Memo to the Left Revisited: Afghanistan wasn't about bin Laden and neither was Iraq


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Memo to the Left Revisited: Afghanistan wasn't about bin Laden and neither was Iraq

I have been having this Debate with either Deliberately Dishonest or Concerningly Ignorant Liberals since just after we Invaded Afghanistan back in the Fall of 2001... Some of you may not remember, but there were plenty of Nay-Sayers around our First "War of Choice" after 9/11 at the time... From ABCNews to Slate to Tom Daschle to the average Bush Hater on the street.©... A Saddam connection? <Read that from Slate Circa 2001... It might shock you.

They were subsequently drowned out in Late 2002 by the prospects of going into Iraq, and that's when everyone finally settled on bin Laden as the Reason we went into Afghanistan and started screaming, "Saddam wasn't behind 9/11"... Well, Bush NEVER said he was.

It's funny, the Authorization for Use of Military Force in 2001 that was the Justification for the War in Afghanistan, doesn't mention Afghanistan or bin Laden: Click me!

And curiously, the Joint Resolution to Authorize Use of Force Against Iraq in 2002 doesn't mention bin Laden either and in NO WAY Implicates or Accuses Saddam of being behind 9/11: Click me!

I Know the Facts are Difficult and Burdensome to the Hopes and Dreams of some about the Bush Administration, but they are the Facts.

OK, you can't Counter that Data?... So you say "Where's the WMD?"...

One of my Favorites... There were 109 Facilities in Iraq that were Documented and SEALED by the UN leading up to our Authorization for Force in 2002. The UN Documented Mass Stockpiles of WMD and Banned Long Range Missiles in these Facilities... After 5 months of playing footsies with the Frogs @ the UN so that they could get their Ducks out of Saddam's Bed, those Facilities were Emptied. By the time our Forces go to them in the Spring of 2003... Gone.

Read this as MANY times as it takes Liberals: Missing does NOT = WMD Never Existed... End of List.

And the Masses that Saddam Gassed in his History Defies your Disgusting Denials.

As for all of the Bellyaching around Torturing Terrorists @ Gitmo, Extraordinary Rendition, Drones, Assassinations, Wars of Choice, Nation Building and the rest that the Left pinned on Bush...

What is Barry doing Differently?... Libya?... Invading Pakistan, an Ally, to Assassinate an Arab we don't even Implicate by name in either of our Authorizations of Force?... And he and his Family were Unarmed in a Residential Area to boot!

Ask yourselves Liberals... What would you be saying right now if all of this were taking place in 2007?...

Be Honest... You would have been saying what I just said that probably got you angry with me... But I remember how Dismissive you were of Saddam's Capture... How angry you were by the Execution of his Sons...

Now you all are Celebrating like this is a Sporting Event and Barry is the Greatest Caesar to have ever sent Gladiators to Battle.

The Fact is that Barry used the entire Military/Counter-Terrorism Apparatus that Bush put in place, including the same SEAL Team that took out Saddam, to take out bin Laden and to keep us Safe here on our Soil for the first 2 years of his Presidency... And I applaud him for it.

But he Campaigned AGAINST getting Information out of Gitmo Detainees that way... Yet he Utilized that Intel that was Extracted there to take bin Laden out.

He Campaigned AGAINST Acting Unilaterally Militarily, yet did so 100% in Pakistan last week, not even Informing our "Ally" that we were Invading their Soil.

Bush had a Coalition in Iraq that Barry couldn't gather for ANYTHING, including getting bin Laden, yet the Liberals said that Coalition was Fake or Small and that we still Acted Unilaterally in the end...

Bush also got Congressional Approval for his "Wars of Choice".

We WAITED for 5 MONTHS to Attack Iraq... 5 MONTHS!

Obama didn't even get Congressional Approval to Attack Libya and he Certainly didn't wait... AT ALL.

There would be calls for King George's Impeachment right now, not Demands that we Kiss his Ass for being so Brilliant in Strateegery in getting bin Laden, so much so that he could've just went in himself instead of the SEALs...

Because that's how the Left sounds about this right now... You sound like you have your first taste of Blood and are Hungry for more.

And you Know that the Left would be Claiming Fraud when told that bin Laden wasn't Armed, and that we had to Bury him at Sea right away...

They would have Islamic Experts and War Crimes Experts on every program looking into how Wrong what the Cowboy President did...

But this 2011... It's not the Cowboy President... It's the Supposed "Professor" of Hope and Change who could bring a New Tone to the World and get the Islamic World on our Side...

The One who would Close Gitmo... End Iraq... Complete Afghanistan and NOT Start Wars of Choice Unilaterally or going Invading Sovereign Nations Assassinating people.

You do Remember Candidate Barry 2008, don't you?... The not-quite-one-term Senator who regularly Criticized Bush for EXACTLY what President Barry does now?

All I expect out of the Left is a Concession and a, "we get it now, you guys were Right about how to Fight Islamic Terror", or I expect them to go after Barry like they did Bush for 7 years.

And even with more Energy, because at least Bush wasn't a Hypocrite about it.

