to a state with a Republican Governor and a no fly zone policy in Syria is wrong because Hillary Clinton a Democrat is for it. Paul is a backer of the "Penny" plan for the budget and he says it will bring about a balanced budget in five years a baloney claim it is a silly plan it says cut the budget by one percent every year; currently the federal budget is around four trillion dollars a year and the budget deficit is over four hundred billion dollars a year I'm no math whiz but my math concludes one percent/year would only bring about around halving of the deficit and this plan presents a myriad of problems like what happens if the country experiences natural disasters where large groups of Americans need financial help what do we say sorry helping you doesn't fit into the "Penny Plan".

Ted Cruz is calling for personal Social Security accounts, the American people soundly rejected this policy during the George W Bush presidency they don't want the financial soundness of the Social Security safety net program messed with. Ted Cruz's argument against comprehensive immigration reform is that illegal immigrants are lowering wages there is no segment of Republican supporters that disagree with that point that is why the whole party wants to stop the flow of illegal immigrants the point is what to do about the current eleven million illegals that are overloading the deportation system. Ted Cruz wants to abolish the IRS that is an idiotic idea America would see rampant cheating on people paying their Federal taxes. Cruz wants no employee social security and medicare taxes this is silly these vital programs would collapse without this revenue. Cruz wants to do away with business taxes on businesses from profits made from exporting he is a lamebrain first it is unfair businesses that export benefit from Federal government expenditures so they should help pay for this Federal government work plus such a tax arrangement would drive up prices on the American consumer one example would be farmers would be incentivizes to sell their products internationally and not within America so domestic commodity prices would rise because supply would be lowered. Ted Cruz talks like a fool he is not suited to be President he wants to eliminate numerous important government organizations like the Department of Energy and the Agency of Housing and Urban Development these organization do crucially important work it's crazy to talk about eliminating them. Cruz wants America to go back to the gold standard to control the value of the U.S. dollar that is a completely idiotic idea America has a finite amount of gold that means America would have to limit the money supply the amount of dollars released into the U.S. economy resulting in dramatic reductions in bank lending resulting in dramatic reduction in growth for the American economy why would the American people want such an outcome!

Carly Fiorina does not have the gravitas, the depth as a human being, to be President of the United States. Fiorina is a scripted politician if you get her off script she is like a deer in the road frozen in the headlights of an oncoming car. She was getting me sick to my stomach with her call for zero based budgeting and a three page personal income tax code. This is clueless talk. You can do zero based budgeting where you have to justify every dollar spent every year "in a corporation" where the decision making power on such issues rest with one or like a handful of people but that is not practical for a national legislative body in part because many of the decisions are very political or subjective public policy dependent the government's budget would never get resolved with such a system. As for a three page tax code that is ridiculous for anyone that is truly realistic they know America is not getting rid of the home loan interest deduction, charitable donation deduction and the earned income credit for low income families to name a few definite provisions which would take the code over three pages.

Marco Rubio is to young to be President of the United States he lacks that reliability and strength that experience brings. I wish deceased former Presidents could come back to life for one evening every election cycle and the President coming back would be President Ronald Reagan and he would debate Marco Rubio for the Presidency the viewers would see Marco isn't even the league of a great President his youth and inexperience would be glaringly obvious. Marco lacks the clear vision that experience brings. Marco said during the debate that America has these big banks because of excessive bank regulation and his plan is to repeal Dodd-Frank and the problem will be vastly reduced. Marco is extremely misinformed and misguided on this topic. America has her big banks because the American economy and the world wide economy need America's big banks and the services they provide. For a bank to be able to do things like provide loans big corporations need to buy other businesses and successfully compete and things like insure against bond defaults for holders of large holdings of bonds and things like hedge currencies for businesses that export they need to be around the size they are. Dodd-Frank has a lot of good and a lot of bad provisions Republicans calling for repeal of Dodd-Frank in the general election is a loser major changes to Dodd Frank is a winner platform. One essentially good provision in Dodd-Frank is the Volcker rule which gets the big banks out of speculation activities resulting in big banks selling their commodity holding businesses and their private equity businesses and if you're against this Marco you're on the side against the vast majority of the American people!

