Merkel's Madhouse has Merkel for ever!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
You betcha, Merkel & Co will never abandon DDR 2.0 governement because they know a new chancellor will immediately launch police investigation all these crimes committed by Merkel in the last two decades.

Reason can be very simple: Abolition of elections to stop 'Nazis' and 'AFD'.

Look how so-called SPD, CDU and CSU broke all their promisees to voters now and hardly working on a Great Coalition to stop 'racists' and avoid new election.

The Germans are smart designers, great engineers and awesome builders, but they have a bad habit of electing terrible leaders
The Germans are smart designers, great engineers and awesome builders, but they have a bad habit of electing terrible leaders
I remember that in the documentory of the Bismarch battleship, the ship was not to be reffered to as a she, because they felt that the strength of the ship was more representative of a he in which was to be found in it's physical strength and in it's fighting strength. Has Germany undergone a wussification over the decades that has led them to their current debacles over time ? Now this is not a slam against women, but more so about keeping the right balance where both men and women contribute positively in their environments in which they should thrive co-equally in, but not tipping the balance into a disastrous situation where one or the other is abused by it.

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