Mélenchon answers Macron and invites "les fainéants" to demonstrate September 12 and 23


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
There we go again...C'est parti !



Jean-Luc Mélenchon replied Friday to the promise of Emmanuel Macron to reform France without giving anything "to the lazy".@ JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP

The leader of France rebellious replied Friday to Emmanuel Macron inviting the "morons, cynics and lazy" to demonstrate September 12 and 23.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon replied Friday to the promise of Emmanuel Macron to reform France without giving anything "to the lazy", calling for mobilization Tuesday against the reform of labor law.
A few days before the first social movement of his quinquennium, the president undertook to reform labor law, unemployment insurance, housing and transport policy "without brutality, with calm, with explanation". "I will be absolutely determined, and I will not give anything, neither to the idlers nor the cynics nor the extremes," he added before the French community of Athens. The comments on Twitter by the leader of France insoumise, who accompanied them with an invitation: "Abrutis, cynical, lazy, all in the street on September 12 and 23!".

Mélenchon répond à Macron et invite "les fainéants" à manifester les 12 et 23 septembre

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