Is Honesty too much to ask from my Fellow Humans?...

Is it?

Copyright ©2011 - tha malcontent/​

No comment, not that it would make any difference anyway.

I am enjoying all the panties in a wad over Obama getting OBL though.
Keep it up.
Born in 1957 in Saudi Arabia, Osama bin Laden was the 17th of 53 children fathered by Muhamad Awad bin Laden, a native Yemeni who immigrated to Saudi Arabia and established numerous construction and contracting ventures which yielded him a fortune of nearly $5 billion. Of that sum, Osama bin Laden is believed to have inherited as much as $300 million when his father, who married at least 22 times, died in a 1968 helicopter crash.

After the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979, bin Laden, then in his early twenties, became increasingly affiliated with extremist groups such as Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and he proclaimed that all Muslims had a religious duty to take up arms against the Soviets. Starting in the mid-Eighties, he used his great wealth to establish training camps in Afghanistan -- initially to prepare the mujahedeen, or “freedom fighters,” for combat against their Soviet adversaries, and later to wage jihad against other targets around the world. Together with Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood leader Abdullah Azzam, bin Laden headed one of the seven main militias that were involved in fighting the Soviets. He attracted thousands of recruits from Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, and Sudan.

During his campaign against the USSR, bin Laden received some help from the American CIA, which sought to thwart Soviet expansion into Afghanistan; the CIA purchased vast quantities of weapons, ammunition, and supplies and sent these to the Pakistani intelligence agency, which in turn distributed them to the mujahedeen. The U.S. did not, however, train or directly finance bin Laden’s forces. The Arabs had their own sources of funding and support. What training was provided came from Pakistan. Bin Laden himself never had any relations with Americans or American officials.

By the time Soviet troops had finally been driven out of Afghanistan in February 1989, bin Laden had acquired a sizable following, which he began to reference as “al Qaeda,” an Arabic term meaning “the Base.” In 1989 he moved back to Saudi Arabia, expecting a hero's welcome in honor of his successful effort against the Soviets. But when he was not received as the liberator which he believed himself to be, bin Laden became an outspoken, inveterate critic of Saudi authorities. His discontent was further fueled by the Saudi regime's decision to permit U.S. forces to use Saudi territory as a base for military operations during the 1991 Gulf War -- and to thereby "pollut[e]" the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammad with the presence of “infidels.” In retribution for this perceived affront, bin Laden vowed to depose the Saudi royal family and to install an Islamic fundamentalist regime in its stead. His ultimate objective was to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate.

Growing increasingly uncomfortable with bin Laden's militant rhetoric, the royal family expelled the al Qaeda leader from their country in 1991. For the next five years, bin Laden headquartered his operations in Sudan, where, with the help of his Sudanese hosts as well as Iran, he established important connections and collaborations with other terror groups. Most notably, bin Laden played a role in the 1992 bombings of two hotels in Yemen; he maintained a safe-house in Pakistan for Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center (WTC) bombing; he gave financial support to Omar Abdel Rahman, who was also convicted for playing a role in the WTC bombing; he gave massive assistance to Somali militias whose efforts would eventually force the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1994; and he was involved in a 1995 assassination plot against Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.

In 1996 Mansoor Ijaz, a Muslim-American businessman and a supporter of President Bill Clinton, opened an unofficial diplomatic channel between the Sudanese government and the Clinton administration, whose State Department had recently accused Sudan of harboring terrorists and had described bin Laden as “the greatest single financier of terrorist projects in the world.” Said Ijaz:

“[Sudanese] President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir, who wanted terrorism sanctions against Sudan lifted, offered the arrest and extradition of bin Laden and detailed intelligence data about the global networks constructed by Egypt’s Islamic Jihad, Iran’s Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Hamas. Among the members of these networks were ... two hijackers who [would later pilot] commercial airliners into the World Trade Center [on 9/11]. The silence of the Clinton administration in responding to these offers was deafening.”

According to a London Sunday Times account based on a Clinton administration source, this was one of three separate occasions when President Clinton had an opportunity to seize bin Laden but chose not to. Responsibility for those decisions to turn down access to the al Qaeda kingpin, said the Times, “went to the very top of the White House.”

Ijaz reported further that in May 1996 “the Sudanese capitulated to U.S. pressure and asked bin Laden to leave, despite their feeling that he could be monitored better in Sudan than elsewhere.” Thus bin Laden relocated to Afghanistan, where he was welcomed as an honored “guest” by the brutal, authoritarian Taliban regime, and where he promptly began to escalate his anti-American rhetoric. In a July 1996 interview with the Independent, bin Laden praised a 1995 truck-bomb attack in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia that had killed 19 U.S. servicemen as “the beginning of war between Muslims and the United States.” Though he did not take responsibility for the bombing, he noted that “not long ago, I gave advice to the Americans to withdraw their troops from Saudi Arabia.”

