Memo destroys fake news claim Trump never spied on


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Nunes memo has discredited mainstream reporters who laughed at the president’s assertion that Trump Tower and his campaign were wiretapped.

“Turns out, he was lying,” wrote CNN’s Chris Cillizza in Sept. 2017. “That’s the conclusion the Justice Department reached Friday night in a court filing; ‘Both FBI and NSD (National Security Division) confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets,’ the filing read.”

Memo Destroys Fake News Claim Trump Never Spied On

OMG the liars, the liars have so been caught and those who stood by them rooting and cheering because the idiots thought they'd win, including those who thought CLINTON had it in the bag and so much so TIME MAGAZINE PRINTED OUT MADAM PRESIDENT LMFAO..

IDIOTS you were ALL PLAYED and bit every bullet spit out.......
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Obama is a snake can we all at least agree on that?

Wait until this one gets around LOL but just because it goes a little viral it might not happen. The globalist like to try and make some things from infowars look like it was bs. They wait and pull it off later, sometimes a year later..

Sheep get off on trying to make alex look less credible zombies can't figure that out either.

Globalists probably are not going to throw in the towel just yet but neither are the patriots.

Rod wrote this last year and it still stands true today;

"The UN was formed in 1945 during the War as a double edged sword. It was nothing more than a facilitator for retaliation in that if one member nation was attacked by another it would be considered an attack against all and gang mentality against rogue nations would be the legal avenue to provide the venue for military and economic response. Once the armistice was signed and acts of the Axis Powers physical war ceased Franklin Roosevelt was dead. Great Britain and much of Europe lay in ruins and warring Winston Churchill was relegated to the annals of history. Supposedly the War to end all wars concluded with the signing of the armistice agreement however the UN and NATO remained intact with full force and affect. We now have world leaders and many publicly elected American officials claiming the constitution is no longer needed. They prefer a dominating world government by the UN under the auspices of the United Nations Charter as opposed to our Constitution which was specifically designed to limit the role of government against the people instead of promoting government over the will of the people. They prefer to disregard our Constitution which was not only the anchor for our nation as a self governing body but in fact it served as our rudder during stormy times in our nation's history. For those who claim our Constitution is outmoded and outdated I propose the same applies to the United Nations and its independence stifling UN Charter. The United Nations under the United Nations Charter is nothing more than an international gestapo organization looking to take financial and political control of the world via the New World Order and a slew of orphans it adopted by way of not only the United Nations but also the European Union. The UN promotes a perpetual state of social and economic warfare against sovereignty and the independent status of peoples of the world. If allowed to remain unchecked in its ever changing existence it will become the ruination of its own totalitarian world. United Nations Mandates have no regard for the sovereign status of any State or Nation. It is rather a "do or die" synopsis implemented by global elitist fascists through a progressive New World Order totalitarian agenda to accomplish world domination. America must not let these pro-corporate fascists (professing to be promoters of capitalism) dominate her any longer. They have covertly been piecing and parting out her people's wealth and the people's well being to global and foreign corporate interests against the very Constitutional foundation that protected her wealth. Americas strength her greatest wealth is not her coal, gas or oil and minerals but her people. Let there be no mistake America will fight tyranny as it is not only her birthright but her obligation. She will defend liberty and deliver justice for they are her fiber and foundation. To those who seek to usurp her people's authority beware, if you continue to piss America off the spirit within her will once again rise to walk and it will come for you in your hidden caves as you cower. The very caves you built are being discovered as I write and I assure you they too will be destroyed though you've hidden them from the people. You know no peace and you have no rest for Liberty walks and you know that she does. As also you know that Justice came with her then now you well know that it came here for you."
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Globalists probably are not going to throw in the towel just yet but neither are the patriots.

Rod wrote this last year and it still stands true today;

