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mom4 said:
I guess maybe I'd be the "Deacon," with a little "Coffee Klatch" and "Bliss Ninny" thrown in. And I must confess to secretly harboring "Grammarian" thoughts.

lol. pretty accurate i'd say. I don't know if giving feedback on these self impressions violates the impromptu rules we've devised, and frankly I don't care(rebel leader)!
mom4 said:
I guess maybe I'd be the "Deacon," with a little "Coffee Klatch" and "Bliss Ninny" thrown in. And I must confess to secretly harboring "Grammarian" thoughts.
I too repress my grammarian tendencies for the sake of board peace.
I love this site!!

I would call myself a Kung-Fu Master, but true Kung-Fu Masters don't have to make it known! :p:
rtwngAvngr said:
Let's do this let's say what we all think we are. Im across between, Ceaseless Rebutter, Evil Clown, Lonely guy, and drug guy.
Sometimes I'm an ass, sometimes I'm not.
Sometimes I'm arogant, sometimes I'm not.
Sometimes I'm patient, sometimes I'm not.
Sometimes I'm this or that, Sometimes NOT.

I know all that, I don't need some web site to "GROUP" me. :banana:
Mr. P said:
Sometimes I'm an ass, sometimes I'm not.
Sometimes I'm arogant, sometimes I'm not.
Sometimes I'm patient, sometimes I'm not.
Sometimes I'm this or that, Sometimes NOT.

I know all that, I don't need some web site to "GROUP" me. :banana:
There wasn't an "old coot" personality. I'm petitioning that site immediately for its inclusion. ;)
The ClayTaurus said:
I too repress my grammarian tendencies for the sake of board peace.

Yes...I've...noticed...that... ;)

I'll cop to Grammarian, though I, like you, mostly suppress it.
Abbey Normal said:
Sorry, D, but I think I'll pass. :)

I like this one too:
Palooka will battle anyone, anytime, anywhere - he seems to love it, even though he always takes a beating. After a terrific pounding at the hands of, for example, Kung-Fu Master, he'll just struggle to his feet and wobble back into the ring. His astonishing ability to absorb punishment leads one to suspect that during his long Warrior career Palooka has taken a few too many punches. Often, as an act of mercy, Nanny will step in to stop the fight.

:laugh: Who would that be here? J/K don't want to start any trouble.. :dev2:
Me? well I am the rebel leader but only by night by day I am a mild mannered reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper
deaddude said:
Me? well I am the rebel leader but only by night by day I am a mild mannered reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper
Do tell, we won't. SSSSSSssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh
deaddude said:
Me? well I am the rebel leader but only by night by day I am a mild mannered reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper

So, working for the MSM, huh? I might have guessed. :D
The ClayTaurus said:
There wasn't an "old coot" personality. I'm petitioning that site immediately for its inclusion. ;)
Watch it there, young feller!
The ClayTaurus said:
I prefer "little punk" thankyouverymuch.
Don't talk back to yer elders! Least we smit thee! That means we'll take a 2x4 to the side of yer head, PUNK!

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