On August 23, 1996, bin Laden issued a landmark fatwa, or religious edict, entitled “Declaration of War Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places.” First published in Al Quds Al Arabi, a London-based newspaper, this fatwa declared that “the people of Islam had suffered from aggression, iniquity and injustice imposed on them by the Zionist-Crusaders alliance and their collaborators”; it derided the Saudi government for its “inability ... to protect the country” from the presence of “the American crusader forces”; it stated that there was “no more important duty [for Muslims] than pushing the American enemy out of the holy land”; it called for a combination of “economical [sic] boycotting” and “terrorizing” to be directed against U.S. interests; and it urged Muslims to “slay the idolaters where ever you find them, and take them captives [sic] and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush.”

On February 23, 1998, bin Laden and several leading Muslim militants announced the formation of a coalition called the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders. The coalition's member groups included al Qaeda, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the Islamic Group, and organizations engaged in Kashmir and Bangladesh. Its council (shura) members, led by bin Laden, signed a fatwa -- published, again, in Al Quds Al Arabi -- which accused the United States of such transgressions as “occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula”; plundering [Arabia's] riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, [and] terrorizing its neighbors”; conspiring “to serve the Jews' petty state and divert attention from its occupation of Jerusalem and murder of Muslims there”; and issuing “a clear declaration of war on Allah, his messenger, and Muslims.” “On that basis, and in compliance with Allah's order,” wrote bin Laden and his comrades, “we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims: The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies – civilians and military – is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it.”

After the foregoing fatwa had been issued, bin Laden involved himself directly in high-profile attacks like the August 7, 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (killing a combined 224 people); the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen (which killed 17 American sailors); and, most famously, the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Responding to 9/11 with military force, the United States quickly overthrew the Taliban regime which had given bin Laden a safe haven in Afghanistan. A low-grade conflict dragged on for years afterward, however. Throughout that conflict, bin Laden remained in hiding; his precise whereabouts were unknown, though the intelligence community’s general consensus was that the terror leader was likely hiding in a remote region somewhere near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. He occasionally released audio or video tapes (aired by the Al Jazeera broadcast network) praising and encouraging further strikes against American interests in various places. “I have sworn to only live free,” said bin Laden in one such audiotape. “Even if I find bitter the taste of death, I don't want to die humiliated or deceived.... The jihad is continuing with strength ...”

A key development in the search for the elusive bin Laden occurred in 2007, when two Guantanamo Bay detainees -- Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Abu Faraj al-Libbi -- were shipped to an “extraordinary rendition” site in Eastern Europe where they were waterboarded. As a direct result of that waterboarding, these men provided U.S. officials with the nom de guerre of one of bin Laden's most trusted personal couriers. The informants indicated that the courier in question might be living with, and protecting, the al Qaeda leader. Proceeding from that tip, U.S. intelligence officials painstakingly set out to locate the courier. In August 2010 they finally succeeded in tracing him to a three-story, million-dollar residence situated on a one-acre compound in Abbottabad, an affluent suburb about 35 miles north of Islamabad, Pakistan. Further surveillance suggested, though never conclusively proved, that bin Laden himself was also living there.

Late on the night of May 1, 2011, forty U.S. Navy SEALS raided the Abbottabad compound and indeed found bin Laden therein and fatally shot him in the face. Soon after bin Laden's death, U.S. military personnel washed his body, wrapped it in a white sheet, and gave him a religious Islamic funeral on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier. Then they buried bin Laden at sea at 2 a.m. local time on May 2.

Is setting aside partisanship too much to ask from mal?

Peter King&#8217;s Take

For the past two years, the Long Island Republican has been one of President Obama&#8217;s leading security critics on Capitol Hill. But this week, as he has heard more details about the Navy SEALs&#8217; mission, he has been increasingly impressed by the president&#8217;s leadership. &#8220;I think that the president handled everything very well,&#8221; King says. &#8220;Think about this: There was no direct evidence that bin Laden was in that compound. Nobody saw him.&#8221;

&#8220;It could have been anything; it could have been a set-up, full of civilians, women, and children,&#8221; King surmises. &#8220;It could have been full of weapons and explosives to blow our helicopters out of the sky. Or it could have been absolutely nothing.&#8221;

&#8220;I understand that there were a number of people in the president&#8217;s circle who were opposed to the decision,&#8221; King observes, his eyebrow raised. &#8220;But with this operation, he never flinched, he never blinked. If it went the wrong way, it would have ruined his presidency, in the same way the helicopters in the desert did to Jimmy Carter.&#8221;

At the White House on Monday night, at the bipartisan congressional dinner, King took the president aside. &#8220;I told him that I was proud that he was president, that the people of New York were gratified,&#8221; he says. &#8220;The president replied that &#8216;there is still a long way to go.&#8217; At his moment of victory, he said that. I was happy to hear it.&#8221;

Peter King
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Is setting aside partisanship too much to ask from mal?

Peter King’s Take

For the past two years, the Long Island Republican has been one of President Obama’s leading security critics on Capitol Hill. But this week, as he has heard more details about the Navy SEALs’ mission, he has been increasingly impressed by the president’s leadership. “I think that the president handled everything very well,” King says. “Think about this: There was no direct evidence that bin Laden was in that compound. Nobody saw him.”