There is a reason that in modern times only candidates with prior elected experience or famous Generals become elected President of the United States which is the job requires seasoned experience. Donald Trump and Ben Carson fail as candidates for this reason. This was obvious for Donald Trump during the debate when he said wages are too high; what is he from Mars the principle objective that the American people want in the next President is to get wages increased so they can have a better standard of living. Donald Trump's claim that he can deport 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. because Dwight Eisenhower deported one and a half million illegal immigrants during his Presidency in Operation Wetback is a nonsense argument because for this 1954/1955 program many of those deported were temporary workers, they were all Mexicans the relevance being the Mexican government fully backed and cooperated with this program and deportation law has progressed significantly since then the President cannot have ICE agents just deport people they believe are in America illegally the law requires these people be taken before an immigration judge and the judge has to issue a deportation order for them to be deported a very timely process. Trump's neophyte status to profession of being an elected official on the national stage is evident in his unsureness about what he is doing resulting in his eratic behavior which should be very worrisome in one exchange with Jeb Bush about how American should respond to Vladimir Putin's involvement of the Russian military in Syria Trump goes off on a tangent saying we should have taken Iraqi oil sold it and given the money to U.S. service personnel wounded in the Iraq war, the American people should worry about trusting such a person in the Oval Office.

Ben Carson initially wanted a flat tax of ten percent to follow the example of tithing in the bible now we learned in the debate he wants a flat tax of fifteen percent obviously because ten would significantly increase the nation's budget deficit; the country cannot afford the learning experiences of a deeply religious man that wants to be President speak your mind on the issues that is great but for heaven's sake don't run for the office you're not ready for the job! Ben's against the mortgage interest and charitable deductions how many voters in the general election would these policy positions lose? The most urgent national security threat America faces today is the threat from the Islamic State they are a real threat to modern civilization which of course involves America and what does the media created star candidate Ben Carson offer as a plan for this threat well we'll take the big energy fields outside Anbar province from the Islamic state and we'll go from there. First off Anbar province is in the west of Iraq and the big energy fields are in the North and in the South of Iraq any knowledgeable person about Iraq knows this what is he talking about there is a big question mark about whether or not Ben can handle the national security part of the job of President.

Both Jeb Bush and John Kasich were the only candidates in the debate that appear to be ready for a general election race. They both have important mainstream appeal in their recognition that this Republican right wing policy that the Federal government needs to bring about the deportation of all illegals in the U.S. is a really bad idea. They both recognize that the immigration problem has been a serious wound for America for the last fifteen years the American people want this wound healed and this far right position is hurting the Republican Party big-time. They both recognize that banks need some additional regulation because of the great recession namely in part requiring the banks to reserve higher levels of strong (recession tolerant) capital and diversify their assets, basic common sense. This is important because Dodd-Frank and the international community are poised to implement an extremely dangerous regulatory framework on these big banks specifically its called the TLAC (Total Loss Absorption Capacity) regulations essentially what this regulation will do is force big banks to issue or hold large amounts of bonds the thinking is that if these big banks sustain heavy losses sovereign governments will not have to bail them out because these bond holders can be forced to accept lower principle and/or interest on their bonds and the banks capital problems can be solved by this mechanism. This is utter foolishness it is a very impractical legislative scheme because this increase of debt on banks will increase their debt expense so that in times of economic downturns when revenue and income drops and losses incur it will increase the likelihood of these banks defaulting on their debt it will increase financial rating downgrades during this time and increase the likelihood and magnify depositor, investor and customer shaking of confidence in banks during these times frankly these effects should be alarming for the American people and people throughout the world!
China called.... They want their WALL back.

