Methane growth may be indicating a glacial termination event


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
Meh. We have basically zero understanding of how these things work.

Look at the BS about the ozone hole a few decades ago. We banned CFCs, but the ozone hole is back anyway. As if prior to the satellite era we had any clue about a hole in the ozone! But we did something and the ozone hole is back anyway.

Meh. We have basically zero understanding of how these things work.

Look at the BS about the ozone hole a few decades ago. We banned CFCs, but the ozone hole is back anyway. As if prior to the satellite era we had any clue about a hole in the ozone! But we did something and the ozone hole is back anyway.
Holes in the ozone layer open and close all the time and have always done so.
Meh. We have basically zero understanding of how these things work.

Look at the BS about the ozone hole a few decades ago. We banned CFCs, but the ozone hole is back anyway. As if prior to the satellite era we had any clue about a hole in the ozone! But we did something and the ozone hole is back anyway.
There are a lot of chicken-littles who feverishly consume any doomsday theories put out there.
So they allege.

No allegation. It has been followed by a number of smaller ice ages. To consider the Quaternary Ice Age still ongoing today would be to suggest that all of Earth history for billions of years back to the Pongola an ice age, with just "intergalacial" periods in between.

The Earth oscillates between being ice free and ice covered, so, the normal period is to only be partly covered with ice at the poles.
A non-anthropogenic acceleration in atmospheric methane since 2006 closely resembles methane trends seen in past glacial termination events.


My god it must suck to be you.

You are always worrying about the earth burning up.

You must live a miserable life.

Doesn't your husband ever tell you to stop being a pussy? You should listen to him.

Climate change is real, Missy and their ain't jackshit you can do about it because it is part of Nature. However, man made climate change is a big scam and if that is what you are afraid of then you are dumber than a door knob.
Meh. We have basically zero understanding of how these things work.

Look at the BS about the ozone hole a few decades ago. We banned CFCs, but the ozone hole is back anyway. As if prior to the satellite era we had any clue about a hole in the ozone! But we did something and the ozone hole is back anyway.
Why did you ask if you already knew the answer?
Passive/aggressive trolling?
To see if you read them, as I read both the article and the link to the actual study and yes, I knew these weren't some man-made global warming doomsday articles or thread, whether you did or not.
Fortunately this excess cow fart gas is escaping through the emerging Ozone hole above Antarctica .
Good news that our Alien friends have sorted out this mess for us .

For the record ... cows belch methane when they vomit up their food to be chewed again ... it's called "ruminating" ... our Fourth Pillar of The Solution is to consume 90% less meat ... so 90% less cows belching methane ... live like Neanderthals ... can't cut down trees so we'll have to live in caves ...

Methane has a very short lifespan in our atmosphere ... half-life of 15 years I believe ... so natural seepage isn't enough to change anything, certainly not any of the 100-year climate averages ... the methane would have to be continuously added to the atmosphere for there to be any effect ... and our pipeline system is one leaky son-of-a-bitch ... makes Jackson, Mississippi's water system look sound ...

The end consumer just isn't paying enough for natural gas service ... so safety and the environment will suffer ...


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