“It could have been anything; it could have been a set-up, full of civilians, women, and children,” King surmises. “It could have been full of weapons and explosives to blow our helicopters out of the sky. Or it could have been absolutely nothing.”

“I understand that there were a number of people in the president’s circle who were opposed to the decision,” King observes, his eyebrow raised. “But with this operation, he never flinched, he never blinked. If it went the wrong way, it would have ruined his presidency, in the same way the helicopters in the desert did to Jimmy Carter.”

At the White House on Monday night, at the bipartisan congressional dinner, King took the president aside. “I told him that I was proud that he was president, that the people of New York were gratified,” he says. “The president replied that ‘there is still a long way to go.’ At his moment of victory, he said that. I was happy to hear it.”
Peter King
Was that a trick question?
Is setting aside partisanship too much to ask from mal?

Peter King’s Take

For the past two years, the Long Island Republican has been one of President Obama’s leading security critics on Capitol Hill. But this week, as he has heard more details about the Navy SEALs’ mission, he has been increasingly impressed by the president’s leadership. “I think that the president handled everything very well,” King says. “Think about this: There was no direct evidence that bin Laden was in that compound. Nobody saw him.”

“It could have been anything; it could have been a set-up, full of civilians, women, and children,” King surmises. “It could have been full of weapons and explosives to blow our helicopters out of the sky. Or it could have been absolutely nothing.”

“I understand that there were a number of people in the president’s circle who were opposed to the decision,” King observes, his eyebrow raised. “But with this operation, he never flinched, he never blinked. If it went the wrong way, it would have ruined his presidency, in the same way the helicopters in the desert did to Jimmy Carter.”

At the White House on Monday night, at the bipartisan congressional dinner, King took the president aside. “I told him that I was proud that he was president, that the people of New York were gratified,” he says. “The president replied that ‘there is still a long way to go.’ At his moment of victory, he said that. I was happy to hear it.”

Peter King

You didn't Read what I Wrote... But I am not Surprised by that. :thup:

For NOT doing what Barry said he was going to when Campaigning, and for basically sticking with, and Utilizing the Machine put in Place by (43), I Applaud him...

Had he Shut down Gitmo and Refused to Use Intel from those Tortured Sources, he wouldn't have been Successful and Finding and Killing Obama...

My Rant is about how the Left would have Played this if it were (43) and still 2007 and all of what is going now was then...

They would have been just as I Illstrated in the above, and just as they were for the Duration of (43)'s Presidency no matter what happened.

I don't Expect Dishonest Liberals to Concede this, or to Concede that the Tactics, Laws and Machinery that were put in place by (43) and Utilized by Obama was what lead to this Success.

Carry on.


Is setting aside partisanship too much to ask from mal?

Peter King’s Take

For the past two years, the Long Island Republican has been one of President Obama’s leading security critics on Capitol Hill. But this week, as he has heard more details about the Navy SEALs’ mission, he has been increasingly impressed by the president’s leadership. “I think that the president handled everything very well,” King says. “Think about this: There was no direct evidence that bin Laden was in that compound. Nobody saw him.”

“It could have been anything; it could have been a set-up, full of civilians, women, and children,” King surmises. “It could have been full of weapons and explosives to blow our helicopters out of the sky. Or it could have been absolutely nothing.”

“I understand that there were a number of people in the president’s circle who were opposed to the decision,” King observes, his eyebrow raised. “But with this operation, he never flinched, he never blinked. If it went the wrong way, it would have ruined his presidency, in the same way the helicopters in the desert did to Jimmy Carter.”

At the White House on Monday night, at the bipartisan congressional dinner, King took the president aside. “I told him that I was proud that he was president, that the people of New York were gratified,” he says. “The president replied that ‘there is still a long way to go.’ At his moment of victory, he said that. I was happy to hear it.”
Peter King
Was that a trick question?

And still no Substance from the House Bigot... :clap2:


Memo to the Left Revisited: Afghanistan wasn't about bin Laden and neither was Iraq

I have been having this Debate with either Deliberately Dishonest or Concerningly Ignorant Liberals since just after we Invaded Afghanistan back in the Fall of 2001... Some of you may not remember, but there were plenty of Nay-Sayers around our First "War of Choice" after 9/11 at the time... From ABCNews to Slate to Tom Daschle to the average Bush Hater on the street.©... A Saddam connection? <Read that from Slate Circa 2001... It might shock you.

They were subsequently drowned out in Late 2002 by the prospects of going into Iraq, and that's when everyone finally settled on bin Laden as the Reason we went into Afghanistan and started screaming, "Saddam wasn't behind 9/11"... Well, Bush NEVER said he was.

It's funny, the Authorization for Use of Military Force in 2001 that was the Justification for the War in Afghanistan, doesn't mention Afghanistan or bin Laden: Click me!

And curiously, the Joint Resolution to Authorize Use of Force Against Iraq in 2002 doesn't mention bin Laden either and in NO WAY Implicates or Accuses Saddam of being behind 9/11: Click me!

I Know the Facts are Difficult and Burdensome to the Hopes and Dreams of some about the Bush Administration, but they are the Facts.

OK, you can't Counter that Data?... So you say "Where's the WMD?"...