Ps. Stop whining
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
They support failure and Bush is a corporatist. I guess corporatism is the "thing" now? Well, at least with you lefties..
BTW, their experience exceeds hillarys. They didn't fuck the middle east up and lie to everyones faces about some bullshit.
The experience of all the Republicans combined does not exceed Hillary's
" I was a senator that didn't do anything but vote "not present" and waste my time on legislation that couldn't make it off my desk"
"I was SoS and screwed up several countries & proved I was a corrupt war hawk"
"Did I mention I accept money from terrorists?"
"I guess you could also call it experience, that me and my husband used our political knowledge to make it legal for the tax payers to pay our charity employees salaries"
Good point, RW
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
They support failure and Bush is a corporatist. I guess corporatism is the "thing" now? Well, at least with you lefties..
BTW, their experience exceeds hillarys. They didn't fuck the middle east up and lie to everyones faces about some bullshit.
The experience of all the Republicans combined does not exceed Hillary's
" I was a senator that didn't do anything but vote "not present" and waste my time on legislation that couldn't make it off my desk"
"I was SoS and screwed up several countries & proved I was a corrupt war hawk"
"Did I mention I accept money from terrorists?"
"I guess you could also call it experience, that me and my husband used our political knowledge to make it legal for the tax payers to pay our charity employees salaries"
Good point, RW
Sounds like Breitbart

Hillary gained more experience as First Lady than any of the Republicans have
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
They support failure and Bush is a corporatist. I guess corporatism is the "thing" now? Well, at least with you lefties..
BTW, their experience exceeds hillarys. They didn't fuck the middle east up and lie to everyones faces about some bullshit.
well if you want your candidate to win you want the opposition not to have a strong candidate. doesn't take a lot to figure that out. So we know why he wants either bush or kasich
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
They support failure and Bush is a corporatist. I guess corporatism is the "thing" now? Well, at least with you lefties..
BTW, their experience exceeds hillarys. They didn't fuck the middle east up and lie to everyones faces about some bullshit.
well if you want your candidate to win you want the opposition not to have a strong candidate. doesn't take a lot to figure that out. So we know why he wants either bush or kasich
Actually, the only Republican that can compete with Hillary in the General election are Bush and possibly Rubio

The rest of the clown car is only capable of taking Red States
Most of the producers of Cable News Programs that covered the recent Republican Debate and the following Morning News Programs acted like a bunch of prostitutes selling their journalistic integrity for ratings and advertising dollars by having the candidates appear on their shows. These appearances violate journalistic integrity by providing opportunities for the candidates to repeat/defend their debate responses, add their campaign talking points and stump speeches where these programs should be evaluating the candidates debate performance helping the public determine who are the strong and who are the weak candidates. I think if iconic great journalists like Tim Russert and David Brinkley were still alive they would vigorously fight this lowering of journalistic standards!

One can garnish a lot about the Presidential Republican Primary field from this debate. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are twits their policy proposals are devoid of being sensible and this is completely obvious. Paul's condemnation of the Fed for lowering interest rates claiming it dramatically lowered the American peoples income from their savings interest and dramatically lowered their buying power by causing the dollar to drop in value is completely overdone these negative impacts were dwarfed by the positive impacts of this Fed move in stopping the country from falling back into recession and growing the economy. Paul's opposition to Democrats for being Democrats is what we need to stop in Washington not send to Washington he showed this in his statements if you want to overcome the problem of income inequality move to a state with a Republican Governor and a no fly zone policy in Syria is wrong because Hillary Clinton a Democrat is for it. Paul is a backer of the "Penny" plan for the budget and he says it will bring about a balanced budget in five years a baloney claim it is a silly plan it says cut the budget by one percent every year; currently the federal budget is around four trillion dollars a year and the budget deficit is over four hundred billion dollars a year I'm no math whiz but my math concludes one percent/year would only bring about around halving of the deficit and this plan presents a myriad of problems like what happens if the country experiences natural disasters where large groups of Americans need financial help what do we say sorry helping you doesn't fit into the "Penny Plan".

