merged threads on beheading in egypt

Pity we could find these and other terrorists families and a make a few movies of our own....:death:
ALL for killing them where they stand. Hell with the intel. Kill em til they come beggin for mercy with bin Ladens head on a plate. And if they don't, keep killin em any way before they get us. Your are still trying to be above it all,DK. I think trying to appear above it all is prolonging the war costing lives and makes us look stupid. I KNOW I am better than they are. Fuck what the rest of the world thinks! If they havent seen us act with extreme patience and care by now they never will. Let some PR dude deal with the fallout. I do not feel guilty about America and am tired of trying to defend it.
Originally posted by dilloduck
ALL for killing them where they stand. Hell with the intel. Kill em til they come beggin for mercy with bin Ladens head on a plate. And if they don't, keep killin em any way before they get us. Your are still trying to be above it all,DK. I think trying to appear above it all is prolonging the war costing lives and makes us look stupid. I KNOW I am better than they are. Fuck what the rest of the world thinks! If they havent seen us act with extreme patience and care by now they never will. Let some PR dude deal with the fallout. I do not feel guilty about America and am tired of trying to defend it.

I say it's time to turn baghdad into glass. Fuck this.
video here

it's horrendous, disgusting and EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!!! BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!


(who the F*** are we kidding?) :(
i apologize for posting such graphic material, but if we don't send a message to the world that we need a change of leadership, there's going to be some really bad shit going down!!!

get ready for dirty bombs, new enemies, and a living hell. WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE GONE TO IRAQ AND GOT OURSELVES INTO THIS MESS!!!!!!!!
we need to intensify our force over there if anything. If we cut and run now we prove that terrorists can win.
look sir evil,


i agree we need to bolster troops, but moreover we need a plan that works!!! we are failing right now!

that video made me sick to my stomach. it only PROVES how we have failed so far and we are STILL FAILING.

we need a plan. NOW. we elected these people to do the right thing. to handle the job. we are not making progress. i am not saying cut and run, but we NEED A CHANGE!!!! if our leadership cannot handle the job, it's TIME TO REPLACE IT WITH SOMEONE WHO CAN!

i'm tired of the death, the poor planning, the damage controls, the polls, everything! i believe we can keep the dirty suitcase bomb from coming here, if we adopt a new stragedy!!! and it shouldn't involve more KILLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spilly and the other lib-o-craps, get confused between ignoring problems and dealing with them. They're confused about freedom and tyranny, black and white, right and wrong, truth and lies.
C'mon man have some friggin decency when it comes to a human life!

let's get this straight-


i don't even know if kerry could turn things around!!!! i've just HAD IT with the way these people that we pay to run our country have screwed it all up!!!! our policy, and our approach HAS TO CHANGE. it has to DRASTICALLY CHANGE! otherwise, death on a mass scale is coming here to the states. i sure hope none of you want that!!!!!!!
Spilly and the other lib-o-craps, get confused between ignoring problems and dealing with them. They're confused about freedom and tyranny, black and white, right and wrong, truth and lies.

oh really? great job dealing with this tyranny, man! fine mess we've made!!!! how could we have done any worse?!!! nuking the area?

diff between you and i that I DON'T STRIVE FOR SEGREGATION. i don't demonize those who don't agree with me. i don't focus on them being the problem. i focus on the problem BEING THE PROBLEM.

what do you say we work TOGETHER to come up with a solution???!!
Originally posted by spillmind

man! what's it going to take before people realise what we are doing is NOT WORKING??!!!

Take your perspective-free, negative, historically ignorant and antiamerican viewpoint and go shopping at wal-mart.
Can you believe this? Yes, this is what the "religion of peace" did to one of our troops:

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 11, 2004

WASHINGTON, May 11 (MASNET & News Agencies) - An al-Qaeda-related website posted a video showing the beheading of a 26-year-old American whose body was found in Baghdad over the weekend, reports U.S. television networks.

A senior U.S. State Department official identified the slain American as Nicholas Berg, a private businessman from Pennsylvania who was in Iraq looking for contracts, reports Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The official said Berg's body had been found by the side of a road near Baghdad over the weekend.

Television networks said the video of Berg's execution showed five hooded men standing behind Berg while one of them read a statement denouncing the abuses of Iraqi detainees by U.S. soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison.

A poor quality videotape on the site showed a bearded Berg seated on the ground dressed in an orange jumpsuit sitting bound on a white plastic chair in a bare room, then on the floor with five masked men behind him, reports Reuters news agency.

"My name is Nick Berg, my father's name is Michael... I have a brother and sister, David and Sarah," said the bound man, adding he was from Philadelphia.

"For the mothers and wives of American soldiers, we tell you that we offered the U.S. administration to exchange this hostage with some of the detainees in Abu Ghraib and they refused," one of the men read from a statement.