One of my Favorites... There were 109 Facilities in Iraq that were Documented and SEALED by the UN leading up to our Authorization for Force in 2002. The UN Documented Mass Stockpiles of WMD and Banned Long Range Missiles in these Facilities... After 5 months of playing footsies with the Frogs @ the UN so that they could get their Ducks out of Saddam's Bed, those Facilities were Emptied. By the time our Forces go to them in the Spring of 2003... Gone.

Read this as MANY times as it takes Liberals: Missing does NOT = WMD Never Existed... End of List.

And the Masses that Saddam Gassed in his History Defies your Disgusting Denials.

As for all of the Bellyaching around Torturing Terrorists @ Gitmo, Extraordinary Rendition, Drones, Assassinations, Wars of Choice, Nation Building and the rest that the Left pinned on Bush...

What is Barry doing Differently?... Libya?... Invading Pakistan, an Ally, to Assassinate an Arab we don't even Implicate by name in either of our Authorizations of Force?... And he and his Family were Unarmed in a Residential Area to boot!

Ask yourselves Liberals... What would you be saying right now if all of this were taking place in 2007?...

Be Honest... You would have been saying what I just said that probably got you angry with me... But I remember how Dismissive you were of Saddam's Capture... How angry you were by the Execution of his Sons...

Now you all are Celebrating like this is a Sporting Event and Barry is the Greatest Caesar to have ever sent Gladiators to Battle.

The Fact is that Barry used the entire Military/Counter-Terrorism Apparatus that Bush put in place, including the same SEAL Team that took out Saddam, to take out bin Laden and to keep us Safe here on our Soil for the first 2 years of his Presidency... And I applaud him for it.

But he Campaigned AGAINST getting Information out of Gitmo Detainees that way... Yet he Utilized that Intel that was Extracted there to take bin Laden out.

He Campaigned AGAINST Acting Unilaterally Militarily, yet did so 100% in Pakistan last week, not even Informing our "Ally" that we were Invading their Soil.

Bush had a Coalition in Iraq that Barry couldn't gather for ANYTHING, including getting bin Laden, yet the Liberals said that Coalition was Fake or Small and that we still Acted Unilaterally in the end...

Bush also got Congressional Approval for his "Wars of Choice".

We WAITED for 5 MONTHS to Attack Iraq... 5 MONTHS!

Obama didn't even get Congressional Approval to Attack Libya and he Certainly didn't wait... AT ALL.

There would be calls for King George's Impeachment right now, not Demands that we Kiss his Ass for being so Brilliant in Strateegery in getting bin Laden, so much so that he could've just went in himself instead of the SEALs...

Because that's how the Left sounds about this right now... You sound like you have your first taste of Blood and are Hungry for more.

And you Know that the Left would be Claiming Fraud when told that bin Laden wasn't Armed, and that we had to Bury him at Sea right away...

They would have Islamic Experts and War Crimes Experts on every program looking into how Wrong what the Cowboy President did...

But this 2011... It's not the Cowboy President... It's the Supposed "Professor" of Hope and Change who could bring a New Tone to the World and get the Islamic World on our Side...

The One who would Close Gitmo... End Iraq... Complete Afghanistan and NOT Start Wars of Choice Unilaterally or going Invading Sovereign Nations Assassinating people.

You do Remember Candidate Barry 2008, don't you?... The not-quite-one-term Senator who regularly Criticized Bush for EXACTLY what President Barry does now?

All I expect out of the Left is a Concession and a, "we get it now, you guys were Right about how to Fight Islamic Terror", or I expect them to go after Barry like they did Bush for 7 years.

And even with more Energy, because at least Bush wasn't a Hypocrite about it.

Is Honesty too much to ask from my Fellow Humans?...

Is it?

Copyright ©2011 - tha malcontent/​


I fell for the Ben Laden did it, let's go get him motivation speech, until I found out he never was charged with the world trade center attack. I then question why we went in the first place.
  • Thanks
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Is setting aside partisanship too much to ask from mal?

Peter King’s Take

For the past two years, the Long Island Republican has been one of President Obama’s leading security critics on Capitol Hill. But this week, as he has heard more details about the Navy SEALs’ mission, he has been increasingly impressed by the president’s leadership. “I think that the president handled everything very well,” King says. “Think about this: There was no direct evidence that bin Laden was in that compound. Nobody saw him.”

“It could have been anything; it could have been a set-up, full of civilians, women, and children,” King surmises. “It could have been full of weapons and explosives to blow our helicopters out of the sky. Or it could have been absolutely nothing.”

“I understand that there were a number of people in the president’s circle who were opposed to the decision,” King observes, his eyebrow raised. “But with this operation, he never flinched, he never blinked. If it went the wrong way, it would have ruined his presidency, in the same way the helicopters in the desert did to Jimmy Carter.”

At the White House on Monday night, at the bipartisan congressional dinner, King took the president aside. “I told him that I was proud that he was president, that the people of New York were gratified,” he says. “The president replied that ‘there is still a long way to go.’ At his moment of victory, he said that. I was happy to hear it.”