Ted Cruz is calling for personal Social Security accounts, the American people soundly rejected this policy during the George W Bush presidency they don't want the financial soundness of the Social Security safety net program messed with. Ted Cruz's argument against comprehensive immigration reform is that illegal immigrants are lowering wages there is no segment of Republican supporters that disagree with that point that is why the whole party wants to stop the flow of illegal immigrants the point is what to do about the current eleven million illegals that are overloading the deportation system. Ted Cruz wants to abolish the IRS that is an idiotic idea America would see rampant cheating on people paying their Federal taxes. Cruz wants no employee social security and medicare taxes this is silly these vital programs would collapse without this revenue. Cruz wants to do away with business taxes on businesses from profits made from exporting he is a lamebrain first it is unfair businesses that export benefit from Federal government expenditures so they should help pay for this Federal government work plus such a tax arrangement would drive up prices on the American consumer one example would be farmers would be incentivizes to sell their products internationally and not within America so domestic commodity prices would rise because supply would be lowered. Ted Cruz talks like a fool he is not suited to be President he wants to eliminate numerous important government organizations like the Department of Energy and the Agency of Housing and Urban Development these organization do crucially important work it's crazy to talk about eliminating them. Cruz wants America to go back to the gold standard to control the value of the U.S. dollar that is a completely idiotic idea America has a finite amount of gold that means America would have to limit the money supply the amount of dollars released into the U.S. economy resulting in dramatic reductions in bank lending resulting in dramatic reduction in growth for the American economy why would the American people want such an outcome!

Carly Fiorina does not have the gravitas, the depth as a human being, to be President of the United States. Fiorina is a scripted politician if you get her off script she is like a deer in the road frozen in the headlights of an oncoming car. She was getting me sick to my stomach with her call for zero based budgeting and a three page personal income tax code. This is clueless talk. You can do zero based budgeting where you have to justify every dollar spent every year "in a corporation" where the decision making power on such issues rest with one or like a handful of people but that is not practical for a national legislative body in part because many of the decisions are very political or subjective public policy dependent the government's budget would never get resolved with such a system. As for a three page tax code that is ridiculous for anyone that is truly realistic they know America is not getting rid of the home loan interest deduction, charitable donation deduction and the earned income credit for low income families to name a few definite provisions which would take the code over three pages.

Marco Rubio is to young to be President of the United States he lacks that reliability and strength that experience brings. I wish deceased former Presidents could come back to life for one evening every election cycle and the President coming back would be President Ronald Reagan and he would debate Marco Rubio for the Presidency the viewers would see Marco isn't even the league of a great President his youth and inexperience would be glaringly obvious. Marco lacks the clear vision that experience brings. Marco said during the debate that America has these big banks because of excessive bank regulation and his plan is to repeal Dodd-Frank and the problem will be vastly reduced. Marco is extremely misinformed and misguided on this topic. America has her big banks because the American economy and the world wide economy need America's big banks and the services they provide. For a bank to be able to do things like provide loans big corporations need to buy other businesses and successfully compete and things like insure against bond defaults for holders of large holdings of bonds and things like hedge currencies for businesses that export they need to be around the size they are. Dodd-Frank has a lot of good and a lot of bad provisions Republicans calling for repeal of Dodd-Frank in the general election is a loser major changes to Dodd Frank is a winner platform. One essentially good provision in Dodd-Frank is the Volcker rule which gets the big banks out of speculation activities resulting in big banks selling their commodity holding businesses and their private equity businesses and if you're against this Marco you're on the side against the vast majority of the American people!

There is a reason that in modern times only candidates with prior elected experience or famous Generals become elected President of the United States which is the job requires seasoned experience. Donald Trump and Ben Carson fail as candidates for this reason. This was obvious for Donald Trump during the debate when he said wages are too high; what is he from Mars the principle objective that the American people want in the next President is to get wages increased so they can have a better standard of living. Donald Trump's claim that he can deport 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. because Dwight Eisenhower deported one and a half million illegal immigrants during his Presidency in Operation Wetback is a nonsense argument because for this 1954/1955 program many of those deported were temporary workers, they were all Mexicans the relevance being the Mexican government fully backed and cooperated with this program and deportation law has progressed significantly since then the President cannot have ICE agents just deport people they believe are in America illegally the law requires these people be taken before an immigration judge and the judge has to issue a deportation order for them to be deported a very timely process. Trump's neophyte status to profession of being an elected official on the national stage is evident in his unsureness about what he is doing resulting in his eratic behavior which should be very worrisome in one exchange with Jeb Bush about how American should respond to Vladimir Putin's involvement of the Russian military in Syria Trump goes off on a tangent saying we should have taken Iraqi oil sold it and given the money to U.S. service personnel wounded in the Iraq war, the American people should worry about trusting such a person in the Oval Office.

