Michele Bachmann’s record: Earmarks, farm subsidies and pardons?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Michele Bachmann

In fact, during her four years and four months in Congress, Bachmann has sponsored and passed only two bills (one recognizing the 150th anniversary of Minnesota and one honoring public child welfare agencies) and three resolutions. (Note: Her Healthcare Fiscal Accountability Act in the current Congress has 91 co-sponsors and her St. Croix River crossing legislation has bipartisan co-sponsorship and the support of Democratic Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton. She is also talking with Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar about working together on this issue.)

Smashing, simply smashing.

I've got one thanks.

Mayby you should look for one.

It might broaden your horizons a bit. LOL
So a politician supported something most people thought was good for the environment and helped farmers too....so there's no point.

It's now clear ethanol isn't so green and it's not so cheap...so her views have probably changed.

Meanwhile dumbass libs like you keep jamming this green energy crap down our throat.
So you're wasting tax payer money being here on the job.....

Your IP address is...

I've got one thanks.

Mayby you should look for one.

It might broaden your horizons a bit. LOL

I have a job, a government job, the ones that you Republitards have "job envy" for because of my retirement plan and high salary.

No, I'm at home moron and I don't waste tax payer dollars, stop it with your job envy, I pay taxes too and I'm a 70% disabled vet.
Michele Bachmann’s record: Earmarks, farm subsidies and pardons?

"Bachmann falsely claimed that she and her husband "have never gotten a penny" from a family farm that received federal subsidies. But she reported income from the farm in 2006, 2008 and 2009 — the most recent year available — on her congressional financial disclosure statements."

Michele Bachmann

In fact, during her four years and four months in Congress, Bachmann has sponsored and passed only two bills (one recognizing the 150th anniversary of Minnesota and one honoring public child welfare agencies) and three resolutions. (Note: Her Healthcare Fiscal Accountability Act in the current Congress has 91 co-sponsors and her St. Croix River crossing legislation has bipartisan co-sponsorship and the support of Democratic Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton. She is also talking with Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar about working together on this issue.)

Smashing, simply smashing.


There are 435 members of the House. How many bills do you think they each get to pass, on average?

What an imbecile.
I've got one thanks.

Mayby you should look for one.

It might broaden your horizons a bit. LOL

I have a job, a government job, the ones that you Republitards have "job envy" for because of my retirement plan and high salary.

In other words, you're a tic on the ass of society.

Who would have guessed?

Republicans don't "envy" useless tics. They just want to quit paying their freight.
No, I'm at home moron and I don't waste tax payer dollars, stop it with your job envy, I pay taxes too and I'm a 70% disabled vet.

How can you have a job if you're disabled? Every dime you get paid is a waste of the taxpayer's money.

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