Media "reporting" of Benghazi like Woodward, Bernstein helping Nixon cover up Waterga


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
A month after the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the consulate in Benghazi where four Americans were killed, people were getting so angry over the media's complete lack of curiosity over what happened. Quite a few pointed out that the media's lack of reporting and disinterest in the actual events, in the face of obviously false and even contradictory reports coming from the Obama administration, was like Woodward and Bernstein helping Nixon cover up Watergate.

What was obvious then, is even more obvious now, with the revelation of emails where various Obama officials are telling each other to stress that the attack was the result of a video, and not a broader failure of policy. The comparison to Woodward and Bernstein helping to cover up Watergate, is becoming even more obviously true today than it was then.

And the fact that that email was deliberately withheld from Congress in earlier deliveries of documents, shows that the people in charge of such documents knew well what a smoking gun it was.

Will we EVER see the media starting to take an interest in what this administration is doing? More than just fighting for a position where they can tell them how wonderful they are?
The media has always provided cover for our affirmative action President. Nothing new unfortunately.
Will you people please shut the fuck up about Benghazi? Barack Obama would be on trial by now for the assassination of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki if you Conservatives weren't so fucking retarded. Do you think the Democrats are going to charge him with the extrajudicial assassination of an American teen without a trial? Do you people really want Obama to go to prison? Charge him with the international assassination of an American teenager. It was in all the papers.

And when Obama is behind bars then we go after George W. Bush, just to be fair and balanced.

Do FOX-watching Conservatives realize that FOX is the most mainstream of all mainstream media? Of course they don't realize it because they watch FOX. "Mainstream" means the corporate mass media, watched and read by everyone. FOX has the largest viewer share, making FOX the most mainstream of corporate mass media. It isn't difficult to understand unless you watch FOX.
Barry Hussein lied and people died. How hard is it for "investigative reporters" to understand the concept? Woodward and red diaper baby Karl Bernstein used a undisclosed informant releasing unverified information and gave him a catchy name "deep throat" that lefties giggled about. His identity was not released until he freaking died and couldn't verify the information that the reporters staked their careers on. Fair enough? Now we have an administration mired in scandal after scandal and the mainstream "investigative reporters" can't take time out from their democrat party sponsored happy hours to ask the basic questions.
Barry Hussein lied and people died. How hard is it for "investigative reporters" to understand the concept? Woodward and red diaper baby Karl Bernstein used a undisclosed informant releasing unverified information and gave him a catchy name "deep throat" that lefties giggled about. His identity was not released until he freaking died and couldn't verify the information that the reporters staked their careers on. Fair enough? Now we have an administration mired in scandal after scandal and the mainstream "investigative reporters" can't take time out from their democrat party sponsored happy hours to ask the basic questions.

Many will die to prevent the truth about Benghazi from being told. Do you really think Obama learned nothing from Hillary?

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