Ben Carson initially wanted a flat tax of ten percent to follow the example of tithing in the bible now we learned in the debate he wants a flat tax of fifteen percent obviously because ten would significantly increase the nation's budget deficit; the country cannot afford the learning experiences of a deeply religious man that wants to be President speak your mind on the issues that is great but for heaven's sake don't run for the office you're not ready for the job! Ben's against the mortgage interest and charitable deductions how many voters in the general election would these policy positions lose? The most urgent national security threat America faces today is the threat from the Islamic State they are a real threat to modern civilization which of course involves America and what does the media created star candidate Ben Carson offer as a plan for this threat well we'll take the big energy fields outside Anbar province from the Islamic state and we'll go from there. First off Anbar province is in the west of Iraq and the big energy fields are in the North and in the South of Iraq any knowledgeable person about Iraq knows this what is he talking about there is a big question mark about whether or not Ben can handle the national security part of the job of President.

Both Jeb Bush and John Kasich were the only candidates in the debate that appear to be ready for a general election race. They both have important mainstream appeal in their recognition that this Republican right wing policy that the Federal government needs to bring about the deportation of all illegals in the U.S. is a really bad idea. They both recognize that the immigration problem has been a serious wound for America for the last fifteen years the American people want this wound healed and this far right position is hurting the Republican Party big-time. They both recognize that banks need some additional regulation because of the great recession namely in part requiring the banks to reserve higher levels of strong (recession tolerant) capital and diversify their assets, basic common sense. This is important because Dodd-Frank and the international community are poised to implement an extremely dangerous regulatory framework on these big banks specifically its called the TLAC (Total Loss Absorption Capacity) regulations essentially what this regulation will do is force big banks to issue or hold large amounts of bonds the thinking is that if these big banks sustain heavy losses sovereign governments will not have to bail them out because these bond holders can be forced to accept lower principle and/or interest on their bonds and the banks capital problems can be solved by this mechanism. This is utter foolishness it is a very impractical legislative scheme because this increase of debt on banks will increase their debt expense so that in times of economic downturns when revenue and income drops and losses incur it will increase the likelihood of these banks defaulting on their debt it will increase financial rating downgrades during this time and increase the likelihood and magnify depositor, investor and customer shaking of confidence in banks during these times frankly these effects should be alarming for the American people and people throughout the world!

Yep. Just imagine if the moderators had met with the candidates prior to the debate to set the ground rules, figure out what's off limits and all of know kind of like is happening with the Dem debate and CBS.
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
They support failure and Bush is a corporatist. I guess corporatism is the "thing" now? Well, at least with you lefties..
BTW, their experience exceeds hillarys. They didn't fuck the middle east up and lie to everyones faces about some bullshit.
well if you want your candidate to win you want the opposition not to have a strong candidate. doesn't take a lot to figure that out. So we know why he wants either bush or kasich
Actually, the only Republican that can compete with Hillary in the General election are Bush and possibly Rubio

The rest of the clown car is only capable of taking Red States
hahahahhahahhaahhahahahaaha yeah right. You fear Trump. he is the guy for me I want to see him on stage with Clinton. I can't wait.
Bush and Kasich support immigration failure. Bush is a corporatist.
Let me guess, you voting for HRC?

Bush and Kasich are the only Republicans with any experience close to Hillarys
They support failure and Bush is a corporatist. I guess corporatism is the "thing" now? Well, at least with you lefties..
BTW, their experience exceeds hillarys. They didn't fuck the middle east up and lie to everyones faces about some bullshit.
The experience of all the Republicans combined does not exceed Hillary's
" I was a senator that didn't do anything but vote "not present" and waste my time on legislation that couldn't make it off my desk"
"I was SoS and screwed up several countries & proved I was a corrupt war hawk"
"Did I mention I accept money from terrorists?"
"I guess you could also call it experience, that me and my husband used our political knowledge to make it legal for the tax payers to pay our charity employees salaries"
Good point, RW
Sounds like Breitbart

Hillary gained more experience as First Lady than any of the Republicans have
like supporting corporatism? :lol:

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