Media fail: only 29% of American believe Russians impacted election


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Media Fail: Only 29% of Americans Believe Russians Impacted Election
The media so desperately tried to get Americans to believe Russian hacking influenced the outcome of the 2016 election in hopes the Electoral College could be swayed against Trump. A new poll shows they have once again failed epically.

This sounds like the same thing they tried doing with Hillary and her election , it's amazing some people don't have the ability to see how controlled media lies and gets caught at every turn. It is no wonder they accuse sites that are actually as honest as they can be as being fake, while trying to play the typical liberal democratic game of " LIE, CHEAT, STEAL" anyway you can. Just as long as they get that win / what they want.

The press lies ( controlled media)
Obama lies controlled by the puppet masters
The list is much bigger, but maybe it is just a little to difficult for some people to pick up on.
This is a thread that distorts even the distorted Info Wars interpretation of the poll. Read the question asked. The poll is asking for an answer to a definitive question and confirmation that the interference influenced the election. Most people agree that further investigation is needed to make that evaluation because that is the way it has been presented by the media. The question of whether the Russians interfered without the affirmative conclusion of impact is not being asked or addressed by the propaganda rag Infor Wars.
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This is a thread that distorts even the distorted Info Wars interpretation of the poll. Read the question asked. The poll is asking for an answer to a definitive question and confirmation that the interference influenced the election. Most people agree that further investigation is needed to make that evaluation because that is the way it has been presented by the media. The question of whether the Russians interfered without the affirmative conclusion of impact is not being asked or addressed by the propaganda rag Infor Wars.

Of course it does when you don't know what you don't know.

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