Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”

I'm so done talking to you about this.

I can't debate with fucking youtube videos being shoved down my throat and not a god damn word you say being of your own opinion.

Your opinions are formed FOR you, by people who are already of questionable credibility.

I don't form my opinions from ANYONE. You should try it sometime.

We're done. Have fun with the rest of the dopes in here who for some reason want to continue offering you relevance.
Hi Paulie:

I'm so done talking to you about this.

I can't debate with fucking youtube videos being shoved down my throat and not a god damn word you say being of your own opinion.

This is the USMB "Conspiracy Theories" Forum, Paulie. So, what is 'your' conspiracy theory about 'this' Topic? Oh, that's right. Paulie does not have any Conspiracy Theories, because 'none exist' (my signature). My hypothesis is that this Swine11 Influenza Virus is a 'biological weapon' created in a U.S. Military Laboratory ( for the purpose of Global Genocide by the same inside-job terrorists who murdered JFK 'and' the same people who pulled off the 9/11 attacks 'and' the same people who orchestrated the U.S./Global Meltdown (Chapter 3). The Swine11 Update Articles and Videos include 'evidence' to support 'my' Conspiracy Theory for which this Conspiracy Theories Forum was created in the first place. Watch this short video and gain some insight on the real enemy behind all of these atrocities:

[ame=""]Wake The Hell Up Already, OR Whine And Cry And Stay Asleep ...[/ame]

If you cannot stand the heat (Paulie whines like my grandchildren), then keep your behind out of the cotton-picking Conspiracy Theory Kitchen. When everything I am presenting turns out to be 'right on,' then Paulie can burn in the lake of fire with all the other cowards, unbelievers, murderers and "all liars" (Rev. 21:8) running diversion for Rothschild/Rockefeller Genocidal MONSTERS; because 'you' stand in the way of others coming to 'the' 911Truth 'and' the "Swine11 Truth" that Paulie is too goddamned scared to even consider. You are far better off to remain silent and appear wise to somebody (Proverbs 17:28) . . .


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I gave you my response HERE.

You just refuse to listen because Jeff Rense didn't say so.

If you read it closely enough, too, you'll even find that there ARE some conspiracy theories in it...such as:

Paulie said:
Even IF theres this mass plan of new world order and martial law and all that, the powers that be are nowhere even CLOSE to being able to pull it off.

Their best chance was during the financial collapse last year when everyone was panicked. They had the public literally wrapped around their fingers, and all they did was spend more money. That's all it's ever about Terral...MONEY.


Paulie said:
They have way more to gain by letting society remain the way it is and continually sucking us dry while we work for their bread like the slaves that we all are.


We keep working like slaves, and creating newer and cooler toys for them to buy and enjoy with all the money they suck us dry of.

Those are conspiracy theories as well jerk off, just not as crazy as yours, and they didn't come from the esteemed Dr. Deagle.

Fuck off you stupid fucking dumb piece of shit.

I think in your old age you're beginning to show signs of dementia. That leads to alzheimers, and then death.

Like I've said to you before...stop listening to this crap, and just go out and enjoy life. Throw a ball with your grandchildren, take them to ball game, do SOMETHING.

Stop looking for everything that SUCKS about life. What a damn waste.
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Greetings to All: Story

A National Emergency, under the Stafford Act: GOOD-BYE BILL OF RIGHTS and HELLO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS

October 24, 2009 at 6:43 pm (Uncategorized)

by Stephanie S. Jasky, Founder, Director

What does this mean for YOU? It means the Federal Government has just declared its right to revoke the Bill of Rights:

A National Emergency, under the Stafford Act:


With respect to the current outbreak, the Public Health Emergency Fund is available (but is currently unfunded) 17 and Emergency Use Authorizations have been granted by FDA.18 However, the Secretary’s waiver and modification authority has not been activated because there is no concurrent presidential declaration under either the Stafford Act or the National Emergencies Act.

(comment: report published in May 2009)

So declaring this emergency doesn’t really make more funds available. They don’t EXIST! So, that’s not the reason……


A presidential declaration under the Stafford Act triggers federal emergency authorities that are independent of the Secretary’s public health emergency authorities. Declarations under the Stafford Act fall into two categories: emergency declarations and major disaster declarations. As of this point in time, there have been no Stafford Act declarations pertaining to the current influenza A(H1N1) virus outbreak. A presidential emergency declaration under the Stafford Act authorizes the President to direct federal agencies to support state and local emergency assistance activities; coordinate disaster relief provided by federal and non-federal organizations; provide technical and advisory assistance to state and local governments; provide emergency assistance through federal agencies; remove debris through grants to state and local governments; provide assistance to individuals and households for temporary housing and uninsured personal needs; and assist state and local governments in the distribution of medicine, food, and consumables.