Peter King

You didn't Read what I Wrote... But I am not Surprised by that. :thup:

For NOT doing what Barry said he was going to when Campaigning, and for basically sticking with, and Utilizing the Machine put in Place by (43), I Applaud him...

Had he Shut down Gitmo and Refused to Use Intel from those Tortured Sources, he wouldn't have been Successful and Finding and Killing Obama...

My Rant is about how the Left would have Played this if it were (43) and still 2007 and all of what is going now was then...

They would have been just as I Illstrated in the above, and just as they were for the Duration of (43)'s Presidency no matter what happened.

I don't Expect Dishonest Liberals to Concede this, or to Concede that the Tactics, Laws and Machinery that were put in place by (43) and Utilized by Obama was what lead to this Success.

Carry on.



And how would the right have played it if this exact same thing with OBL had happened under Bush's watch?
Is setting aside partisanship too much to ask from mal?

Peter King

You didn't Read what I Wrote... But I am not Surprised by that. :thup:

For NOT doing what Barry said he was going to when Campaigning, and for basically sticking with, and Utilizing the Machine put in Place by (43), I Applaud him...

Had he Shut down Gitmo and Refused to Use Intel from those Tortured Sources, he wouldn't have been Successful and Finding and Killing Obama...

My Rant is about how the Left would have Played this if it were (43) and still 2007 and all of what is going now was then...

They would have been just as I Illstrated in the above, and just as they were for the Duration of (43)'s Presidency no matter what happened.

I don't Expect Dishonest Liberals to Concede this, or to Concede that the Tactics, Laws and Machinery that were put in place by (43) and Utilized by Obama was what lead to this Success.

Carry on.



And how would the right have played it if this exact same thing with OBL had happened under Bush's watch?

I would want it verified. I wouldn't take the word of the government, I don't do that anymore.
You didn't Read what I Wrote... But I am not Surprised by that. :thup:

For NOT doing what Barry said he was going to when Campaigning, and for basically sticking with, and Utilizing the Machine put in Place by (43), I Applaud him...

Had he Shut down Gitmo and Refused to Use Intel from those Tortured Sources, he wouldn't have been Successful and Finding and Killing Obama...

My Rant is about how the Left would have Played this if it were (43) and still 2007 and all of what is going now was then...

They would have been just as I Illstrated in the above, and just as they were for the Duration of (43)'s Presidency no matter what happened.

I don't Expect Dishonest Liberals to Concede this, or to Concede that the Tactics, Laws and Machinery that were put in place by (43) and Utilized by Obama was what lead to this Success.

Carry on.



And how would the right have played it if this exact same thing with OBL had happened under Bush's watch?

I would want it verified. I wouldn't take the word of the government, I don't do that anymore.

Any more... Yes.
I never believed what politicians say.
I just follow the game make the best calls I can based on averaged out lies mostly and see how it turns out.
And how would the right have played it if this exact same thing with OBL had happened under Bush's watch?

I would want it verified. I wouldn't take the word of the government, I don't do that anymore.

Any more... Yes.
I never believed what politicians say.
I just follow the game make the best calls I can based on averaged out lies mostly and see how it turns out.

My skeptic days started when I stop being a police officer, and it's been going down hill ever since.
Is setting aside partisanship too much to ask from mal?

Peter King

You didn't Read what I Wrote... But I am not Surprised by that. :thup:

For NOT doing what Barry said he was going to when Campaigning, and for basically sticking with, and Utilizing the Machine put in Place by (43), I Applaud him...

Had he Shut down Gitmo and Refused to Use Intel from those Tortured Sources, he wouldn't have been Successful and Finding and Killing Obama...

My Rant is about how the Left would have Played this if it were (43) and still 2007 and all of what is going now was then...

They would have been just as I Illstrated in the above, and just as they were for the Duration of (43)'s Presidency no matter what happened.

I don't Expect Dishonest Liberals to Concede this, or to Concede that the Tactics, Laws and Machinery that were put in place by (43) and Utilized by Obama was what lead to this Success.

Carry on.



And how would the right have played it if this exact same thing with OBL had happened under Bush's watch?

Obama campaigned Against ALL of the very things he is now doing...

The Hypocrisy is his and the Left's.


I am trying to digest the clip I just saw of pelsoi saying in 06 that it was 5 years to late to get Osama and it didn't matter anyway at that point....
Memo to the Left Revisited: Afghanistan wasn't about bin Laden and neither was Iraq

I have been having this Debate with either Deliberately Dishonest or Concerningly Ignorant Liberals since just after we Invaded Afghanistan back in the Fall of 2001... Some of you may not remember, but there were plenty of Nay-Sayers around our First "War of Choice" after 9/11 at the time... From ABCNews to Slate to Tom Daschle to the average Bush Hater on the street.©... A Saddam connection? <Read that from Slate Circa 2001... It might shock you.

They were subsequently drowned out in Late 2002 by the prospects of going into Iraq, and that's when everyone finally settled on bin Laden as the Reason we went into Afghanistan and started screaming, "Saddam wasn't behind 9/11"... Well, Bush NEVER said he was.

