Methane growth may be indicating a glacial termination event

Consume less meat ... and use the surplus acreage as forestland ... like these lands were before humans arrived ... we grow human-food in California and ship it to Chicago ... because all the land within 1,000 miles of Chicago is used to grow animal-food ... cows and pigs and chickens and turkeys ... you should visit Corn Field National Park in Iowa ... covers the whole state ...

Not sure your question about the 199 species of critically endangered species of ruminates ... all their habitat is gone and farmers shoot them on sight ... you're better off fixing this leak in the natural gas pipelines:

There are some 200 species of ruminants, meaning 4 stomachs or more. Each one farting greenhouse gas. For some reason, climate freaks have latched onto cows. So you claim, stop eating meat. But a chicken, rabbit, and pigeon are not ruminants, so why can't I shoot and eat a rabbit? Your thought process is intriguing, cover the fields in crops and fly, ship, and truck them into different states and countries.

Apparently, growing and flying an avocado into the UK is as polluting as driving a VW car for the year. Those that believe cows are bad and fruit & veg are good don't understand the full picture.
A non-anthropogenic acceleration in atmospheric methane since 2006 closely resembles methane trends seen in past glacial termination events.


It's almost as if these morons never looked at the peak temperatures of the previous interglacial periods.
Burning coal to tell us the evils of burning coal ... yeah, they don't believe a word they say ...
I was certain this thread would draw poster Ding like a magnet given his obsession with the glacial/interglacial cycle.
Did you make this graphic just for this thread? It has no bearing on the thread topic whatsoever but I guess I appreciate the effort.

One thing this thread has accomplished is to establish a hard upper limit on the level of technical complexity any of the AGW deniers here are actually willing or able to address.
Did you make this graphic just for this thread? It has no bearing on the thread topic whatsoever but I guess I appreciate the effort.

One thing this thread has accomplished is to establish a hard upper limit on the level of technical complexity any of the AGW deniers here are actually willing or able to address.
You mad bro? The world hasn't imploded and that makes you mad don't it?
A non-anthropogenic acceleration in atmospheric methane since 2006 closely resembles methane trends seen in past glacial termination events.


Have you stopped farting to do your part? Your explosion will save the planet.

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