"So we tell you that the dignity of the Muslim men and women in Abu Ghraib and others is not redeemed except by blood and souls. You will not receive anything from us but coffins after coffins ... slaughtered in this way."

After the statement was finished, Berg's captors decapitated him with a large knife, according to the television networks, which did not show video of the actual execution but described it as horrific.

The gruesome manner of slaying was similar to the 2002 killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and beheaded in Pakistan by al-Qaeda members.

Television networks said the tape on the website with links to al-Qaeda was titled "Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi slaughtering an American."

Zarqawi is a wanted al-Qaeda operative and is a top ally of Osama bin Laden. The networks said it was unclear whether Zarqawi himself murdered Berg.

Jordanian-born Zarqawi, 37, has raised his profile and status as al-Qaeda's most active operational leader with a series of suicide bombs and attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, reports Reuters.

A U.S. official said the Central Intelligence Agency was reviewing the tape. The person killed on the video identified himself as Berg and gave the correct names for his parents, reports Reuters.

"We're reviewing the tape. At this point we need to review it to see whether it is Zarqawi," the official said.

The State Department official said Berg had gone missing in mid-April.

"Berg's body was found with his hands behind his back and beheaded," said another U.S. official who declined to be identified. "The body was found along a roadside by a U.S. military patrol."

"He was a private American citizen not associated with a military contract," said an official.

Berg was a small-business owner from West Chester, PA, a Philadelphia suburb, his family said Tuesday.

The State Department official also said that Berg had been taken into Iraqi custody around the town of Mosul in late March. "He was released and went to Baghdad in early April," the official said, adding that he did not know why Berg was arrested.
Originally posted by spillmind
look sir evil,


i agree we need to bolster troops, but moreover we need a plan that works!!! we are failing right now!

that video made me sick to my stomach. it only PROVES how we have failed so far and we are STILL FAILING.

we need a plan. NOW. we elected these people to do the right thing. to handle the job. we are not making progress. i am not saying cut and run, but we NEED A CHANGE!!!! if our leadership cannot handle the job, it's TIME TO REPLACE IT WITH SOMEONE WHO CAN!

i'm tired of the death, the poor planning, the damage controls, the polls, everything! i believe we can keep the dirty suitcase bomb from coming here, if we adopt a new stragedy!!! and it shouldn't involve more KILLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First, what the heck is a stradegy?

Second, How is electing Kerry going to help us handle the job? All he has promised to do is go to the UN and grovel in front of France Germany, Russia and a bunch of Muslim despots. how is that a better StaTegy? The man has already shown he is willing to vote to put our troops in harms way and then oppose the funding to give them freaking body armor. Kerry has admitted committing war attrocities far worse than these soldiers in Iraq did. You can disagree with Bush all you want but how on earth are you going to say Kerry will handle the job better?
It proves how desperate they are and how well they know our LMM. I just watched several news channels and they are all giving this story about 20 secs except for FOX. MUCH more time is being spent on covering the prison abuse. I'm beside myself with anger at the press' lack of truthful reporting. I can only assume that they are afraid to show this video because Americans will be either angry at them or angry at the terrorists. If it would produce anger at Bush it would be on your TV for 24 hours straight!:chains:

This is for you ----media mind controllers !!!!!!!
Spilly--You better ask the media when america is ready for a new strategy because its up to them bastards. If a new strategy is occuring as we speak I certainly hope our leaders ask the press if it will work. The libs got their finger in the wind trying out how to make political hay so dont look to them for help.

secret-----the strategy that will work is unamerican----holy shit--what do we do now batman???
First, what the heck is a stradegy?
until you hammer your partisan board cronies as well, this is total hypocrisy.

i didn't say kerry would be able to handle it better, did i?. I SAID WE NEED A CHANGE! so far bush HAS FAILED. PLEASE prove me wrong.

If it would produce anger at Bush it would be on your TV for 24 hours straight!
oh please! why won't bush release the photos and videos he's seen yet? give me a break.

The libs got their finger in the wind trying out how to make political hay so dont look to them for help.
spare us your SEGREGATION CRAP, wouldya?
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
From AP

CAIRO, Egypt - A video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site appeared to show a group affiliated with al-Qaida beheading an American in Iraq (news - web sites), saying the death was revenge for the prisoner-abuse scandal.

The video showed five men wearing headscarves and black ski masks, standing over a bound man in an orange jumpsuit who identified himself as an American from Philadelphia.

After reading a statement, the men were seen pulling the man to his side and cutting off his head with a large knife. They then held the head out before the camera.

I think this took place in Iraq....
I'm enraged at the media and people who will not or cannot see that this is not the time for talking or trying to keep our holier than thou image. It's time to unite and kick ass with overwhelming power like the mideast has never seen. Can America do an "unamerican" thing to save ourselves. Bush HAS to ignore the media NOW and KILL THEM.

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