It's funny, the Authorization for Use of Military Force in 2001 that was the Justification for the War in Afghanistan, doesn't mention Afghanistan or bin Laden: Click me!

And curiously, the Joint Resolution to Authorize Use of Force Against Iraq in 2002 doesn't mention bin Laden either and in NO WAY Implicates or Accuses Saddam of being behind 9/11: Click me!

I Know the Facts are Difficult and Burdensome to the Hopes and Dreams of some about the Bush Administration, but they are the Facts.

OK, you can't Counter that Data?... So you say "Where's the WMD?"...

One of my Favorites... There were 109 Facilities in Iraq that were Documented and SEALED by the UN leading up to our Authorization for Force in 2002. The UN Documented Mass Stockpiles of WMD and Banned Long Range Missiles in these Facilities... After 5 months of playing footsies with the Frogs @ the UN so that they could get their Ducks out of Saddam's Bed, those Facilities were Emptied. By the time our Forces go to them in the Spring of 2003... Gone.

Read this as MANY times as it takes Liberals: Missing does NOT = WMD Never Existed... End of List.

And the Masses that Saddam Gassed in his History Defies your Disgusting Denials.

As for all of the Bellyaching around Torturing Terrorists @ Gitmo, Extraordinary Rendition, Drones, Assassinations, Wars of Choice, Nation Building and the rest that the Left pinned on Bush...

What is Barry doing Differently?... Libya?... Invading Pakistan, an Ally, to Assassinate an Arab we don't even Implicate by name in either of our Authorizations of Force?... And he and his Family were Unarmed in a Residential Area to boot!

Ask yourselves Liberals... What would you be saying right now if all of this were taking place in 2007?...

Be Honest... You would have been saying what I just said that probably got you angry with me... But I remember how Dismissive you were of Saddam's Capture... How angry you were by the Execution of his Sons...

Now you all are Celebrating like this is a Sporting Event and Barry is the Greatest Caesar to have ever sent Gladiators to Battle.

The Fact is that Barry used the entire Military/Counter-Terrorism Apparatus that Bush put in place, including the same SEAL Team that took out Saddam, to take out bin Laden and to keep us Safe here on our Soil for the first 2 years of his Presidency... And I applaud him for it.

But he Campaigned AGAINST getting Information out of Gitmo Detainees that way... Yet he Utilized that Intel that was Extracted there to take bin Laden out.

He Campaigned AGAINST Acting Unilaterally Militarily, yet did so 100% in Pakistan last week, not even Informing our "Ally" that we were Invading their Soil.

Bush had a Coalition in Iraq that Barry couldn't gather for ANYTHING, including getting bin Laden, yet the Liberals said that Coalition was Fake or Small and that we still Acted Unilaterally in the end...

Bush also got Congressional Approval for his "Wars of Choice".

We WAITED for 5 MONTHS to Attack Iraq... 5 MONTHS!

Obama didn't even get Congressional Approval to Attack Libya and he Certainly didn't wait... AT ALL.

There would be calls for King George's Impeachment right now, not Demands that we Kiss his Ass for being so Brilliant in Strateegery in getting bin Laden, so much so that he could've just went in himself instead of the SEALs...

Because that's how the Left sounds about this right now... You sound like you have your first taste of Blood and are Hungry for more.

And you Know that the Left would be Claiming Fraud when told that bin Laden wasn't Armed, and that we had to Bury him at Sea right away...

They would have Islamic Experts and War Crimes Experts on every program looking into how Wrong what the Cowboy President did...

But this 2011... It's not the Cowboy President... It's the Supposed "Professor" of Hope and Change who could bring a New Tone to the World and get the Islamic World on our Side...

The One who would Close Gitmo... End Iraq... Complete Afghanistan and NOT Start Wars of Choice Unilaterally or going Invading Sovereign Nations Assassinating people.

You do Remember Candidate Barry 2008, don't you?... The not-quite-one-term Senator who regularly Criticized Bush for EXACTLY what President Barry does now?

All I expect out of the Left is a Concession and a, "we get it now, you guys were Right about how to Fight Islamic Terror", or I expect them to go after Barry like they did Bush for 7 years.

And even with more Energy, because at least Bush wasn't a Hypocrite about it.

Is Honesty too much to ask from my Fellow Humans?...

Is it?

Copyright ©2011 - tha malcontent/​


I fell for the Ben Laden did it, let's go get him motivation speech, until I found out he never was charged with the world trade center attack. I then question why we went in the first place.

You do not know about the attempt to build pipelines accross Afganistan?
Memo to the Left Revisited: Afghanistan wasn't about bin Laden and neither was Iraq

I have been having this Debate with either Deliberately Dishonest or Concerningly Ignorant Liberals since just after we Invaded Afghanistan back in the Fall of 2001... Some of you may not remember, but there were plenty of Nay-Sayers around our First "War of Choice" after 9/11 at the time... From ABCNews to Slate to Tom Daschle to the average Bush Hater on the street.©... A Saddam connection? <Read that from Slate Circa 2001... It might shock you.

