Melania to live in NYC?

Libs, hyper down. It's just until school is out in summer.
What happened to fighting government waste? What happened to your 8 years bitching about everytime Obama traveled.

Typical hypocrisy from the likes of you residents of Whiner world.

Your bigoted orange hero wass having a fit tweeting "Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary. A total disgrace!"

And now, we will need to fork over that $200,000 an hour (claim you whiners made) every freaking weekend?

I laugh at asshats like you trying to defend Trump.
Read where Melania & the one kid may not move into the White House in January while her kid is in school. Great, we will now keep paying ridiculous amounts of money protecting Melania in NYC while Trump lives in the White House & commuting on weekends.

Where are all you whiners who had fits when Obama traveled anywhere?

Will we have another Crawford in NYC?

Kind of like Barry and Mooch's separate vacations that cost us $71M as of last year, eh?
Read where Melania & the one kid may not move into the White House in January while her kid is in school. Great, we will now keep paying ridiculous amounts of money protecting Melania in NYC while Trump lives in the White House & commuting on weekends.

Where are all you whiners who had fits when Obama traveled anywhere?

Will we have another Crawford in NYC?

Kind of like Barry and Mooch's separate vacations that cost us $71M as of last year, eh?
Bush took nearly 900 vacation days including 77 trips to Crawford Texas. Gee Tom, how much did that cost.

77 round trips Crawford from DC - 5 hours of AF1 @ $200k per hour??? How much is that Tommy? 77 Million? You people are so uninformed that it makes me sick.

If your orange buddy makes 3 trips a month between DC & NYC, that's 5 months or 15 trips at 3Hrs ea @$200K per hour - 9 million. Now add the extra security because Melania & son are living there?
Exactly. Taxpayers are gonna have to pay millions for this bullshit.

Hope you idiot deplorables are happy.
not wanting their children in any school in the DC area shows they have real family values and care about their children.

Lefties hate is triggered yet again by complete nonsense.

Pretty much no matter what happens, you will be offended. Psst...nobody cares what a bunch of loser extremist communists think about such matters. Let the people who support themselves make the decisions. Toddle off to your half-time park attendant jobs and smoke a bowl. You'll feel better.

Oh wait, this is the slow part of the year. Well go take your foodstamps and buy some comfort granola.
Exactly. Taxpayers are gonna have to pay millions for this bullshit.

Hope you idiot deplorables are happy.
not wanting their children in any school in the DC area shows they have real family values and care about their children.
The kid doesn't want to move, and I don't blame Melania for not wanting to live in the WH.

It isn't a requirement of the presidency that their family lives in the whitehouse, or even that the family lives together.
Libs, hyper down. It's just until school is out in summer.
What happened to fighting government waste? What happened to your 8 years bitching about everytime Obama traveled.

Typical hypocrisy from the likes of you residents of Whiner world.

Your bigoted orange hero wass having a fit tweeting "Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary. A total disgrace!"

And now, we will need to fork over that $200,000 an hour (claim you whiners made) every freaking weekend?

I laugh at asshats like you trying to defend Trump.
I don't know where your figures come from but they exclude the costs of obama's security. Come back with those figures.
I think it's fabulous that the Trump family is thinking of Baron and his education. Apparently Melania like the other Trump women are hands on parents and do not rely heavily on nannies.

Excellent. Certainly any Obama supporter couldn't possibly be bitching about any Secret Service detail assigned to the Trump First Family when they are in New York.

:) Not after the Obamas.
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I think it's fabulous that the Trump family is thinking of Baron and his education. Apparently Melania like the other Trump women are hands on parents and do not rely heavily on nannies.

Excellent. Certainly any Obama supporter couldn't possibly be bitching about any Secret Service detail assigned to the First Family when they are in New York.

:) Not after the Obamas.
hey,,,would u wanna live in the white house? too much walking!!!! i wouldnt wanna walk 100 yards just to answer the front door!!:laugh2:
Libs, hyper down. It's just until school is out in summer.
What happened to fighting government waste? What happened to your 8 years bitching about everytime Obama traveled.

Typical hypocrisy from the likes of you residents of Whiner world.

Your bigoted orange hero wass having a fit tweeting "Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary. A total disgrace!"

And now, we will need to fork over that $200,000 an hour (claim you whiners made) every freaking weekend?