19 The total amount of assistance available is limited in an emergency declaration to $5 million, “unless the President determines that there is a continuing need; Congress must be notified if the $5 million ceiling is breached.

Source: Document prepared for Congress in May, 2009:

Now, we’re getting down to the real reasons….

Further of interest from this document:


A major disaster declaration authorizes the President to offer all the assistance authorized under an emergency declaration, and further authorizes funds for the repair and restoration of federal facilities, unemployment assistance, emergency grants to assist low-income migrant and seasonal farm workers, food coupons and distribution, relocation assistance, crisis counseling assistance and training, community disaster loans, emergency communications, and emergency public transportation.23 Additionally, the total amount of assistance provided in a major disaster declaration is not subject to a ceiling in the same way as under an emergency declaration.

And here is the money quote:


The Public Health Service Act and the Stafford Act contain authorities that
allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the President, respectively, to take certain actions during emergencies or disasters. While the primary authority for quarantine and isolation in the United States resides at the state level, the federal government has jurisdiction over interstate and border quarantine. Border entry and border closing issues may arise in the context of measures designed to keep individuals who have, or may have, influenza A(H1N1) from crossing U.S. borders. Aliens with the H1N1 virus can be denied entry, but American citizens cannot be excluded from the United States solely because of a communicable disease, although they may be quarantined or isolated at the border for health reasons. Airlines have considerable discretion to implement travel restrictions relating to the safety and/or security of flights and other passengers and crew. In addition, the federal government has broad legal authority to regulate and control the navigable airspace of the United States in dealing with incidents involving communicable diseases. States have authority to initiate other emergency measures such as MANDATORY VACCINATION ORDERS and certain nonpharmaceutical interventions such as school closures, which may lessen the spread of an infectious disease. The International Health Regulations adopted by the World Health Organization in 2005 provide a framework for international cooperation against infectious disease threats.

The use of these emergency measures to contain the influenza A(H1N1) virus outbreak may raise a classic civil rights issue: to what extent can an individual’s liberty be curtailed to advance the common good? The U.S. Constitution and federal civil rights laws provide for individual due process and equal protection rights as well as a right to privacy, but these rights are balanced against the needs of the community.

And there you have it, in black and white. I make no determination as to whether H1N1A is truly the public threat they are presenting, although there have been deaths of children at a concerning rate, even here in Michigan – the fact is, the Stafford Act allows the Federal Government to strip away all your rights. While this National Emergency is in effect, this gives the Federal Government carte blanche to use this declaration for whatever it pleases. Rights have been now officially suspended.

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I can just imagine your grandchildren...

"why goes pop-pop sit in that basement chamber all time at the computer, mommy?"
Greetings to All:

Dr. Horowitz is exposing Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide!

[ame=""]Dr. Horowitz Rips Dr. Oz Apart On H1N1 Fraud 1/3[/ame]

[ame=""]Dr. Horowitz Rips Dr. Oz Apart On H1N1 Fraud 2/3[/ame]

[ame=]Dr. Horowitz Rips Dr. Oz Apart On H1N1 Fraud 3/3[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

[ame=]Word On The Street: No To Vaccine![/ame]


Greetings to All:Terral
I was interviewed by Russia Today in 2005 at an Anti-War Counter Protest in D.C. I wasn't spewing the anti-war line they were looking for so they never used my clip. Oh well.

aaaaahhhh, I see what you did there!

But on the real though, fuck the vaccine. I'll never take it, but not for Terral's reasons. I'd rather someone just come cough some swine flu in my face.

Besides, I can almost SWEAR I had it back in March anyway. Worst flu in my life, and I had every symptom except for vomitting. But I've never been a vomiter anyway.
No roadblocks by the 15th, Terral.

No rounding up of the red-listers in the weeks leading up to it...

When are you going to stop listening to this bullshit you cling to as your proof?

You're listening to people who literally make a LIVING out of sensationalizing their information.

All I'm saying, is that you're being DUPED while you're calling all of us DUPES.

You don't see the irony in that at all?
Hi Paulie:

No roadblocks by the 15th, Terral.

No rounding up of the red-listers in the weeks leading up to it...