They were subsequently drowned out in Late 2002 by the prospects of going into Iraq, and that's when everyone finally settled on bin Laden as the Reason we went into Afghanistan and started screaming, "Saddam wasn't behind 9/11"... Well, Bush NEVER said he was.

It's funny, the Authorization for Use of Military Force in 2001 that was the Justification for the War in Afghanistan, doesn't mention Afghanistan or bin Laden: Click me!

And curiously, the Joint Resolution to Authorize Use of Force Against Iraq in 2002 doesn't mention bin Laden either and in NO WAY Implicates or Accuses Saddam of being behind 9/11: Click me!

I Know the Facts are Difficult and Burdensome to the Hopes and Dreams of some about the Bush Administration, but they are the Facts.

OK, you can't Counter that Data?... So you say "Where's the WMD?"...

One of my Favorites... There were 109 Facilities in Iraq that were Documented and SEALED by the UN leading up to our Authorization for Force in 2002. The UN Documented Mass Stockpiles of WMD and Banned Long Range Missiles in these Facilities... After 5 months of playing footsies with the Frogs @ the UN so that they could get their Ducks out of Saddam's Bed, those Facilities were Emptied. By the time our Forces go to them in the Spring of 2003... Gone.

Read this as MANY times as it takes Liberals: Missing does NOT = WMD Never Existed... End of List.

And the Masses that Saddam Gassed in his History Defies your Disgusting Denials.

As for all of the Bellyaching around Torturing Terrorists @ Gitmo, Extraordinary Rendition, Drones, Assassinations, Wars of Choice, Nation Building and the rest that the Left pinned on Bush...

What is Barry doing Differently?... Libya?... Invading Pakistan, an Ally, to Assassinate an Arab we don't even Implicate by name in either of our Authorizations of Force?... And he and his Family were Unarmed in a Residential Area to boot!

Ask yourselves Liberals... What would you be saying right now if all of this were taking place in 2007?...

Be Honest... You would have been saying what I just said that probably got you angry with me... But I remember how Dismissive you were of Saddam's Capture... How angry you were by the Execution of his Sons...

Now you all are Celebrating like this is a Sporting Event and Barry is the Greatest Caesar to have ever sent Gladiators to Battle.

The Fact is that Barry used the entire Military/Counter-Terrorism Apparatus that Bush put in place, including the same SEAL Team that took out Saddam, to take out bin Laden and to keep us Safe here on our Soil for the first 2 years of his Presidency... And I applaud him for it.

But he Campaigned AGAINST getting Information out of Gitmo Detainees that way... Yet he Utilized that Intel that was Extracted there to take bin Laden out.

He Campaigned AGAINST Acting Unilaterally Militarily, yet did so 100% in Pakistan last week, not even Informing our "Ally" that we were Invading their Soil.

Bush had a Coalition in Iraq that Barry couldn't gather for ANYTHING, including getting bin Laden, yet the Liberals said that Coalition was Fake or Small and that we still Acted Unilaterally in the end...

Bush also got Congressional Approval for his "Wars of Choice".

We WAITED for 5 MONTHS to Attack Iraq... 5 MONTHS!

Obama didn't even get Congressional Approval to Attack Libya and he Certainly didn't wait... AT ALL.

There would be calls for King George's Impeachment right now, not Demands that we Kiss his Ass for being so Brilliant in Strateegery in getting bin Laden, so much so that he could've just went in himself instead of the SEALs...

Because that's how the Left sounds about this right now... You sound like you have your first taste of Blood and are Hungry for more.

And you Know that the Left would be Claiming Fraud when told that bin Laden wasn't Armed, and that we had to Bury him at Sea right away...

They would have Islamic Experts and War Crimes Experts on every program looking into how Wrong what the Cowboy President did...

But this 2011... It's not the Cowboy President... It's the Supposed "Professor" of Hope and Change who could bring a New Tone to the World and get the Islamic World on our Side...

The One who would Close Gitmo... End Iraq... Complete Afghanistan and NOT Start Wars of Choice Unilaterally or going Invading Sovereign Nations Assassinating people.

You do Remember Candidate Barry 2008, don't you?... The not-quite-one-term Senator who regularly Criticized Bush for EXACTLY what President Barry does now?

All I expect out of the Left is a Concession and a, "we get it now, you guys were Right about how to Fight Islamic Terror", or I expect them to go after Barry like they did Bush for 7 years.

And even with more Energy, because at least Bush wasn't a Hypocrite about it.

Is Honesty too much to ask from my Fellow Humans?...

Is it?

Copyright ©2011 - tha malcontent/​


I fell for the Ben Laden did it, let's go get him motivation speech, until I found out he never was charged with the world trade center attack. I then question why we went in the first place.

You do not know about the attempt to build pipelines accross Afganistan?

I had heard that mentioned after the fact, also those high minerals deposits.
The Fact is that Barry used the entire Military/Counter-Terrorism Apparatus that Bush put in place, including the same SEAL Team that took out Saddam, to take out bin Laden and to keep us Safe here on our Soil for the first 2 years of his Presidency... And I applaud him for it.

For all the Lying Racist Cowards like Ravi...



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