Michele Bachmann: God sent Hurricane Irene because we spend too much

It sounds like she is saying that God is trying to help people gain the attention of their elected officials. Then she says listen to the people... Not God, the people.

I'm not religious, I don't like this crazy ass religious bitch, but trying to spin what she said to mean God attacked America for spending too much is fucking retarded.

she is saying god is trying to help the american people by sending natural disasters, and if *they* don't listen s/he'll send more.

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Now you're saying Michele said "If you don't listen to the American people, God will send more natural disasters???????????????????????????????????????????" Where did this "more" come from???


i don't know how much god has to do would imply to a reasonably intelligent, unbiased observer that there's more where that came from.

of course, she was only kidding, she says now.
Anyways why would I have to defend any of what I said, I'm right and look who started the fucking thread... RW, a guy who hates Republicans "just because." He literally made up a quote and said it was Michele when she never said that sentence... He's a lying fuck that is killing his own party. The only people that believe shit like this are already Republican haters because they want to hate the Republicans… Many sane people, even if they are Democrats see this stuff and think “uhhh, I don’t like her but that’s not what she said.” Slowly many democrats are distancing themselves from you crazy ass people.

So keep it up!

this would be the part that is wrong, fwiw.

i won't bother getting into the quote part, because you've lost any ability to be rational about it
If Michelle Bachmann is president, God will smile fondly on us and we will have no more natural disasters.

That would make a wonderful campaign theme, don't you think?

yeah, better than "At least she is not a witch" :D
I think Bachman and O'Donnell are in the same coven. In fact, I'm pretty sure the Earthquake and the hurricane were both the result of their trying to summon Cthulhu so they could strike a deal.

I I wonder how the bible says a good Christian society should deal with these witches. Good thing for them we're not a Christian country :eusa_whistle:
“Of course she was saying it in jest,” Alice Stewart, spokeswoman for Bachmann's campaign, said in a statement sent to some media outlets.

Michele Bachmann ties God to quake, hurricane. Was she kidding? - latimes.com

Oh. She was kidding? Okay, did she tell the congregation? Because they'd want to know that about her, I'm sure. They'd want to know that God doesn't actually give wake-up calls (as they believe, and think she believes, too.)
“Of course she was saying it in jest,” Alice Stewart, spokeswoman for Bachmann's campaign, said in a statement sent to some media outlets.

Michele Bachmann ties God to quake, hurricane. Was she kidding? - latimes.com

Oh. She was kidding? Okay, did she tell the congregation? Because they'd want to know that about her, I'm sure. They'd want to know that God doesn't actually give wake-up calls (as they believe, and think she believes, too.)

So...she jokes about God in front of a congregation. Okey dokey.
Now, Bachmann is receiving substantial criticism from her Iowa supporters. Judd Saul, a GOP organizer in Iowa told the press that Bachmann needs to quit the “Barack Obama rock star crap.” Saul continued elaborated on the point, saying that other candidates like "(Perry) sat with people, talked with people. (Bachmann) acted like a rock star, refused to eat dinner with us," he said.

In Western Iowa, a county party chairman told Fox News that “(Bachmann) hasn't been making herself available...as far as retail politics is concerned; she's got a long way to go.”

Bachmann has received similar criticism for her regular tardiness to events, sometimes showing up more than one hour late and just appearing at an event for ten to twenty minutes, according to some reports. Iowan’s, especially, expect a lot of face-time with the candidates. If they do not receive it, or they find something untoward about the candidate’s campaign, they turn off quickly.

Iowa Organizer: Knock Off The
In case you haven't noticed, Michele Bachmann's presidential quest is essentially over. Maybe she should be asking God why he arranged that.
why did God make Perry run so that Bachman would have to slink away ?

It seems tea party people like their women mouthy and religious right up until they can find a Man who mouthy and religious.
why did God make Perry run so that Bachman would have to slink away ?

It seems tea party people like their women mouthy and religious right up until they can find a Man who mouthy and religious.

And the village idiot makes its appearance.

Dems hate wemon, that's why they elected Obama over Hilary... So logical yes?
“Of course she was saying it in jest,” Alice Stewart, spokeswoman for Bachmann's campaign, said in a statement sent to some media outlets.