Give Obama more time. He will eventually declare Medical Martial Law and all of the foreign troops and roadblocks and checkpoints will be up and going before you know it . . .


I can't believe you have the balls to have made that post. I should pos-rep you just for that :lol:

Do you realize that statement gives you virtual perpetuity in any and all of your claims?

"just give it time, it'll happen eventually"

If you learned ANYTHING here, it should be DON'T MAKE CLAIMS WITH SPECIFIC DATES.

If you didn't learn THAT, than you're dumber than most of the sheep you lambaste so much on here.

In fact, you're just a sheep yourself. Just of a different sort, that's all. You listen to what you're told and do as the rest of the Swine11'ers do. That's the very definition of sheep right there.
Hi Paulie:

No roadblocks by the 15th, Terral.

No rounding up of the red-listers in the weeks leading up to it...

Give Obama more time. He will eventually declare Medical Martial Law and all of the foreign troops and roadblocks and checkpoints will be up and going before you know it . . .



Would you like to place a wager? I'll bet you won't but how about this. If, by March 1, medical martial law has not been implemented across the country, you will change your signature to "I'm a schedule one dumbass".
Hi Paulie:

. . . If you didn't learn THAT, than you're dumber than most of the sheep you lambaste so much on here . . .

First of all, Paulie, the vast majority here completely ignore the content of my posts. Most of these members and readers believe the Official 9/11 Cover Stories and think in their heart of hearts that 'no conspiracy exists' (my sig). Paulie is the guy who comes to the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum every damned day to whine and cry, because other registered members have the audacity to post 'our' Conspiracy Theories. Right?

<Paulie Again!

The people with the ability to control 'when' H1N1/H5N1 Global Genocide begins with the coming "Second Wave" are the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide MONSTERS (story). Again, these are the same people who murdered JFK 'and' the same people who own the Federal Reserve 'and' the same people orchestrating the current U.S./Global Meltdown. The population of this planet is to be reduced to below 500 million people, according to Rothschild/Rockefeller Plans that have been in the works for decades. The H1N1 Holocaust has already started . . .

[ame=""]H1N1 Holocaust - Population Decrease[/ame]

. . . be sure to roll up 'your' sleeve . . .


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Greetings to All:

Wanted For Mass Murder: Barack Obama, Dr. Margaret Chan, & Dr. Thomas R. Frieden

[There is NO REASON for the WHO to declare a level 6 pandemic, much less for Obama to declare a "National Emergency". This is all about being poised to intentionally ratchet in a police state. Here in San Francisco, these deadly H1N1 vaccines are set to be rolled out to the public TOMORROW at several sites throughout the city. I am attempting to visit each site and put up my flyers. -ed]

Wanted for Mass Murder: Barack Obama, Dr Margaret Chan, & Dr Thomas R. Frieden

[Please Note: This is an extremely important article. It states that former Secret Service agent turned bioweapons "expert" Marc S Griswold, declared that he was ordered by Indonesian-Imposter-Posing-as-US-President Barack Obama, to transport a vial of the bio-weaponized H1N1 germs (from the Army's Fort Detrick, MD lab) ABOARD Air Force One when Obama (along with Marc Griswold and Energy Secretary Steven Chu) made an UNSCHEDULED trip to Mexico on April 16, 2009 for a "working dinner" with officials of the Mexican government. Upon Griswold's return to Texas on April 18, 2009, he (and later his family) began to experience the nation's FIRST symptoms of "Swine flu" 'pandemic'

--- A. True Ott, PhD, ND)

October 25, 2009

Wanted for Mass Murder: Barack Obama, Margaret Chan, & Dr Thomas Frieden (Oct 27, 2009)
(forward courtesy of Conspiracy King | Comspiracy King)
nbGazette - Facts not Fiction

Wanted for bio-terrorism, crimes against humanity, genocide and conspiracy to commit mass murder

De Facto US president Barack Hussein Obama, World Health Organization Head Dr. Margaret Chan and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Thomas R. Frieden are all guilty of conspiring to commit and committing the following high crimes: bio-terrorism, crimes against humanity, genocide and conspiracy to commit mass murder.

Bioterrorism is terrorism by intentional release or dissemination of biological agents (bacteria, viruses, or toxins); these may be in a naturally-occurring or in a human-modified form.

According to the US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. These agents are typically found in nature, but it is possible that they could be changed to increase their ability to cause disease, make them resistant to current medicines, or to increase their ability to be spread into the environment. (More)

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