I laugh at asshats like you trying to defend Trump.
I don't know where your figures come from but they exclude the costs of obama's security. Come back with those figures.
Those numbers came from your whiner buddy Horny Tom. Ask him.
why would anyone wanna live in DC anyway with dog poop all over the place.
If Trump did not want to live in DC, he shouldn't have run for President or are you sayingf he had no clue that he would live in the White House.
why would anyone wanna live in DC anyway with dog poop all over the place.
If Trump did not want to live in DC, he shouldn't have run for President or are you sayingf he had no clue that he would live in the White House.
same with Moochelle,,,,she hates it! Id rather live in a comfy 2000 sq foot condo on any white sandy beach in Fla than the white house!!!!
why would anyone wanna live in DC anyway with dog poop all over the place.
If Trump did not want to live in DC, he shouldn't have run for President or are you sayingf he had no clue that he would live in the White House.
same with Moochelle,,,,she hates it! Id rather live in a comfy 2000 sq foot condo on any white sandy beach in Fla than the white house!!!!
But Michelle lived in the White House. Melania maybe not. Will Trump spend much time there? We don't know.
Read where Melania & the one kid may not move into the White House in January while her kid is in school. Great, we will now keep paying ridiculous amounts of money protecting Melania in NYC while Trump lives in the White House & commuting on weekends.

Where are all you whiners who had fits when Obama traveled anywhere?

Will we have another Crawford in NYC?
Liberals have no shame..... Only a Liberal could throw a complete hissy fit over a mother not wanting to pull their child out of their school in the middle of a school year.

Liberals still butthurt over their loss are looking for anything and everything to complain about.
Read where Melania & the one kid may not move into the White House in January while her kid is in school. Great, we will now keep paying ridiculous amounts of money protecting Melania in NYC while Trump lives in the White House & commuting on weekends.

Where are all you whiners who had fits when Obama traveled anywhere?

Will we have another Crawford in NYC?
Liberals have no shame..... Only a Liberal could throw a complete hissy fit over a mother not wanting to pull their child out of their school in the middle of a school year.

Liberals still butthurt over their loss are looking for anything and everything to complain about.
Oh please, you pathetic partisan hack.

If Michelle Obama made that decision back in 2008, you would have freaked out about it, calling her Un-American.

And if she was a magazine whore like melanoma who married some old rich guy for money while doing lesbian porn, you would be screaming at the top of your lungs what a prostitute and pervert she was..

But since it is a member of the "Party of Family Values" --- what a joke that is --- you're just fine with it. Fucking hypocrites.
Oh please, you pathetic partisan hack. If Michelle Obama made that decision back in 2008, you would have freaked out about it, calling her Un-American.
No, Vor, I would not have, because unlike you I am a sane, rational, non-rabidly partisan. I am not a Snowflake who is desperately grasping at anything with which you can condemn the opposing party's candidate and his family.

Out of ALL of the major issues going on in the world - in our own country that needs addressing, YOU are REALLY going to bitch about a mother refusing to yank her child out of school in the middle of a school year, away from their friends, and stick them in another school?!


Here's an idea - why don't you write a letter to Obama asking him to pull a 'Bill Clinton - Elian Gonzales', to use federal troops in the middle of the night to storm Trump Towers, seize the child, and force him to move into the WH and a different school, at gunpoint, if it bothers you THAT much?!


Oh please, you pathetic partisan hack. If Michelle Obama made that decision back in 2008, you would have freaked out about it, calling her Un-American.
No, Vor, I would not have, because unlike you I am a sane, rational, non-rabidly partisan. I am not a Snowflake who is desperately grasping at anything with which you can condemn the opposing party's candidate and his family.

Out of ALL of the major issues going on in the world - in our own country that needs addressing, YOU are REALLY going to bitch about a mother refusing to yank her child out of school in the middle of a school year, away from their friends, and stick them in another school?!


Here's an idea - why don't you write a letter to Obama asking him to pull a 'Bill Clinton - Elian Gonzales', to use federal troops in the middle of the night to storm Trump Towers, seize the child, and force him to move into the WH and a different school, at gunpoint, if it bothers you THAT much?!

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You are lying again. You & your band of right wing asshats bitched at Michelle Obama about everything & called her names like you did earlier. You are a typical Trumpette assigning value to women based solely on their looks. You ran in circles flailing your arms screaming " OMG OMG Michelle Obama spent money on this & traveled to there !!! OMG OMG OMG". Now we have Melania costing NYC alone a million a ay not counting federal funding.

Now we have the immoral, immigration fraud Melania spending your money so their spoiled brat doesn't have to switch schools mid year. Or was in Melania loved to glitz around the trending parts of NYC?

Maybe their father should have given more a shit about his kid than his winning the Presidency to boost his financial earnings.

I can't wait for Trump to start to live in NYC instead of the White House & charge the government rent for office space in his own building. Like Sarah Palin did in Alaska.

You are sofa king blind that you have no clue of how big a disaster you put in the White House.

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