Mexico will let illegals continue coming to America unless their demands are met


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
So basically Mexico is holding us ransom with an ultimatum. Pay latin American countries 20 billion a year, lift sanctions, legalize Mexicans in America and some other demands. If we don't then they will let the illegals continue to come to America via mexico.

They realize America is ripe to be exploited. They see our weak president, weak administration, weak government, and see the hundreds of billions they shovel at other countries and so on. So much so they will publicly blackmail America and extort us.

But the fact remains, the current administration wants all of these illegals flooding in here. They won't stop them. mexico knows this, that's why they openly mock us with ridiculous demands.
So basically Mexico is holding us ransom with an ultimatum. Pay latin American countries 20 billion a year, lift sanctions, legalize Mexicans in America and some other demands. If we don't then they will let the illegals continue to come to America via mexico.

They realize America is ripe to be exploited. They see our weak president, weak administration, weak government, and see the hundreds of billions they shovel at other countries and so on. So much so they will publicly blackmail America and extort us.

But the fact remains, the current administration wants all of these illegals flooding in here. They won't stop them. mexico knows this, that's why they openly mock us with ridiculous demands.

Only for 9 months and 26 days.

So basically Mexico is holding us ransom with an ultimatum. Pay latin American countries 20 billion a year, lift sanctions, legalize Mexicans in America and some other demands. If we don't then they will let the illegals continue to come to America via mexico.

They realize America is ripe to be exploited. They see our weak president, weak administration, weak government, and see the hundreds of billions they shovel at other countries and so on. So much so they will publicly blackmail America and extort us.

But the fact remains, the current administration wants all of these illegals flooding in here. They won't stop them. mexico knows this, that's why they openly mock us with ridiculous demands.
Obrador has made a declaration of war with this extortion demand and threat of further invasion. The US should shoot any invader that sets foot on American soil.
Obrador has made a declaration of war with this extortion demand and threat of further invasion. The US should shoot any invader that sets foot on American soil.
The invasion is killing and raping Americans. There are now an estimated several thousand members of the Romanian mob operating in the US. Deploying skimmers across a wide area stealing people's money and identities. Mass theft of baby formula (I wondered why Walmart had that locked up the other day) reselling it in Mexico.

Joe Biden did that! ^^^
So basically Mexico is holding us ransom with an ultimatum. Pay latin American countries 20 billion a year, lift sanctions, legalize Mexicans in America and some other demands. If we don't then they will let the illegals continue to come to America via mexico.

They realize America is ripe to be exploited. They see our weak president, weak administration, weak government, and see the hundreds of billions they shovel at other countries and so on. So much so they will publicly blackmail America and extort us.

But the fact remains, the current administration wants all of these illegals flooding in here. They won't stop them. mexico knows this, that's why they openly mock us with ridiculous demands.
This is what happens when you have spineless corrupt Democrats running the country. A little piss pot country like Mexico dictates to us on the illegals.
Obrador has made a declaration of war with this extortion demand and threat of further invasion. The US should shoot any invader that sets foot on American soil.

That won't ever happen under this current administration, ever. If it did they would get thrown in prison so fast their heads would spin.

Americans can't fight for their country when America's government is holding them back. It's like someone breaking into your home and robbing you and the police show up and handcuff you and put a gun to your head making you watch it all happen.

The presidential administration wants this to happen, they are letting it happen for their own selfish needs and the needs of people like George soros that want to see America end. And soros is anhuge contributer to the Democrats and pulls their strings. That's why he and the world economic forum declared America will no longer be a world super power very soon.

Mexico is just exploiting the situation and trying to cash in on America's weakness.
So basically Mexico is holding us ransom with an ultimatum. Pay latin American countries 20 billion a year, lift sanctions, legalize Mexicans in America and some other demands. If we don't then they will let the illegals continue to come to America via mexico.

They realize America is ripe to be exploited. They see our weak president, weak administration, weak government, and see the hundreds of billions they shovel at other countries and so on. So much so they will publicly blackmail America and extort us.

But the fact remains, the current administration wants all of these illegals flooding in here. They won't stop them. mexico knows this, that's why they openly mock us with ridiculous demands.
Pretty stupid decision. It could blow up tremendously if it doesn't work the way they think it's going to.
So basically Mexico is holding us ransom with an ultimatum. Pay latin American countries 20 billion a year, lift sanctions, legalize Mexicans in America and some other demands. If we don't then they will let the illegals continue to come to America via mexico.

Or these are actually, pretty sensible things we SHOULD do. We should lift the economic sanctions on Venezuela. We should be providing aid to provide economic relief to Central America.

Only for 9 months and 26 days.
Before BIden's second term? Can't wait.
It's like someone breaking into your home and robbing you and the police show up and handcuff you and put a gun to your head making you watch it all happen.
That^^^is happening in NY. Not in FL though. America's red states need to band together and secure our borders. Some steps have been taken, but not nearly enough. Biden needs to face a united front from US citizens to shut him and the democrats down for the next 9 months until some semblance of sanity can be restored in the US.
That^^^is happening in NY. Not in FL though. America's red states need to band together and secure our borders. Some steps have been taken, but not nearly enough. Biden needs to face a united front from US citizens to shut him and the democrats down for the next 9 months until some semblance of sanity can be restored in the US.
It's happening all over America my friend. You admitted as much no more than 3 days ago. LOL
What a difference one man can make... Trump had Mexico bowing to our every demand... Biden is getting his ass kicked by every nation on earth.... and we the people of America are having our nation stolen from us....
What demands had Mexico bowing? like paying for the wall?
Or now turning towards CHINA, because we wont work towards (any thing to ease the problem) Sorry rather deal with MEXICO

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