Microsoft Bob, version 8


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Over the years, Microsoft has made some astounding blunders with operating systems and GUI builds. MS-DOS 4.0 was a complete disaster, Windows 1.0 was also an unmitigated disaster. Windows ME and Vista also had issues with the public.

But perhaps the most infamous of Microsoft operating environments was MS-Bob.


Bob was a crapaliscious dung heap foisted on the public. Bob was mostly useless. An interface that did nothing to enhance computing. Someone thought Bob was "cute" and that the computing world was just dying for cute.

But really, Bob was garbage with not purpose to exist. So Bob faded from memory like a bad toothache.

Jump forward in time, and Bob has risen from the dungheap of history. This time to be called "Windows 8," or more appropriately, Metro.

Let me toss in a disclaimer; the first time I saw and used the Aero interface, I thought "this is it, this is EXACTLY what a user interface should be." Aero is the high-water mark for an interface between man an machine.

So Microsoft has taken the brilliance that is Aero, completely discarded it, and replaced it with a blocky mess that obscures the desktop. Oh, you can forget about elegantly docked windows that let you keep a dozen programs running. The Aero peak feature the so brilliantly lets you manage running programs in the command bar is gone, because Metro makes multitasking a thing of the past. XBox doesn't multitask, so why would anyone want to? Open a program, and it will obscure all else. Oh, and good luck finding applications. Microsoft wants you to spend your time at the XBox live store, not doing mundane tasks like Excel or Email. Speaking of Email, see that ugly box that says email? Don't expect it to launch Outlook and connect to an Exchange server, nope, Microsoft doesn't appear too friendly to the idea that people would use computers for something other than the XBox live marketplace. That ugly block will launch the Windows Mail program and try to get you to use MS Cloud mail (MSN Mail by another name still smell like an outhouse.) Just because the machine has an installed copy of Outlook that is fully configured to a professional mail system doesn't seem to move Metro Bob. Ditto the ugly block that says "Calendar." Don't expect it to actually load your Outlook calendar, use a Google Android device for that, Microsoft will have nothing to do with it.

Overall, Windows 8 brings nothing to the party. There are no significant advances in the OS to warrant an upgrade. The major change is the Metro UI, which is designed for cell phones and video game consoles, with apparently no thought of how it will affect computer users.

The consumer preview is still beta, and maybe Microsoft will somehow create a usable system. But I don't see how, given the complete mess that is Metro. Ugly and clumsy, with the worst task handling I've seen since Mac OS 1.0

Metro salvages Bob from the position of the worst UI in history in the same way that Obama salvages Jimmy Carter.
I made some similar points in another thread.
When I saw the video of Windows 8 - (besides ungodly security threats) I saw a social media appliance. An appliance that kids use when they want to do what they do on their smart phone on a bigger screen.
And BTW - Microsoft home...this is what I remember...note the dog in the bottom corner. The same dog used in XP finder.


  • $bobhome1p.png
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I can't help but think when I see Win 8 "Metro" that MS never took out a laptop with a touchpad and actually tried to use it or for that matter a desktop with a standard mouse on it. Many will argue that, it does have the old interface all you need to do, just go through Metro to get there. Then the question is if MS knew that, then why even have that option? Why not give the user the option to pick the UI they want? My main complaint with Win8 is "Metro" seems to say to the several hundred million installed users out there, "see you later" or go get a touch screen monitor. After using Win8 DVP in VMWare for a while now, I too am leaning towards skipping this one, and staying with 7 or perhaps moving a little more towards MINT.
The sad truth is that Microsoft owned the mobility platform. The first smart phones were Windows based. The Compaq iPaq was around YEARS before the iPhone, which clearly stole the name and motif from iPaq.
[ame=]10 Years Ago: Pocketnow's First Smartphone - YouTube[/ame]

But Microsoft didn't know how to market the device or how to refine it, allowing Apple to take that market.

Now Microsoft is suddenly interested in the mobility market, but rather than offering a compelling product, they piss in the face of desktop PC users.

This is an incredible blunder by Redmond.
I am sorry to inform the big guy, but I have already developed and released what, apparently, MS Bob had only dreamed it would become. Splinter is, from what I have seen of Bob, "Bob done right" on steroids.

I had never heard of Bob until a year after Splinter was made public. So it isn't a derivative or 'based on bob" or anything like that. It is my vision of what the desktop environment actually is, which is an entirely untapped and limitless universe capable of anything that can be imagined.

It is the world's first truly imagery based programming "language" and, as such, is able to be created with by the masses, not just the coders.

The latest demo video entitled Desktop Domination Demonstration shows the various genres of splinterfaces that I, myself, have already created. There are endless undiscovered genres that will be designed by the end user population, all in due time.

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