Michele Bachmann ties God to quake, hurricane. Was she kidding? - latimes.com

Oh. She was kidding? Okay, did she tell the congregation? Because they'd want to know that about her, I'm sure. They'd want to know that God doesn't actually give wake-up calls (as they believe, and think she believes, too.)

We obviously were mistaken about Bachmann, We forget what a jokester she is and that anything she says should be taken with a grain of salt. God doesn't really want us to cut back spending....that is just Michels way of pulling our leg

She can't be lying about her actual intent....because she would not tell a lie about God
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Bachmann: God sends message through natural disasters

I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending.

I heard it's because NY allows gays to marry
“Of course she was saying it in jest,” Alice Stewart, spokeswoman for Bachmann's campaign, said in a statement sent to some media outlets.

Michele Bachmann ties God to quake, hurricane. Was she kidding? - latimes.com

Oh. She was kidding? Okay, did she tell the congregation? Because they'd want to know that about her, I'm sure. They'd want to know that God doesn't actually give wake-up calls (as they believe, and think she believes, too.)

We obviously were mistaken about Bachmann, We forget what a jokester she is and that anything she says should be taken with a grain of salt. God doesn't really want us to cut back spending....that is just Michels way of pulling out leg

She can't be lying about her actual intent....because she would not tell a lie about God


And how juvenile is that - to claim to be 'just kidding', once somebody calls you on your shit?
Space cadet Bachmann says something else retarded, nothing surprises me about this. True conservatives like myself are sickened at these space cadets.
In other words, God unleashed a violent storm that killed at least 27 Americans in eight states because politicians weren’t listening to regular people — like those who died.

And you thought Irene was mean. Do you think the parents of 20-year-old Celena Sylvestri want to hear that their daughter drowned in her car while fleeing to safety because God wanted to let off some political steam?

Given that logic, should we believe that Texas is suffering from a drought because God wanted to warn Americans about Rick Perry, who just held a big rally pleading for the Almighty to send rain?

That’s not just bad theology, but cruel and irresponsible political rhetoric.

The public outcry over Bachmann’s words prompted her handlers to issue a clumsy statement that went something like this: Just kidding.

But was she? For that matter, is death and destruction something to kid about?

God may or may not be in the wind but, on this matter, Bachmann was clearly a windbag.

Michele Bachmann - the wind and the windbag | StarTribune.com

Good point.
Bachmann, however, takes it one very dangerous step further: She imagines not only that there is meaning and purpose to such events and that they are controlled directly by God, she imagines that she knows the mind of God and can tell America what such events mean. That is called prophecy, especially when done in such an immediate and direct way, and as far as I know, Michelle Bachman doesn't claim to be a prophet. Or does she?

While not making that claim overtly, Bachmann consistently approaches both politics and religion from a position of absolutes -- the kind of absolutes that, if not 100 percent correct, can be pretty dangerous. From defaulting on our national debt to abortion to this weekend's hurricane, there is, according to Michelle Bachmann, only one right answer -- hers. And unless someone speaks with the absolute knowledge that most believers ascribe to God or prophets, that's a pretty dangerous way to speak.

Bachmann's God and her politics are one. They are clearly understood by her, they are 100 percent correct and all those who disagree are worthy of punishment. I get it. That's not my God and those are not my politics. In many ways, the coming presidential election is about the place of absolute answers in this country and how much space is made for those who disagree with whoever wins.

Brad Hirschfield: Does Michele Bachmann Speak for God?
Bachmann aide: Hurricane comment was in 'jest'

I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending.

If a Republican makes a joke you can count on right winger to be there taking it seriously But what's funnier is that you say this and yet in all seriousness you claim that socialism wills solve global warming...
Bachmann aide: Hurricane comment was in 'jest'

I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending.

CNN stated the whole thing was a joke here is the video:

Bachmann tries hand at Irene humor
American Morning|Added on August 29, 2011
GOP candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann jokes that recent natural disasters are God's way of getting D.C.'s attention.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Looks like a poor attempt at humor to me.
CaféAuLait;4068775 said:
Looks like a poor attempt at humor to me.

I agree. It's not funny, but taking it seriously is idiotic. Liberals have to do that though since neither empirical data nor reason support their positions. We're going to have a very racism charge laden year in 2012. You got one card in your deck, you play it. Over and over and over...

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