"The UN was formed in 1945 during the War as a double edged sword. It was nothing more than a facilitator for retaliation in that if one member nation was attacked by another it would be considered an attack against all and gang mentality against rogue nations would be the legal avenue to provide the venue for military and economic response. Once the armistice was signed and acts of the Axis Powers physical war ceased Franklin Roosevelt was dead. Great Britain and much of Europe lay in ruins and warring Winston Churchill was relegated to the annals of history. Supposedly the War to end all wars concluded with the signing of the armistice agreement however the UN and NATO remained intact with full force and affect. We now have world leaders and many publicly elected American officials claiming the constitution is no longer needed. They prefer a dominating world government by the UN under the auspices of the United Nations Charter as opposed to our Constitution which was specifically designed to limit the role of government against the people instead of promoting government over the will of the people. They prefer to disregard our Constitution which was not only the anchor for our nation as a self governing body but in fact it served as our rudder during stormy times in our nation's history. For those who claim our Constitution is outmoded and outdated I propose the same applies to the United Nations and its independence stifling UN Charter. The United Nations under the United Nations Charter is nothing more than an international gestapo organization looking to take financial and political control of the world via the New World Order and a slew of orphans it adopted by way of not only the United Nations but also the European Union. The UN promotes a perpetual state of social and economic warfare against sovereignty and the independent status of peoples of the world. If allowed to remain unchecked in its ever changing existence it will become the ruination of its own totalitarian world. United Nations Mandates have no regard for the sovereign status of any State or Nation. It is rather a "do or die" synopsis implemented by global elitist fascists through a progressive New World Order totalitarian agenda to accomplish world domination. America must not let these pro-corporate fascists (professing to be promoters of capitalism) dominate her any longer. They have covertly been piecing and parting out her people's wealth and the people's well being to global and foreign corporate interests against the very Constitutional foundation that protected her wealth. Americas strength her greatest wealth is not her coal, gas or oil and minerals but her people. Let there be no mistake America will fight tyranny as it is not only her birthright but her obligation. She will defend liberty and deliver justice for they are her fiber and foundation. To those who seek to usurp her people's authority beware, if you continue to piss America off the spirit within her will once again rise to walk and it will come for you in your hidden caves as you cower. The very caves you built are being discovered as I write and I assure you they too will be destroyed though you've hidden them from the people. You know no peace and you have no rest for Liberty walks and you know that she does. As also you know that Justice came with her then now you well know that it came here for you."

It should be an interesting day though. If it happens or not. I'm not sure the kill numbers would be satisfying enough for them. In other words there wouldn't be enough bodies to count up. Compared to a bigger target that could take out many, many more.
We could go real deep and say they could put a virus off at the game though. Nobody would know a dam thing but boy could it spread fast lol.............
Globalists probably are not going to throw in the towel just yet but neither are the patriots.

Rod wrote this last year and it still stands true today;

"The UN was formed in 1945 during the War as a double edged sword. It was nothing more than a facilitator for retaliation in that if one member nation was attacked by another it would be considered an attack against all and gang mentality against rogue nations would be the legal avenue to provide the venue for military and economic response. Once the armistice was signed and acts of the Axis Powers physical war ceased Franklin Roosevelt was dead. Great Britain and much of Europe lay in ruins and warring Winston Churchill was relegated to the annals of history. Supposedly the War to end all wars concluded with the signing of the armistice agreement however the UN and NATO remained intact with full force and affect. We now have world leaders and many publicly elected American officials claiming the constitution is no longer needed. They prefer a dominating world government by the UN under the auspices of the United Nations Charter as opposed to our Constitution which was specifically designed to limit the role of government against the people instead of promoting government over the will of the people. They prefer to disregard our Constitution which was not only the anchor for our nation as a self governing body but in fact it served as our rudder during stormy times in our nation's history. For those who claim our Constitution is outmoded and outdated I propose the same applies to the United Nations and its independence stifling UN Charter. The United Nations under the United Nations Charter is nothing more than an international gestapo organization looking to take financial and political control of the world via the New World Order and a slew of orphans it adopted by way of not only the United Nations but also the European Union. The UN promotes a perpetual state of social and economic warfare against sovereignty and the independent status of peoples of the world. If allowed to remain unchecked in its ever changing existence it will become the ruination of its own totalitarian world. United Nations Mandates have no regard for the sovereign status of any State or Nation. It is rather a "do or die" synopsis implemented by global elitist fascists through a progressive New World Order totalitarian agenda to accomplish world domination. America must not let these pro-corporate fascists (professing to be promoters of capitalism) dominate her any longer. They have covertly been piecing and parting out her people's wealth and the people's well being to global and foreign corporate interests against the very Constitutional foundation that protected her wealth. Americas strength her greatest wealth is not her coal, gas or oil and minerals but her people. Let there be no mistake America will fight tyranny as it is not only her birthright but her obligation. She will defend liberty and deliver justice for they are her fiber and foundation. To those who seek to usurp her people's authority beware, if you continue to piss America off the spirit within her will once again rise to walk and it will come for you in your hidden caves as you cower. The very caves you built are being discovered as I write and I assure you they too will be destroyed though you've hidden them from the people. You know no peace and you have no rest for Liberty walks and you know that she does. As also you know that Justice came with her then now you well know that it came here for you."

It should be an interesting day though. If it happens or not. I'm not sure the kill numbers would be satisfying enough for them. In other words there wouldn't be enough bodies to count up. Compared to a bigger target that could take out many, many more.
We could go real deep and say they could put a virus off at the game though. Nobody would know a dam thing but boy could it spread fast lol.............
They have already and weakened the immune systems of many with their chemicals and alterations of genes. It is not like people have not been warned for thousands of years. See the thing is that all affects their gene pool and their DNA too even if they are foolish enough to believe that they will not have to reap what they sow.

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