Michelle Malkin Beats Dems in Court


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
Man do I love that feisty, pretty, outspoken, and Conservative, Michelle Malkin. She recently hosted (or tried to) a documentary/expose' of Colorado's "GANG OF FOUR" (an elitist group of rich and powerful Dems who highjacked Colorado and turned it from a normal state into a Liberal/Socialist state). The Dems pulled their strings and manipulated the system under the cover of darkness (surprise, surprise). When Michelle sought to release the documentary to the public the Dems worked diligently to stifle her (and the producer's) 1st Amendment right to free press and freedom of speech. Good news ... the Dems lost! Why do Dems hate the truth and the light-of-day so much?

Who's Afraid of 'Rocky Mountain Heist'?
Democrats here in my adopted state of Colorado did not want the new political documentary I hosted to see the light of day. They lost. This week, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an emergency injunction declaring that our movie deserved the same free-speech rights as a "traditional" (translation: old-guard liberal) news organization.
The 10th circuit panel of three judges unanimously rejected speech-stifling arguments that our expose was somehow an "electioneering communication" subject to onerous disclosure requirements — from which the likes of the Denver Post or Colorado public radio are arbitrarily exempt. It's "government putting its thumb on the scale," Citizens United super-lawyer Ted Olson argued in court — treacherously elastic and prone to abuse.
Colorado activists in our movie inform voters how Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper pandered to his wealthy patrons and out-of-state special interests. Interviewees enlighten viewers on how Hickenlooper imposed radical laws and regulations restricting economic and personal freedoms on energy businesses, gun owners and entrepreneurs.
Who s Afraid of Rocky Mountain Heist CNS News

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